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Thread: sonic the hedgehog and... dragonball z?

  1. #1
    I'll make you famous sonic the hedgehog and... dragonball z? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    sonic the hedgehog and... dragonball z?

    Im sure many of you have heard this before, but it seems appearent that sonic the hedgehog draws MANY insperations and motifs from dragonball z. But just how many are there? lets find out:

    Sonic and Goku:
    they both seem to be the leading man in both of theirs groups, and also thought to be the strongest with a carefree additude.

    Shadow and Vegeta:
    Originally a villain who only thought to destroy Goku/Sonic they both eventually become heros/ antiheros, even if they arent always the nice guy.

    Knuckles and Picollo:
    Similar to Shadow/ Vageta, they start out as villains and become good guys somewhat as a partner to Sonic/ Goku, but are somewhat reserved.

    Tails and Gohan/ Krillan:
    they are the best friend of the hero, and also somewhat of a burden. often doubt themselves but are infact quite powerful themselves.

    Silver and Trunks:
    both are heros traveling to the past to save their destroyed future, they even have similar hair if you look at it.

    Dr Robotnic/ Eggman and Frieza/ Dr Gero:
    This is where the similarities start to change a bit, gero and the sonic Drs are similar in that they are always trying to development more robots/ androids to combat the heros, but i also noticed the trend with frieza and eggman always praising themselves even thought they often fall (in frieza's case this came later in the series after his first defeat), they even fly in hovercrafts all the time.

    Metal Sonic and the androids:
    created by Eggman/ Gero to fight sonic, and probably their greast attempt at doing so.

    Chaos and Majin Buu:
    they are seemingly destructive monsters from the past that were awoken by a villain who couldnt control them and start their own rampage, but in the end are actually good.

    Werehog and Great Ape:
    both are monstrous forms of the main heros.

    Amy and Chichi: the love interest of the main hero, and sometimes can be either very annoying or very scary.

    The 7 Chaos Emeralds and The 7 Dragonballs:
    both are mystical ancient relics thats hold amazing power.

    Super Sonic and Super Saiyan:
    both are the greatest forms of their heros, with uncanny similarities.

    Its an interesting thought, if you can find any more please list them
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  2. #2
    Death Before Dishonor sonic the hedgehog and... dragonball z? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: sonic the hedgehog and... dragonball z?

    Hmm before now the only thing I ever really saw that was similar was Super Sonic, and Shadow. But now that you mention it I notice alot of the things you mentioned.

    raped this game btw..

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!


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