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Thread: Marvel Universe unite

  1. #1
    the night man cometh Marvel Universe unite Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Marvel Universe unite

    *SPOILER ALERT* This thread contains the ending teaser from the movie Avengers so if you haven't seen the movie, you may want to GO BACK

    **This is also a SPOILER for what's going to happen in Marvel movies. So you may not want to read ANY of this**

    As most Marvel movies have the additional scene after the credits, we always get a glimpse of future story.. I was browsing some new film projects in the works and after seeing that He-Man the movie has been re-written into a script after it's serious flop in 1987; then I caught the final footage of the Avengers for my first time.

    I think it was Dr. Doom(?) talking to "Thanos" ..This is one bad muther trucker! Best know for his mini series entitled 'Infinity Gauntlet.'

    Well it turns out the Infinity Gauntlet is glimpsed briefly during the Thor adaptation film. It is seen in Odin's treasure room. It is disputed as the gauntlet in the film and is right handed. -according to wiki- I'll have to re-watch Thor.

    If this is true and Thanos survives all the Avenger sequels(there will obviously be 1 or 2 more sequels to Avengers) in 10 years or less this is my prediction of what is going to happen if they make use of this well schemed set-up; granted the item is not wasted on only the one crew..

    Infinity Gauntlet-like rendition Bitches!!
    If executed correctly, get ready to see every Marvel character you've seen so far on the big-screen and more debut as 'one' and get decimated by this thug Thanos and his power-glove. Literally wipes out over 3/4 of the Heroes including: X-Men, Fantastic 4, Avengers .. you name em, they get wasted one-by-one! Describing it as 'epic' would be an understatement.
    By far, the best Marvel war ever.

    Hopefully the gauntlet itself isn't wasted on just one movie. This is a gold-mine and if you can turn a single book The Hobbit in to a trilogy, this would be easy peasy. Here's hoping.

    There are plenty of questions revolving around this and if you're concerned; I can only recommend reading up on it. I would let you barrow the comics to answer these in a more full-filling explanation but I'm sure they're out to make these collector items worth some 'Rio de Janeiro,' if you know what I mean..

    [EDIT} haa, I was so wrapped up in seeing Thanos it was hard to catch the dialogue clearly so I went and found it.
    guy says to Thanos...
    "to wage a war on Earth would be to court Death"

    I'm not going to ruin the relationship between Thanos and Death because it's obvious I have now spoiled the 'coming-thing' in Marvel movies for you.
    Sorry all, I was just so excited and it looks like I have confirmed my own prediction with that quote. It could take longer than 10 years leading up to this but it's definitely happening.[/EDIT]
    Last edited by Joxsjua; 08-01-2012 at 10:15 PM.

  2. #2
    the night man cometh Marvel Universe unite Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Re: Marvel Universe unite

    yeah, I just read that Marvel is making a Gaurdians of the Galaxy movie to show the background story of Thanos and the Infinity gems... You will have never witnessed in ur lifetime a movie on par with the Infinity Gauntlet series. This is why Stan Lee refuses to go away.. everything ever scribed by him will be trumphed by this masterpiece.

    Any of you waiting to see a certain character make his/her debut?

  3. #3
    the night man cometh Marvel Universe unite Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Re: Marvel Universe unite

    Okay this video being posted on Aug. 2nd is just uncanny timing given the title of the thread.

    listen to 1:32-1:53 if your bored

    They paired up the Avengers with the Fantastic 4(word is they're remaking the F4) at the end of the last movie. Just waiting for the X-Men to cruise into the neighborhood now.

    Seriously tempted to bust the comics out of storage, the only clear memories I have is Wolverine's bones being removed, making him a blob of jelly, Silver Surfer's board disappearing and Thor's hammer being destroyed making him human. No clue how accurate the war is going to follow the story but either way, bound to be bitchin'!
    Last edited by Joxsjua; 08-04-2012 at 02:56 AM.

  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Marvel Universe unite Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Marvel Universe unite

    Those who read X-Men comics know just how expansive X-Men universe really is. Days of Future Past is certainly an ambitious project (here's hoping Ian Mckellen makes an appearance as future Magneto), if they manage to pull that off they may as well introduce Apocalypse (one can dream), the same way Avengers did with Thanos, and there's no Apocalypse without Cable. That's why I feel there's no need to connect X-Men with other projects Marvel has going on right now as X-Men universe can stand on it's own perfectly fine.

    Confession time! I don't really like Fantastic Four, in almost every media they seem/are kinda dull.

    As for Thanos, seeing as Infinity Gauntlet is in Odin's treasure room he'll make an appearance in Thor: The Dark World, I'm sure of it. Tesseract or Cosmic Cube if you will is also there so he might snatch that as well. One thing is certain, he'll make one hell of a villain.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  5. #5
    the night man cometh Marvel Universe unite Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Re: Marvel Universe unite

    Crap! I forgot about the cosmic cube. I have to go see the Avengers, I'm wondering how much they have revealed to the public thus far.
    Well this means we probably going to have to wait for both the 1st and 2nd Thanos Wars before we get to the Infinity... oh geez I hope they don't get rid of that Gauntlet through other means

    Hahha Xanatos. Don't worry, many people didn't like the Fantastic 4. They aren't that exciting of a crew.

    I wasn't very hyped to hear about this Days of Future Past but then you remind me of Cable. They mentioned "time-traveling" and the only one that sticks out in my mind to fit that bill is Cable. If they choose to have him enter as a teenager or anything older means that will awaken Apocalypse. Or they could show him as an infant getting infected, then they will introduce Stryfe as well. They could possibly montage both.

    That would be an easy way to have Loki approach Apocalypse after his modern day war tying the Avengers story with the X-Men. I have to go read up on the movie now to see the current introductions and outcome. haa
    Last edited by Joxsjua; 08-05-2012 at 02:27 AM.

  6. #6
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joxsjua View Post

    I think it was Dr. Doom(?) talking to "Thanos" ..This is one bad muther trucker! Best know for his mini series entitled 'Infinity Gauntlet.'

    Nope, the guy is called "The Other". As strange as it sounds, Marvel can't actually use Doom in any of their MCU movies because the F4 currently belongs to Fox (Marvel signed the rights away when they were on the verge of bankruptcy). There IS a rumor that Fox is willing to negotiate the usage of Galactus and the Silver Surfer for the MCU which would make the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie closer and more true to the comics (that's the movie we're going to see more of Thanos)

    I just can't wait to see this little guy on the big screen

  7. #7
    the night man cometh Marvel Universe unite Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain Highwind View Post
    Nope, the guy is called "The Other". As strange as it sounds, Marvel can't actually use Doom in any of their MCU movies because the F4 currently belongs to Fox (Marvel signed the rights away when they were on the verge of bankruptcy). There IS a rumor that Fox is willing to negotiate the usage of Galactus and the Silver Surfer for the MCU which would make the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie closer and more true to the comics (that's the movie we're going to see more of Thanos)
    Good, I'm glad to hear that Fox has the rights.
    I was wondering why they said they were going to start over and create F4 from scratch.. That would mean possibly they're giving a big FU to Fox and creating something truer to the comics than how the original F4 movies had introduced Galactus way to quickly.
    That raccoon guy is so ridiculous, I only read about him online but he sounded really cool. He ain't no Jar jar, that's for sure.

  8. #8
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joxsjua View Post
    Good, I'm glad to hear that Fox has the rights.
    Oh boy... That's like the Marvel equivalent of saying Joel Shumacher made 2 great Batman films.

  9. #9
    the night man cometh Marvel Universe unite Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain Highwind View Post
    Oh boy... That's like the Marvel equivalent of saying Joel Shumacher made 2 great Batman films.
    You're saying you didn't find the nipples on the Batman and Robin costumes classy?!

    The F4 movies weren't very good so I am saying Fox can keep those pew pew films. Marvel's re-making a NEW F4 so that hopefully means that the Fox copyrighted rendition won't be part of the Marvel universe collaboration.
    [EDIT]It looks like Fox is doing the reboot of F4 but if they don't start filming the reboot of Daredevil by Fall of this year they will lose the rights and ownership of that will go back to Marvel and Disney.[/EDIT]

    Just got sent this video today ... love the still at the end
    Last edited by Joxsjua; 08-16-2012 at 10:25 PM.

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