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Thread: Movie props you would LOVE to own

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  1. #1
    Registered User Movie props you would LOVE to own
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    Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Pretty much what the title says: What are some props from movies that you'd love to own in real life? Whether the reason may be, for bragging rights or for more practical purposes, movies can have some pretty awesome things that can make people go "Awwww!!! I need to get me one of those!"

    Even though the movie was pretty subpar, I want some of those hydraulic jump shoes from the Mario Bros. movie. And I want them to WORK!!! Another thing I want and want to work like in the movie would be the hover boards from Back to the Future: Part 2! Maybe in the next few years we'll actually get one. LOL, not likely but a lady can always dream... Nike IS apparently working on those self-lacing sneakers though!

    And finally, I think I'd like a Mogwai from the movie Gremlins. I dunno if I would keep a real one though... Too much can go wrong too easily. Wonder if stuffed versions were ever for sale at some point? Furbies were kind of close to 'em....if you squint your eyes or something.
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  2. #2
    Memento Rhapso Movie props you would LOVE to own Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    I'm pretty sure I could make one, but if I had the original it'd be better. Costumes count as props, right?

    If not, then probably the large, ceramic dong from A Clockwork Orange. It'd make a lovely, if not confusing, centerpiece, and then visitors in my home who have seen the movie will know that I mean business.

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  3. #3
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    I'd love to have that big flying dog in Neverending Story (First movie I recall seeing so it's special!) and put its face looking out on my window...

    And possibly scare people...I had a similar story when I had a lifelike golden retriever stuffed toy. I had it on my window and when the mover came in, he jumped up and thought it was real. lol

  4. #4
    Registered User Movie props you would LOVE to own Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    It's not really an onset prop but I'd love to have some of the original drawings from some of my favourite Disney movies, specifically Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast. I love Tangled, too but that film was all CGI but most of Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast were created by drawing. I think it would be awesome to frame them and hang them up somewhere special. Maybe one day if I get absolutely stinking rich I can. (never )

    Also, the actual McLovin fake ID from Superbad would be amazing to own, it's one of my favourite films and that's one of my favourite parts of the movie. I saw a t-shirt with the ID printed on the other week but I couldn't afford it

  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    I want Kaneda's jacket with the pill on the back, plus his kick ass bike. I want Scott Pilgrim's bass. I want Dirty Harry's gun. I want Frodo's mithril shirt. I want a protocol droid.

    Hm... can't really think of anything else right now. Of course, I'd want these things to all be the real thing, and work. (Then again, the bike and protocol droid would be nice for decoration.) Anyhoo...

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  6. #6
    Queen Movie props you would LOVE to own Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Great question! Id KILL for the dragonballs from "Dragonball Z" and Materia esp the Summon materia from "FFVII Advent Children"XD

  7. #7
    .............. Movie props you would LOVE to own smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Of all the movie props in thw world I would kill for the retro jacket that ryan goslings character wore in drive.

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  8. #8

    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    Of all the movie props in thw world I would kill for the retro jacket that ryan goslings character wore in drive.

    YES! I've been thinking of getting a mad jacket like it myself, im getting older, so its ok to be crazy. In Canda now so will be easier to find something like it

    Other movies id love a hattroi hanzon sword, from kill bill.

    And Sarah Connors shades from T2, they are actually impossible to get these days, dont make them anymore and nobody does knocks offs of them that i know of

  9. #9
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Sherlock's coat is the first thing that came to mind for me. It's so awesome the company that makes it actually put it back into production after the series came out because so many people were asking about it. Sherlock's is slightly modified though and, well, it's Sherlock's.
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  10. #10
    Registered User Movie props you would LOVE to own
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    I would like a guyver unit.... Any will do but would love one

  11. #11
    This is my sin... Movie props you would LOVE to own Lucid's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Not a movie, but I would love to own some of the weapon props from Stargate SG-1. Heck, I'd even like to own a prop Stargate! Not sure where the heck I would put it though...

  12. #12
    Registered User Movie props you would LOVE to own Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    The Heat of the Ocean from Titanic so I can sell it and never have to work for the rest of my life

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  13. #13
    Chief Inspiring Officer Movie props you would LOVE to own Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Great thread!
    I want:
    Willy Wonka's hat.
    That wooden gun from 'the other guys'
    The battery that Morpheus was holding in 'The Matrix'
    The shoe lost by Will Smith's character in 'Pursuit of happyness'
    Those chess pieces from 'The Shawshank redemption'.

    Undoubtedly, I'll have more later.
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  14. #14
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Movie props you would LOVE to own che's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Pretty much anything from Jurassic Park, Star Wars, or Back to the Future. The goldeneye satellite from Goldeneye.

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  15. #15
    Chief Inspiring Officer Movie props you would LOVE to own Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    And I want...
    Sherlock Holmes' pipe.
    Bruce Lee's nunchucks 'Enter The Dragon.'
    The eyeballs from 'The man from nowhere.'
    Jacob's wig from 'Twilight' I will hang it on my wall and throw darts at it.
    The pencil that the Joker shoved that guy's head through in 'Batman: the dark knight'

    I got more...
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  16. #16
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movie props you would LOVE to own Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Movie props you would LOVE to own

    Not quite a movie prop, but one thing I would love to own is at least one drawing Peter Falk drew himself in between filming.

    Other than that, those goggles Riddick had in Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick, perhaps even Morpheus's glasses.

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