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    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I felt that it should be started fresh. Cause it was really huge, and really old. =P
    So here it is anew. I'll start it off this time.

    Last Watched:
    Naruto - 147-148
    Bleach - 45
    One Piece - 158
    Pani Poni Dash - 1-2

  2. #2
    Sephiroth King
    Naruto ep. 1-28 and ep 147-148.
    Bleach ep 45

  3. #3
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 samanosuke_akec's Avatar
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    where ever my heart takes me my soul will fallow the path is and on seen one but it is there for only me
    last exile 1-22...probbley more
    trigun all seasons all eppys
    case closed full season all eppys
    inuyahso season one and 2
    gad gaurd 1-17

  4. #4
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zantar's Avatar
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    I... I... I cant remember.
    Chrno Crusade - All 26 episods. all yesterday.
    Iria- sometime last week. One of my personally favorites might i add
    normally i get in a lot more anime but I've been moving back in to college past few days so I havn't had much time

  5. #5
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Jin's Avatar
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    DNAngel 1-14

    Gundam Seed: finished series

    yeah, I put this yesterday, but the thread was deleted, so I'm putting it again. -.-

    Until now!

  6. #6
    Sephiroth King
    Naruto ep29

  7. #7
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    My Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 3 Volume One came in the mail finally. So I got to see that. Hate that the original English VA for Ryoko did not come back, but I am told all the rest of the VA stayed, though Tenchi's voice is just a little strange it is there sometimes and other nots. Washu's voice sounds off as well. I hate Funimation, they got the license for it now. Pioneer is giving up all their things to them. And now they got my Tenchi. That is just not right.

    Anyway, Tenchi was fun, by the second episode I stopped nickpitting it apart and got to enjoy it. The first episode advances and recaps, everything in like an hour episode I think, so seeing them redub flashbacks was a little grating. But the Tenchi humor resumes and you forget and just enjoy it all. I found out there is 5 and +1 episode for this OVA, so glad to know its short and with luck rapping things up with this ten year awaited sequel.

    Last night I finally watched all my Lain that I got in the mail two days ago. And after watching Paranoia Agent, it was fun, but Paranoia Agent got nothing on Lain for being confusing. At least it sorts itself out to a degree every 3-4 episodes before giving you new things. But I see a lot of story elements that are like .hack, which I think the people from Lain worked on .hack, to at least some degree. In ways it can be seen as a prequel though not directly related. I kept seeing a lot of similarities. But it was enjoyable, I'll have to watch it again to understand it all probably.

    I know everyone is not like SSJGoku and likes to talk about what they watched, but it might be good to give a little detail about your viewing pleasure. Or else its running a list, that might be no better than spam. >.> Just my opinion.
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  8. #8
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Yeah, I like your opinion, Andro... maybe I should state that in the start of the thread. To talk about what you watched and what your thoughts are and such. Perhaps I'll do that from now on as well.

  9. #9
    Don't remember eps, sorry, I'm kind of out of the downloading loop for the time being.

    Cowboy Bebop-all
    Full Metal Panic-all
    Honey & Clover
    Da Capo: Second Season
    The Diary of Tortov Riddle OVA

  10. #10
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    Plotting the end of mankind
    All of Please Teacher

  11. #11
    Bull Tamer
    The last anime that I watched was I think Naruto? I don't recall what episode it was though. But it was cool. It was where the sand spirit had to fight the toad that Naruto had summoned.

  12. #12
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 GazetteGuren's Avatar
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    i live in a house xD
    is honey & clover any good?
    i thought about watching it on
    what is it about exactly??

  13. #13
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I got my new Newtype magazine and it came with three episodes again, they are making up for the one episode issues they were having. And I was pleased to find Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig. It would seem that they already started dubbing it, CN is going to airing this fall from what I remember. Must say the episode was nice, introduce a new problem straight off the bat, so the Laughing Man Incident must be completely over even with those deaths at the end, or maybe it has evolved into this new problem. It is hard to say, but it does not disappoint I'll say that, packs in all the politics, action and humor from the first season and gives you a good reason to want to get the volumes.

    Next was a curious anime, called Yumeria which seems to be going for the same sort of deliquent boy gets tons of girls falling all over him style, reminds me a little of Maburaho, both boys are not getting good grades. Though this time the twist is that the girls are entering his dream world and fighting strange things, and he apparently gets some power as well. It all a little confusing, but seems like a lot of fun a la Tenchi.

    Then it was Piano, which I do not know what to make of it. It seems like an ordinary setting, nothing supernatural or crazy, just everyday happenings. So I can only guess it is going to be able relationships, love, life as a middle school student and playing the piano. It is hard to know what they will do with it, but has me curious about it.


    SAC 2nd Gig Episode 1
    Yumeria Episode 1
    Piano Episode 1

    And for good measure I watched Fullmetal Alchemist last night, one of the ones I enjoy. Windry, Al and Ed, Ed is in the hospital from the battle at lab 5. And seeing as Newtype is showing some stuff for the upcoming episodes, they know that CN is starting up new episodes soon, like next week or something. Can't wait.
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  14. #14
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Jin's Avatar
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    Let's see here. I've started Bleech recently, although having to endure a shitty subbing. Good so far. I've read the first 4 mangas, but it's just as good on screen.

    Episodes: 1-3

    Until now!

  15. #15
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Let's see here:

    Onmyou Taisenki Episodes - 10-15
    I have to say that this series starts out kinda funky at first, but it gets way better as it progresses. So much has happened even though it's only at 15 episodes right now. It keeps me interested and excited to see the next episode because of the good cliffhangers at the end of the episodes.

    It may not be seem like much to certain people, but I really like the series.

    Bleach Episode - 47
    I have to say that this episode was as good as the rest, if not a bit better. We see the end of Ichigo's first day of training. And we see more of the suspicion and mystery with the circle of Ichimaru, Hinamori, and Aizen. I'm eager to see what happenes on the next episode.

    Saturday, September 3rd.

    He Is My Master Episodes - 10-12 Completed
    This series is the most hilarious and ecchi series I have ever seen. I recommend it to anyone who likes anime. There's no nudity at all, but there's a lot of panty shots. >.>
    I wouldn't say it's like Tenchi, it's completely different than that. Just watch it or read the manga. It's 12 episodes long. I just completed it.

  16. #16


    Full metal alchemist, a long time ago.

  17. #17
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yuna:)
    Full metal alchemist, a long time ago.
    Add more content, please. Put why you liked it, or why you disliked it.
    ...And if you watched it a long time ago, then don't bother posting that here unless it truly is the last anime that you've watched. If you've watched any AFTER that, say that as well.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    Well I got my new Newtype magazine and it came with three episodes again, they are making up for the one episode issues they were having. And I was pleased to find Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig. It would seem that they already started dubbing it, CN is going to airing this fall from what I remember. Must say the episode was nice, introduce a new problem straight off the bat, so the Laughing Man Incident must be completely over even with those deaths at the end, or maybe it has evolved into this new problem. It is hard to say, but it does not disappoint I'll say that, packs in all the politics, action and humor from the first season and gives you a good reason to want to get the volumes.

    Next was a curious anime, called Yumeria which seems to be going for the same sort of deliquent boy gets tons of girls falling all over him style, reminds me a little of Maburaho, both boys are not getting good grades. Though this time the twist is that the girls are entering his dream world and fighting strange things, and he apparently gets some power as well. It all a little confusing, but seems like a lot of fun a la Tenchi.

    Then it was Piano, which I do not know what to make of it. It seems like an ordinary setting, nothing supernatural or crazy, just everyday happenings. So I can only guess it is going to be able relationships, love, life as a middle school student and playing the piano. It is hard to know what they will do with it, but has me curious about it.


    SAC 2nd Gig Episode 1
    Yumeria Episode 1
    Piano Episode 1

    And for good measure I watched Fullmetal Alchemist last night, one of the ones I enjoy. Windry, Al and Ed, Ed is in the hospital from the battle at lab 5. And seeing as Newtype is showing some stuff for the upcoming episodes, they know that CN is starting up new episodes soon, like next week or something. Can't wait.
    No offense, but I don't like Windry, all she ever does is get in too much trouble and never gets spanked for it. She should've been killed off long ago (and Edward avenging her death), so I rate her as one of the worst characters in anime, sorry.

    Vandread----it's like no other. That and N.G.E. But now I hear there's a sad end behind that. Imagine that......
    Last edited by Andromeda; 02-11-2006 at 10:31 AM. Reason: Double Posting

  19. #19
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    I just finished watching Inuyasha Movie 3, so I am very happy. I finally got to see the movie that I have been waiting for a while now. Got to see what everyone was talking about and it is definitely a worthwhile buy. Though the Inuyasha and Sesshomaru did not fight nearly as much as I thought they would or seemed to implying in the trailers, I was pleasantly satisified.

    Sesshomaru is a little disappointing hoping that he would change his mind about protecting someone, but also glad all the same, its in his nature to hide what he does not wish to confront within himself.

    And I am glad to see there is not plot hole from the movie with Inuyasha Beads of Subjucation being blown apart. It was nicely done, good watch and I'll probably watch it again tonight ^^

    Now that it is September I am looking for box sets of anime, ADV is releasing a bunch of box sets so I am on the look out, I am trying to find Full Metal Panic, but Advent Children comes first. New week ^^ giddiness
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  20. #20
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Somewhere with no killing...Eden
    Sept. 17th
    -Gundam SEED (repeat)
    -Naruto ep. 3 (new)
    -Samurai Champloo (repeat)
    -s-CRY-ed (new I believe)

    Sept. 18th
    -Fullmetal Alchemist ep. 27! (Yes! The season premier! It was so good!)

    Sept. 19th
    -X eps. 0 and 1 (very fun, although they sure introduced a lot of people in a short amount of time. Hopefully I'll be able to sort through everyone as the show progresses).
    Creep? No, I'm the devil

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  21. #21
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zantar's Avatar
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    I... I... I cant remember.
    Just got Ah! My Goddess Vol 1&2 and the movie in just the other day. I thought that it was a pretty good show. It was VERY well animated and also rather funny. I would recomend it to anyone who hasn't seen it. Also, I suppose you should count the usual Sat. anime from good ol CN.

  22. #22
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well on Saturday-Sunday, which was my Anime-olic day. I watched about 1500 minutes of anime in the span of a day and a half. Or something like 30-35 hours.

    Why, here is the list of what I saw.
    Full Metal Panic! Episodes 1-26
    Noir Episodes 1-26

    These were part of the Toonami and Adult Swim block, thus only one episode: Zatch Bell
    One Piece
    Fullmetal Alchemist

    Evangelion Episodes 7-9/14-15/24
    End of Evangelion

    If you want to include Friday,
    Rah Xephon
    Chobits Episode 10/12

    Then tonight
    Godannar Episode 1
    Ah! My Goddess Episode 1
    Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok Episode 2

    And if you count last week
    Slayers Next Episodes 1-26(27-52)
    Gundam Wing Episodes 1-4
    Yu yu Hakusho Episodes 86-94
    Inuyasha Movie 3

    I think that is everything, so yeah I watched a ton of anime recently. I just got my box set of FMP and Noir, so I watched them straight through until I fell asleep in my chair across my couch during episode 5 of Noir, which I picked up when I woke up.

    Full Metal Panic! I got because I had seen FMP Fumoffu and found it to be a lot of fun, enough if it was only one episode. So I figured I should see the beginning, and learned about how everything was to begin with. And while there was a lot of laughs in the show, more than half of the show was very serious and did not focus around the school, him trying to fit in and his accidents. It was about him and where he went, his past, who he was and the problems he had. It was a fun show, and I plan on getting Fumoffu when I can and the next season afterwards when it comes out.

    As for Noir, it was completely serious, but I have seen a lot about it, read a lot, so I was very curious about it. It was a very interesting show to watch and probably will be a lot like Madlax when I watch that, Bee Train makes some good anime. The main thing I noticed about Noir is that repeated music over and over, while the characters were interesting and the story, it seemed like they only had 3 pieces of music to pick from.

    Then Ah! My Goddess, which is the TV show, not the movie. I have not seen the movie yet, even though I want to see it. The TV Show was funny, for the one episode I saw, seems like it will be a fun one to get when I can.

    Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, besides the long title, it seems like it will be a lot of fun, an aired girl who seems to be running a mystery club happens to befriend Loki an exile Norse God and some guy that seems to know who Loki is, and they meet Thor. It looks to be an interesting show, reminds me a little of Zatch Bell for some reason.

    And Godannar, >.> another Deveregence Eve clone. It is the big breasted mecha genre. Has a lot of girls with a lot of breasts and as many halfway up the skirt shots as humanly possible and still not revealing their panties all the time. And to be even wierder, the last shot had a naked woman with glowing stars or marks like her nipples were shiny or something, since the breasts bounced, the glowing moved too, so apparently they are trying cover it up, which seems very un-anime like. They are ones care about nudity. Either way, it is not my cup of tea, I hated Deveregenc Eve and I hate Godannar, mainly on principle.
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  23. #23
    i ahve just finished watchin the the outlaw star series again. it is so amazin got to be my favourit anime

  24. #24
    waning darkness
    The last anime I have watched is Chobits. For about the 23rd time, and still loving the whole show.

  25. #25
    The last anime I watched was a episode of Full Metal Alchemist.

  26. #26
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Onmyou Taisenki Episodes 16-24
    Onmyou Taisenki is getting really great. I'm starting to like it more and more, and wanting to recommend it to a lot of people because I know they'll like it a lot. The new skills are really awesome. I also like how the plot is developing.

    Bleach - Episodes 48-52
    This is a given to be really awesome. I have the manga that goes up to the current chapter and have yet to read it. I think I'm going to soon though, but Bleach is getting really good. They're starting to go into the Bankai techniques a lot more. Renji has became my favorite character other than Ichigo and Ishida. Hehe.

    Naruto - Episode 155
    Naruto is getting pretty good too, even though the current arch is a filler arch, but hey, it gives the manga enough time to speed ahead as it usually should be, so yeah.. the arch also finished too, I think. I wonder what the next arch will be?

    Gun x Sword - Episodes 4-6
    Gun X Sword is a really great mecha anime. It has a good amount of humor in it and the action is fast paced. Just my kind of anime. ^_^ The drama in it is good too. The plot is amazing.

    Black Cat - Episode 1
    The start of a new anime series. I'm loving this series from the get go because of the two main characters. Black Cat sounds so dark and mysterious, while Sven is funny and badass at the same time. I can't wait for the second episode.

    Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken - Episode 13
    The final episode of the series. Based off an OVA from the 90s, I think. It's really great and funny. I love the plot and the characters are so hilarious. My favorite character is Nekomaru. He's awesome. He can revive people with his "lives". =P

    Pani Poni Dash - Episodes 3-7
    Hahaha! This anime is getting more and more hilarious with each episode. Hee. The characters are just so funny and they sometimes make fun of the teacher.

    One Piece - Episode 162
    One Piece is getting really good. They say there's a lot of filler arcs, but I checked, and surprisingly, there's only 3. The current arc is not filler at all. So yes. It rarely has any filler. It's great though.

    I think that concludes the anime I've watched up till now until I watch more today, hee.

  27. #27
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Somewhere with no killing...Eden
    How is Gun x Sword? I almost saw it today...but then didn't v_v

    Anyway, today brought:

    Naruto episode...7? I believe? Which ever one was on CN on Saturday. Some pronunciation of names aside, I'm really digging this dub and amd surprised to still see people complaining about it.

    Hikaru no Go ep. 1- I've been reading the manga for a while now (courtesy of Shonen Jump), so I'm glad to finally have seen some of the anime, even if it was only one episode.

    Kyo Kara Maoh ep. 7- This was the first episode I've seen of it and it seems very interesting. I'd definintely like to look into this series more.

    Shuffle ep. 5- For being based off of a hentai video game, I'm liking what I see!
    Creep? No, I'm the devil

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  28. #28
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I watch Rah Xephon the Movie recently since I got it for Christmas, and I will say that it is definitely a good addition to the show. Though it also assumes that you have seen the show and are not going to be surprised by things being introduced earlier than in the show. It is a retelling of the show, but it also adds new things and makes a few more questions clear and some answers a little clearer, since it is all a little hazy at times. Though some of the things are completely different than the show it all works in a similar manner. All in all, it is Evangelion but easier to understand.

    I also watch Abenobashi, or Magica Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, which is just something fun to sit down a laugh your head off for 6 hours straight almost. It parodies everything from anime to japaneese pop culture, to world culture, it holds no punches and gives you plenty of laughs for them. It is strange and will slap you upside down before giving it to you straight, but it is fun still none the less.

    Yu yu Hakusho, will this show on CN is finally coming to an end, first premier on Toonami a few years back when Toonami was still an after school program, it is now a late night earlier morning, before the rooster crows earlier morning Saturday show, makes me mad, but hey at least I do not have to buy the show now to see the end. There is only 20 episodes left so I am just waiting for them each which, it is still very interesting to watch even 100 episodes later and manages to bring new things to table too. Hiei's past revealed along with Kurama's, it is exciting things, Yusuke is getting a little overally powerful, but at least until like DBZ, Hiei and Kurama can hold their own even in the toughest battles, though Yusuke is still the go to man for the final bout, but they all get their shots which is what has made this show enjoyable to watch even now. It is not all just about Yusuke, and everyone else is a cheerleader.

    And Naruto, only thing I have seen on TV aside from Yu yu, since CN been doing annoying Christmas and holiday programming last two weeks. It was good, I really wanted Naruto to punch the kid's lights out, but stupid kid lost his nerve when he saw who it was. It is still fun to watch, and I probably look a little more forward to it than One Piece, but it is all just prologue to FMA and GitS SAC 2nd GIG, don't make me right that all out.
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  29. #29
    the last anime i watched was ff7:last order. though, as for regular anime series, it was jubei-chan the ninja girl: secret of the lovely eyepatch and gungrave.

  30. #30
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Let's see here...I have to catch up on the anime I have. But for now I've watched:

    One Piece - Episode 165
    One Piece is getting really good. I'd talk about the episode but erm, yeah.. spoilers.. so I can't really say much that I haven't already.

    Bleach - Episode 58
    Bleach looks like it's almost catching up to the manga, kind of. Just...I think about 15 or so episodes before it catches up. =P Bleach is way better than Naruto, even though it pains me to say it.

    Onmyou Taisenki - Episode 27
    It started a new season with a new intro theme. I'm liking the new theme as well. It's more rock'ish. There's a lot more drama going on and they don't fail with the humor.

    Capeta - Episodes 1-3
    Capeta is about racing. And a boy named Capeta who loves racing. So far I think the plot is that he starts off in Go-Kart racing and moves into F1 later on. I'm really not sure since it just started.

    Karin - Episode 1
    Karin is such a great anime. It's about an unvampire named Karin who has a family of vampires. It's really great. I still have yet to watch episodes 2-3.

    Naruto - Episode 160
    Damn. That's all I have to say. Damnit to all that filler till the 8th season. I think there's... what... 18 more weeks to go? o_____x Well, besides that, the filler is good. I liked this arc that just ended. It may be straining to have to watch all this filler, but it's still good to watch.

    Yet to watch:
    Lamune 1-2
    Shuffle 6-17
    Kyou Kara Maou - 46-55
    Marchen Awakens Romance a.k.a MAR - 21-22
    Pani Poni Dash - 7-13
    Gun X Sword - 10-11
    Koi Koi Seven - 3-5
    Black Cat - 5-7

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