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  1. #1
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Onmyou Taisenki Episodes 16-24
    Onmyou Taisenki is getting really great. I'm starting to like it more and more, and wanting to recommend it to a lot of people because I know they'll like it a lot. The new skills are really awesome. I also like how the plot is developing.

    Bleach - Episodes 48-52
    This is a given to be really awesome. I have the manga that goes up to the current chapter and have yet to read it. I think I'm going to soon though, but Bleach is getting really good. They're starting to go into the Bankai techniques a lot more. Renji has became my favorite character other than Ichigo and Ishida. Hehe.

    Naruto - Episode 155
    Naruto is getting pretty good too, even though the current arch is a filler arch, but hey, it gives the manga enough time to speed ahead as it usually should be, so yeah.. the arch also finished too, I think. I wonder what the next arch will be?

    Gun x Sword - Episodes 4-6
    Gun X Sword is a really great mecha anime. It has a good amount of humor in it and the action is fast paced. Just my kind of anime. ^_^ The drama in it is good too. The plot is amazing.

    Black Cat - Episode 1
    The start of a new anime series. I'm loving this series from the get go because of the two main characters. Black Cat sounds so dark and mysterious, while Sven is funny and badass at the same time. I can't wait for the second episode.

    Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken - Episode 13
    The final episode of the series. Based off an OVA from the 90s, I think. It's really great and funny. I love the plot and the characters are so hilarious. My favorite character is Nekomaru. He's awesome. He can revive people with his "lives". =P

    Pani Poni Dash - Episodes 3-7
    Hahaha! This anime is getting more and more hilarious with each episode. Hee. The characters are just so funny and they sometimes make fun of the teacher.

    One Piece - Episode 162
    One Piece is getting really good. They say there's a lot of filler arcs, but I checked, and surprisingly, there's only 3. The current arc is not filler at all. So yes. It rarely has any filler. It's great though.

    I think that concludes the anime I've watched up till now until I watch more today, hee.

  2. #2
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Somewhere with no killing...Eden
    How is Gun x Sword? I almost saw it today...but then didn't v_v

    Anyway, today brought:

    Naruto episode...7? I believe? Which ever one was on CN on Saturday. Some pronunciation of names aside, I'm really digging this dub and amd surprised to still see people complaining about it.

    Hikaru no Go ep. 1- I've been reading the manga for a while now (courtesy of Shonen Jump), so I'm glad to finally have seen some of the anime, even if it was only one episode.

    Kyo Kara Maoh ep. 7- This was the first episode I've seen of it and it seems very interesting. I'd definintely like to look into this series more.

    Shuffle ep. 5- For being based off of a hentai video game, I'm liking what I see!
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  3. #3
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I watch Rah Xephon the Movie recently since I got it for Christmas, and I will say that it is definitely a good addition to the show. Though it also assumes that you have seen the show and are not going to be surprised by things being introduced earlier than in the show. It is a retelling of the show, but it also adds new things and makes a few more questions clear and some answers a little clearer, since it is all a little hazy at times. Though some of the things are completely different than the show it all works in a similar manner. All in all, it is Evangelion but easier to understand.

    I also watch Abenobashi, or Magica Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, which is just something fun to sit down a laugh your head off for 6 hours straight almost. It parodies everything from anime to japaneese pop culture, to world culture, it holds no punches and gives you plenty of laughs for them. It is strange and will slap you upside down before giving it to you straight, but it is fun still none the less.

    Yu yu Hakusho, will this show on CN is finally coming to an end, first premier on Toonami a few years back when Toonami was still an after school program, it is now a late night earlier morning, before the rooster crows earlier morning Saturday show, makes me mad, but hey at least I do not have to buy the show now to see the end. There is only 20 episodes left so I am just waiting for them each which, it is still very interesting to watch even 100 episodes later and manages to bring new things to table too. Hiei's past revealed along with Kurama's, it is exciting things, Yusuke is getting a little overally powerful, but at least until like DBZ, Hiei and Kurama can hold their own even in the toughest battles, though Yusuke is still the go to man for the final bout, but they all get their shots which is what has made this show enjoyable to watch even now. It is not all just about Yusuke, and everyone else is a cheerleader.

    And Naruto, only thing I have seen on TV aside from Yu yu, since CN been doing annoying Christmas and holiday programming last two weeks. It was good, I really wanted Naruto to punch the kid's lights out, but stupid kid lost his nerve when he saw who it was. It is still fun to watch, and I probably look a little more forward to it than One Piece, but it is all just prologue to FMA and GitS SAC 2nd GIG, don't make me right that all out.
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