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Thread: Iron Man 3

  1. #1
    Sir Prize Iron Man 3 Sinister's Avatar
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    Iron Man 3

    Anyone see it? And if anyone did, what did anyone think? I actually had trouble getting in to see it, because it sold out. Sold out. I live in a very rural part of Kentucky... Nothing sells out. This did. Anyway, saw it like, idk, three days ago. I'm not too big on the series and I don't like things that are over-hyped.

    I'll hold off my opinion, but please guys, keep the spoilers tagged and to a minimum. (not that most people haven't heard one way or another.)


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  2. #2
    Consistently Average Iron Man 3 Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I've kinda gone off super hero movies lately, I haven't even seen The Avengers yet. But I like Robert Downey Jr. quite a bit and that's what made me go and see the previous two Iron Man (Men?) movies, so I'll probably watch this one as well.

    People have saying it's pretty good but I haven't seen or heard anything else apart from that.
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  3. #3
    The Old Skool Warrior Iron Man 3 LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Iron Man 3

    Relatively spoiler-free opinion:

    I think the populous that was disappointed overall were the ones who expected an action-packed thriller with the pacing of the second one. The trailers set it up to look that way, but then it wasn't at all.

    I felt the "special move" of the bad guys was a little campy and overused, BUT with that exception, I actually really enjoyed the movie. I loved the plot twist with The Mandarin, and I felt the pacing of the movie was quite good.

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  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor Iron Man 3 Josh_R's Avatar
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    I went and saw it. Wasn't as good as the previous movies. Also where I live in Kentucky movies tend to sell out rather quickly as it is the only thing to do here.

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  5. #5
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Iron Man 3 noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    we'z gonna go see it right meow... heh. I hate going to the movies...

  6. #6
    Plot was pretty bad, a lot of information left untold.
    Still a better show than the second.

    I dislike super hero movies for the most part (Things like Nolan's Batman and Superman Returns being exceptions), so I won't go into to much detail.

  7. #7
    Sir Prize Iron Man 3 Sinister's Avatar
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    I laughed a lot at the movie and it was fun. I did not like it. This might make more sense to someone who has seen it.


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  8. #8
    I invented Go-Gurt. Iron Man 3 Clint's Avatar
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    As a film expert myself, I can say with certainty that Iron Man 3 is quite a good movie. I hear a lot of complaining about the "twist" with the villains, but to that I have to say, I'd rather be surprised, than for a comic book film to follow the comics. The fact of the matter is, it's a film trilogy. It's based off of characters established in comic books, but it isn't a film adaptation of the comic book story arcs.

    Overall, I thought the plot of the movie was good. I liked the fact that Tony Stark was featured a lot more than Iron Man in this one. I also liked the humanistic, emotional, and vulnerable take Robert Downing, Jr. did with his character. It wasn't just straight narcissism and sarcasm; he was stressed out, worried, suffering from anxiety and insomnia, and overall, broken.

    So I approve. And because I approve, everybody else automatically approves, too.

  9. #9
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Iron Man 3 noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I, surprisingly, enjoyed it. Although I was tired and going to the movies typically leaves me feeling anxious and confused when we leave. But I liked it. Downey Jr. was pretty funny and so was that kid.

    According to the BF (& Perez Hilton), he won't do IM4, though he -will- do another installment of The Avengers.

    I'm not really a big superhero/Marvel person in general, though I thought this one was good.

  10. #10
    Sir Prize Iron Man 3 Sinister's Avatar
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    I will say this. I really enjoyed seeing more of Stark and less of the suit. I loved his detective-like role in the movie. And it was funny, well-written throughout, when I thought it would be mostly angst. That was dead on. But there were plot holes, unexplained story elements. The "twist" bothered me only a little and that was after I left the theater and thought about it a while. At the time I thought it was all very funny. retrospect and looking back at those old 90s cartoons I remember. I couldn't help but feel I had been manipulated. I didn't like that feeling much.

    All-in-all...It was better than the second, because the second movie doesn't even really stand-out in my head at all. This movie took risks and while some payed out and others didn't...I just can't help but feel that they were on the precipice of a much better movie and balked.


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  11. #11
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Iron Man 3 noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Oooh ooh ohhh!

    Where they are during that good chunk of the movie (with the kid) in the Chattanooga-y area - I'm from about 30 - 45 minutes north of there. XD

  12. #12
    What Eastwood said. Liked how they portrayed Stark more and less of Iron Man. Way better than the second one. If I was to rate them, then 3, 1 and 2 would be from best to worst.

  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Iron Man 3 Xanatos's Avatar
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    I must say I was somewhat disappointed after watching Iron Man 3. The first two had lots of humor, they overdid it in this one though, it pretty much suffocated nearly every scene that had any potential to be more than just another joke down the line. As for the Mandarin...


    I was looking forward to see this villain ever since they teased him in the very first movie just to turn out to be another joke. It might be a great twist for those who are not familiar with Iron Man lore, it's a big punch in the gut though for those who are. On one hand I see how Mandarin relates to our real world situation and what he actually represents, on the other seeing as The Avengers broke that little bit of "realism" Iron Man had they could have introduced the original Mandarin just fine (there are little, almost insignificant signs he's still out there), and that's what really bothers me, unlike some other comic book movies they weren't bounded by realism on any level. With that being said I did enjoy Ben Kingsley's performance.


    I also thought the after credit scene would be somehow significant to upcoming Marvel movies, the usual practice by now, it wasn't, like at all. Overall it's a fun movie, a solid action flick, though nowhere near as good as I expected.

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  14. #14
    "my destiny evades me" Iron Man 3 magewarrior's Avatar
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    Iron Man 3

    Not familiar with much of Shane Black's work but this might easily be one of my favourites. I love the human side take/approach to Tony Stark, less suit, more of everything else. Wasn't too blown away by the main villain twist though, in fact a little disappointed Nevertheless out of the three this is definitely a must see. If I had to rate it i would give it a solid 9 ;p

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