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Thread: Favorite Comic Book Character

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite Comic Book Character Xanatos's Avatar
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    Favorite Comic Book Character

    Not quite original, then again it never is, but seeing as we have "favorite character" in almost every category why not a favorite comic book character as well.

    I'll divide mine in several categories.


    Spiderman - I grew up reading Spiderman comics and watching Spiderman cartoons, you could say he holds a special place in my childhood. What makes him great in my opinion is that behind that mask stands an ordinary fella, a geek, with who a lot of us could relate.

    Cable - I wasn't sure where to place him at first, he is a hero I guess, just not your typical hero. He was awesome in Cable & Deadpool, his goal noble and his actions and background always mysterious, but interesting.

    Batman - The only DC character I'm truly familiar with, and one of few comic book characters, if this can be said for any comic book character, actually believable, which might be the main reason he's portrayed so well in movies. Hush chapters make in my opinion his best appearance in comics.


    Magneto - My favorite comic book villain. His actions make sense and do seem right when you look at what he went through and the entire situation regarding mutants. Both Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender managed to nail him in movies which was awesome.

    Venom - I'm not really a guy who's sold solely by appearance, in this case though Venom is an exception. From this alone you can understand my disappointment with Spiderman 3.

    *Anti Hero*

    Deadpool - I loved him in Cable & Deadpool, shame though that serie was never really finished, at least not the way the main author meant it to be finished. Well known as a character who breaks the fourth wall, he's also hilarious and well, deadly when he wants to be.

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  2. #2
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

    I haven't read comics in awhile but Rogue will always have a special place in my heart. (she got me into comicbooks while watching the 90s animated series).

    I like the blessing-curse nature of her powers. She's also a very strong woman with some vulnerable moments as well. I am not sure how Marvel is handling her character recently but I personally see a lot of potential to develop her.

  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

    (Anti) Heroes:

    Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth. I only recently (like in the last couple years) started reading his comics, but he is really funny, and dually badass. Most of the comics I've read have me cracking up at least once, although the last "Deadpool: Max" comics I've read have got me going "...heh?" Maybe I should switch to the main series... (Only reason I picked that one is that I happened to catch it from its beginning.) Loved Rorschach and Deadpool. Speaking of which...

    Rorschach: I guess this is a case of misaimed fandom, because Alan Moore thought he was too much of a rightwing nut for people to like, or something. I admire his tenacity though. He is not gonna give up on his principles. Also, his inner monologues are great. Every time we got to see what he was doing, I was totally vested in the comic.


    X-Men: Hard to pick just one. I used to think Gambit was my favorite, although he's starting to lose ground with me. In the new "Wolverine and the X-Men" comic, Iceman is starting to gain points with me, though. He's a quick-witted guy, and his abilities in battle are pretty... awesome (avoided the pun.) Kitty Pride seems really cool in this too. She's funny and sympathetic, and her and Bobby seem to have something going on... Wolverine is pretty cool too, and in this series, he's pretty funny (it's actually got a lot of humor so far. I recommend it.) Always had a soft spot for Beast, too. And then there are these mini Nightcrawlers running around called "Bamfs," who seem to double as gremlins. At the end of one issue, they run off with Wolverine's whiskey. Made me lol.


    Princess Sally Acorn: I'll always have a soft spot for her. She was pretty much the best part of the Archie Sonic comic; smart, sassy, kept Sonic in check. The team leader and strategist of the group. Always liked her personality and character design. Also really like...

    Bunny Rabbot: Although recently, she's been drebototicized. She's always been a strong, fun character, though. Hooray for her relationship with Antoine being the only one that got any serious lasting development throughout the comic.


    Joker: How can I deny my love for the demented clown? Particularly since another demented clown is my favorite Final Fantasy villain... Joker can be dually funny and scary. At the drop of a hat. He's unpredictable that way. He also likes to tell different stories for his origins (He likes his past to be "multiple choice.") I love unpredictable.

    Dr. Finitevus: The opposite of Knuckles in pretty much every way. He's a lot like the Joker in his insanity, although he's probably a little more predictable. He's also extremely intelligent (again, opposite of Knuckles.) Probably the best villain in the Archie Sonic universe.

    Alright, I've gone on too long. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Favorite Comic Book Character ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Comic Book Character


    Batman: Looooong time Batman fan here. Batman is awesome because he has no powers. Granted he is minted, but he is a hero that anyone can become. His backstory is probably my favourite of anyone in comics too.

    War Machine: He is Iron Man, but more awesome. I have always prefered War Machine over Iron Man because he just seems more of a bad ass. Not to mention the suit is way cooler.

    Green Lantern: I am a huge fan of Green Lantern, because of his powers. Not to mention, 'Blackest Night' is the greatest graphic novel series of all time.


    The Riddler: My favourite villain of all time. I just love how twisted he is, but also how smart he is. At times, he even outsmarts The Dark Knight, which earns extra kudos.

    Venom: The first villain I liked more than the hero. Venom is awesome, and the story that surrounds him and the symbiotes are definitely a favourite of mine.

    That Yellow Bastard (Roark Junior): One character that shouldn't be a favourite, but he is portrayed so well. He story in Sin City was one of my favourites, and the fact that he is the only bit of colour in the noir style of the comics as great too.


    Black Lanterns: The fact that the Black Lanterns are basically all the dead characters of the DC world is cool enough, but the fact they have

    Batman, Hawkman, Aquaman, even Superman at one point, among others is awesome.

    The Avengers: Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk. Greatest Marvel team ever assembled.


    Ghost Rider: What's to say? He is my favourite character of all time in comics. I have hundreds of vintage GH comics, I did my school DT graphics project on him, he is just so damn awesome.

    Marv: Not sure if you class him as an anti-hero, but I do. Definitely the best character in Sin City.

  5. #5
    Warlord of Your Mom Favorite Comic Book Character ultima_trev's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

    Doomsday - Raging beast who only knows how to kill. Able to revive from the dead and evolves every time it does. That's pretty fockin' metal. Also gets props for murdering Superman.

    Darkseid - Most evil being in the universe, ruler of a planet which name rhymes with Apocalypse and is pretty much hell on earth. Also able to stand toe to toe with Superman... AND WIN. Epitome of bad ass.

    Undisputed masters of all creation since 2004.11.11.

  6. #6

    Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

    The Sandman:

    These three have always been my favorites in this comic series. I loved the story in general, but you really get an in depth feeling of how an eternal like Dream can have an effect on the world. You also get a different view of Death, which I love 'to death' xD She's wonderfully dynamic and it's great to see that she does her job but doesn't make it as sorrowful as most make it out to be.. And Dilirium is..... wow, she's just too out there not to love!! ^.^ Although, you miss out on how she used to be Delight.. I'd really like to know ;__;

    The Watchman:

    He's just overall bada**!! He really gave a dark edge to a heroic image and I loved him for it.


    I've always found myself fascinated with the 'Dark Knight'. Mainly in the 'animated series' version, but still counts since he's a comic book character xD I've also been really interested with the vibe between him and Catwoman...


    She's always been an appealing character to me. I absolutely love her powers and it helps give depth to her character cause while she can really do damage, it's a double edged sword for her 'cause she finds it hard to be physically and mentally close to... well, anyone. I haven't really read the comic, but it didn't stop me from hearing about Rogue, especially in the cartoon versions xD Although, I borderline hated her character in the movies 'cause they made her into too much of a pansy in my opinion..... I don't blame her for giving up her powers, but at the same time I felt like they underplayed her quiiiiiiite a bit.... Plus I feel like if her character wasn't so emotionally inclined, he'd be on up there with the alpha X-Men rather than part of the omega's..... which is somewhat disappointing, but then again it's great 'cause that means she still has a humanistic side to... I guess you could say 'guide her' down the right path...
    Last edited by Draug Isilme; 03-15-2012 at 07:06 AM.
    *~*Black Sun White Moon

  7. #7
    I'll find you, no matter what. Favorite Comic Book Character FeyLenne13's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

    My favorite comic book character growing up had to be Batgirl a.k.a. Barbara Gordan. I loved her spunky attitude and still love her as Oracle. Lol that and she was the first redhead heroine I found. I love Nightwing, Rogue, and Wonder Woman too.

    Trust Me.

  8. #8

    Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

    I forgot about Nightwing... he's pretty cool, too =^.^= Although since I like Batman so much, it kinda disheartens me with what happened between the two.... ;__;
    *~*Black Sun White Moon

  9. #9
    I invented Go-Gurt. Favorite Comic Book Character Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Comic Book Character


    Nightwing: The difference between Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson is that Dick is way better off, yet still follows the exact same principals. As Batman, Dick Grayson presented a lighter, more friendly character than what everybody was used to. That's just his natural personality. As Nightwing, he presents the exact same thing. Unlike Bruce, he actually gives everybody the benefit of the doubt, and although that seems naive at times, it never takes away from his intellect or honesty.

    Captain America: The guy fought Hitler and represents America in living form. Enough said.

    The Flash (Wally West): Wally West is the voice of reason within the Justice League. He always has a logical sense about him, and unlike many of the personalities within the Justice League, he isn't arrogant or overconfident. He's just a regular guy, who considers himself a husband before a hero.


    Simon Hurt: He's from the 1700's, apparently doesn't age, and claims to be Thomas Wayne, the father of Bruce Wayne. Well, technically he is Thomas Wayne, and is a direct ancestor of the Wayne family, though he isn't actually Bruce Wayne's father.

    James Gordon, Jr.: One of the best psychopathic villains in comic book history. He was traumatized as a child, or damaged in some way, probably from being dumped off of a bridge in Batman: Year One, and afterwords became somewhat of a very successful serial killer.


    The X-Men: The cast of characters in the X-Men is fantastic. Wolverine, Cyclops, Rogue, Colossus, Shadowcat. The X-Men also have one of the best casts of villains in comic book history.


    The Red Hood: Batman's old dead partner rises from the grave six months after his death, trains under the League of Assassins, and then goes back to Gotham years later, pissed that his murderer, the Joker, is still alive. Red Hood isn't necessarily a villain, even if he "runs" various organized crime rings. Although he promotes crime, he does so to make it easier to kill everybody. He uses the concepts that Batman taught him about justice, and added the concept of killing, stating that he's only doing what Batman can't do.

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