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Thread: Favorite Asian films

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favorite Asian films Rowan's Avatar
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    Favorite Asian films

    Theres so many, I'm just going to list them and if you would like an explanation of why I liked one in particular, ask me about it.

    -Crows Zero 1+2
    -Monga (seriously underrated)
    -Brotherhood of War
    -The Host
    -Oldboy (brilliant film)
    -Island of fire
    -Prison on fire
    -Haze (dont watch if Claustrophobic)
    -1 litre of tears (tv-miniseries. very depressing)
    -Battle Royale (classic. Kids killing each other to survive)
    -Ichi the Killer (sadistic gangster film)
    -The bittersweet life
    -I saw the Devil (Highly reccomend, amazing film.)
    -The chaser
    -Young and Dangerous 1+2 (there are 6 in the series i believe, Havnt seen the others)
    -Ip man

    there are others but I cannot think of them right now.
    What are some great asian films that you have watched?

  2. #2

    Re: Favorite Asian films

    Agreed Oldboy and I saw the devil were excellent!

    Like a Dragon, 13 Assassin's, The Bird People of China all Miike films and were really good with 13 Assassin's being my favorite out of Japan.

    Red Cliff and Red Cliff 2 were amazing films. Hero, The Last Emperor of China probably my fav few out of China.

  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Favorite Asian films Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    I guess, right now, my favorite Asian film would be "Blue Cha Cha". It is a film about a woman finding her place in Taiwanese society after being released from prison. It follows her through love, loss, and life. The film is in Mandarin, but has English subtitles.

    Why did I not say "Ramchand Pakistani" since Pakistan is considered part of Asia? I consider "R.P." a Middle Eastern film.
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  4. #4
    .............. Favorite Asian films smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    Come on guys, we cannot mention Miike films without mentioning Happiness of the Katakuris, Audition, Dead or Alive and Ley Lines, all masterpieces(though I admit Crows Zero 1+2 and 13 Assassins are my favourite Miike films).

    Out of Japan a few of my favourites include...(apart from those already mentioned)
    Seven Samurai
    Throne of Blood
    Akira Kurosawas Dreams
    Kamikaze Girls
    Swing Girls
    One Missed Call
    Hana Bi

    Out of Korea........
    Save the Green Planet
    The Good, the Bad, the Weird
    Memories of Murder(probably one of the greatest films I have seen)
    Lady Vengeance
    Public Enemy
    A Bittersweet life

    and Hong Kong......
    Infernal Affairs trilogy
    Hard Boiled
    The Killer

    and............thats all I can think of, for now.
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  5. #5

    Re: Favorite Asian films

    Has anyone here seen the Asian film 'Tokyo Zombie'? It's not exactly the kind of serious drama films that i like, but more of a comedic, silly story about two Japanese workers who practice martial arts on each other having to fight off an invasion of Zombies that emerge from a pile of garbage named after Mt. Fuji. Not exactly the kind of movie you take your parents to see, but is pretty funny when hanging with a bunch of mates and just chilling.
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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favorite Asian films Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    Unfortunatly I have. It seems to follow a trend of movies that hold similar poor proudction/casting values.
    "Big Tits Zombie"
    "Tokyo Gore Police"
    "The Machine Girl"
    "Robo Giesha"

    I all throw in the same catagory for being just overly crap. Theres no entertainment value in them, they are just shockingly bad films. Although I give more credit to Tokyo Gore Police than the others I mentioned. That had some crazy shit in it.

  7. #7
    .............. Favorite Asian films smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I all throw in the same catagory for being just overly crap. Theres no entertainment value in them, they are just shockingly bad films. Although I give more credit to Tokyo Gore Police than the others I mentioned. That had some crazy shit in it.
    That movie had me in stitches throughout most of it. It was at times both stupid and imaginative simultaneously. Like the part where a characters legs get cut off and he uses the blood stream for propulsion. Or where a women would usually have a crotch she had a giant jaw.

    Its original at least, I suppose..............
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  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favorite Asian films Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    That movie had me in stitches throughout most of it. It was at times both stupid and imaginative simultaneously. Like the part where a characters legs get cut off and he uses the blood stream for propulsion. Or where a women would usually have a crotch she had a giant jaw.

    Its original at least, I suppose..............
    They were the two scenes I was thinking of when I decided to give it some credit, haha. The blood propulsion amputated leg jatpack was so rediculous you cant help but laugh. Although from recolection I watched it on my own, so the laughs were minimal.

  9. #9

    Re: Favorite Asian films

    My favourite Asian Films:
    1. Swing Girls
    2. One Missed Call
    3. Confessions
    4. Hana Bi
    5. Zatoichi

  10. #10
    Chief Inspiring Officer Favorite Asian films Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    My favorites so far:
    The man from nowhere (rated R, but watch this movie!)
    The New Police Story (Chinese, actually)
    Hero (With Jet Li, not Dustin Hoffman. Beautiful visuals)
    All of Bruce Lee's films (the intensity!)
    Seven Samurai (I've been systematically watching as many Akira Kurosawa's and Mifune's films I can find)
    Ong Bak (Tai. Great stunts! Warning: except for Tony Jaa, the sequels have nothing to do with this film)
    I think I'll add more later.
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  11. #11
    Registered BRUISER Favorite Asian films Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    Like apparently a lot of people here, the majority of the Asian films I've seen have been horror.

    Spirited Away
    I saw the Devil
    Dark Water

    are up there and I may be forgetting a few. I'd consider Audition to definitely be in the top 5 horror films I've ever seen, but other than 13 Assassins I can't say I liked any of Miike's other work. Someone mentioned The Good, the Bad, and the Weird, and that's actually coming tomorrow from Netflix so I can't wait to check that out.

  12. #12
    Warlord of Your Mom Favorite Asian films ultima_trev's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    Ong Bak was superb. Even the indirect sequels were pretty good. Tony Jaa pwning the shit out of n00bs never gets old.

    Bodyguard is another great Thai flick, even though it's more comedic than straight up martial arts badassery... and Tony Jaa makes a cameo in that one too.

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  13. #13
    Hewerya love...? Favorite Asian films seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite Asian films

    A few of the top of my head...

    - Tentacles on a plane
    - T.L.C ... 'Tentacles Love Children'
    - Sucker Punch
    - Dog! dog!
    - High School Musical 6 ... This Time its Rape

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