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Thread: Best Manga you have read

  1. #1
    Otakus rule the world!! Best Manga you have read chikala95's Avatar
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    Best Manga you have read

    I've created this thread for people who want to read Manga but don't know any good ones. It can also help introduce new or not very well known Manga to those who wish to read more!

    You can't deny that Manga is great, right? The more the merrier!

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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best Manga you have read Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    To be honest I have more experience with Western comics, as far as manga goes, so far I've read only 20-25 titles. Full Metal Alchemist would be by far the best one, Naruto and History Strongest Discipline Kenichi are great as well, but they're still in work and trust me, it sucks to wait for a new chapter every week. I've also had fun reading Badminton Girl, but it's rather short.

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  3. #3
    Otakus rule the world!! Best Manga you have read chikala95's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    I agree, the waiting period for a new chapter is very annoying. A lot of them update after a month but others is just when they feel like it.

    I guess the ones I'd suggest would be Bleach, Dengeki Daisy, Kaichou Wa Maid Sama, FMA and Wallflower. If anyone fancies a very gruesome with not much of a plot to it, Goth is a good one. I read it for the art mostly. Blood+ is a good one too.

    I could just sit here and type all of the Mangas Ive read but I doubt there would be enough room on the thread to do so

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  4. #4
    Whistling Songbird Best Manga you have read Asectic's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    Oh! I loved Badminton girl too! My favorites are pretty much the usual Bleach, Naruto, fairy tail, rave and the like. Currently trying to finish the 586 chapters of naruto.

    Two others I would like to add is Black Cat, a pretty old one but amazing story plot. You have a huge assasin organization, two protagonists who quit their high-risky jobs and work small by capturing everyday criminals seen on the streets for money. The assisantion squad wants one of the protangonists back on their team, but he refuses. Tons of action in that one.

    Another one is Bakuman, the same artist who drew Death Note. This one shows an everyday life of a two man mangaka team - one draws and other writes. Starting from middle school to the adult life. Even though the plot is simple, I found it nice to read, especially the strong rivalry which occurs throughout. The characters can be really stupid sometimes, which in my opinion crackes me up.

    I feel as if Bleach took a real disappointment with its recent realbring chapters. Even it was meant to be a story reliever from Aizen and Las Noches... didn't feel much as exciting and comedic as before.

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    Oh hey there, thanks for opening! Here is a little section filled with my goodies here and there.

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  5. #5
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    I just recently started reading manga. Since I am new to it (right to left reading is a bit perplexing at first)' I currently read a manga that I watched and loved as an anime first - Slam Dunk.

    I feel silly giggling in the train while reading it although I've seen this as an anime already. Plus, the anime really didn't finish the story but the manga did or so I heard. So I cant wait to get to that part that wasn't in the cartoon.

  6. #6
    .............. Best Manga you have read smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    I really havent read that many but I saw a film and its sequel a few years ago that I loved, Crows Zero 1 and 2. Naturally this made me want to track down the manga it was based on, Crows, which frankly blew me away. And the sequel to Crows, Worst, is possibly even better. To the extent that they made 2 Miike films that I adored seem, all of a sudden, mediocre.
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  7. #7
    Badass Military Agent Best Manga you have read Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    I would recommend...

    Hikaru no Go- Great manga about the Go game, I was definitely hooked. Series is over, the ending made me little mad, but it was still the best manga I ever read.

    Kimi no Iru Machi - Another great manga along the lines of Kaichiu wa maid Sama, but more on a realistic level per se. I enjoy it a lot

    Code Breaker- I dont like this manga at all, it started out good, but the character I liked got trolled in his anger and hatred. That won't mean no else will like it, I'm pretty sure most of you guys/gals love those Jerk/with a heart of gold characters. I hate em but I recommend it anyway.

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  8. #8
    Stream Crosser Best Manga you have read Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    I'm a shoujo manga reader, and with that I choose these four mangas as the best I've ever read so far. First is CardCaptor Sakura. Everyone must have known, right? The genre is not only romance but also adventure and supernatural. The reason why I choose this manga is because eventhough CardCaptor Sakura is an old manga, it has great artwork and nice story. The ending is also so touche!

    Second is Salad Days, the brand new level of romance comic! After all this time Salad Days is the only one that brings me shoujo manga in boy's point of view! I learn to understand boy's thought through this manga so the manga is really good. And it has a freaking stunning artwork, too.

    Third, Mihona Fujii's GALS! The story tells us about how to completely live a happy life, maintain friendship, romance, protect our honor, and not to judge people from their appearances. The last is Kimi ni Todoke. Too bad the manga hasn't completed yet..
    Last edited by Ann; 01-27-2012 at 07:47 AM.

  9. #9

    Re: Best Manga you have read

    D-ASH was a really good slice of life manga.

  10. #10
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    I forgot to mention that I finished reading Monster. Good story but it felt kinda lacking at the end. Anyhow, I still highly recommend it.

    They did a good job of making a very likable main character and supporting characters (cept Nina, which is your usual anime female lead. Not defenseless but she seemed to be the Mary Sue type). Even Eva Heinamann who started very bitchy has become my fave female char in the series.

    Still reading Slam Dunk on and off. I've seen the anime so..I might consider fast forwarding to where the anime stopped.

    I need a new manga though that has a more mature theme like Monster.

  11. #11
    Registered User Best Manga you have read NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    I think the best manga ever made was DEATH NOTE. I feel like it could have ended a little different, but it's still got a great ending, and the entire series really pulls you in. It's smart and beautifully drawn. The characters are very unique too. No one else really has characters like that.

  12. #12
    Chief Inspiring Officer Best Manga you have read Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    I really like Black Butler. But lately I've been reading Buso Renkin, which I also like.
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  13. #13
    Queen Best Manga you have read Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Best Manga you have read

    Rurouni Kenshin. Without a doubt. Its story is based on true japanese historical events, with great fictional characters, profound wisdoms and philosophical concepts thrown into the mix. Its the most enjoyable manga(&anime) series Ive ever come across. As you delve further in, not only do you soon realize that the "bad" guys are just idols of opposing philosophies, but it'll force you to start wondering, which philosophy is actually superior to others. Haha that is if you are interested in things that leave you in abstract thought rather than mindless ass-kicking. For me anyway, it's hard to find a more philosophical story elsewhere.

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