View Poll Results: Which show is better...

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  • American Dad

    2 28.57%
  • Family Guy

    3 42.86%
  • Neither

    2 28.57%
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Thread: American Dad VS Family Guy

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  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth American Dad VS Family Guy Xanatos's Avatar
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    American Dad VS Family Guy

    We had Family Guy VS The Simpsons recently, I think this is a way better stand-off.

    American Dad VS Family Guy-9426530191a12127658194l-jpg

    I prefer American Dad. I see Family Guy more as a hit and miss, meaning two good episodes than several bad ones and so on, also a lot of it's humor feels forced. American Dad is simple, well, more or less, I love it's humor and characters way more, though most importantly from what I've seen so far it gets better and better with every new season (I'm on the 6'th season right now).

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  2. #2
    Ayyye American Dad VS Family Guy Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Family Guy started out good, then went to forced shitty humor. American Dad STARTED with it. I honestly can't stomach that show, it's just are newer episodes of Family Guy.

  3. #3

    American Dad VS Family Guy

    Family guy to me started out hilarious and got mediocre quick. I still enjoy a couple episodes out of the new seasons, but it's not a very good ratio.

    I never really did click with American Dad, there has only been a handful of times that I've actually been rofling. It's humor has stayed constant throughout the series though I'll give it that.

  4. #4
    Consistently Average American Dad VS Family Guy Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Well they're both better than the Cleveland Show amirite?

    Family Guy has always made me laugh, it's just my kind of humor. It's usually the little jokes or stupid comments but I still find it funny. American Dad started out kinda average as some shows do but I think it's gotten better over time and distanced its type of humor from Family Guy. I would have voted for a 'I like them both' option but my vote goes for Family Guy. There's usually a good plot or story for every other 10 that are just random parodies.
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  5. #5
    Ayyye American Dad VS Family Guy Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    I refuse to even try the cleveland show...I don't wanna see a show based on the most boring character >_>

  6. #6

    American Dad VS Family Guy

    Cleveland show really isn't that bad.
    It's definitely not anywhere near the level that these two shows are at, but I find it the perfect show to fall asleep too .

    I have a hard time with ADHD and sleeping. My mind races like a mofo when I try to sleep. Listening to music just makes me sing/hum the music. Watching TV has been my go to sleep aid since 7th grade (a year after my diagnosis). This show is perfect, it's enough for me to not be interested enough to stay up and watch, but it's not dull and boring enough to make me change it.

    So it gets an okay in my book.

  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor American Dad VS Family Guy Josh_R's Avatar
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    Family Guy was good when it started but sucks big ones now.

    I actually enjoy American Dad. F*cking love Klaus.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  8. #8
    TFF's Token Imp American Dad VS Family Guy Martin's Avatar
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    It's sad that only Kurt really had anything positive to say about both shows. I'm actually a very big fan of both because they still remain refreshingly funny years after they started. Family Guy has a lot more pop-culture references now than the earlier series granted but I happen to like them. I also like the many Stewie and Brian 'Road To' specials and their episodes in particular and I think the voice acting is well done. Musically they've brought a lot to the table and they've helped to bring big band and cabaret to a younger audience.

    American Dad started off as a satirical look at the seeming overreaction to the 'War on Terror' and the exaggerated views that a lot of supposedly far-right wing crazies had that every neighbour could be a terrorist. It was poking harmless fun, and has become a worthy second stringer to Family Guy. I actually prefer it from a purely comedic standpoint. It's a shame you guys really don't enjoy Seth's work.

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