I thought those were fun to read when you sent me some in the mail. You need to get your butt back on MSN more often! And post more of these up!
I've drawn hundreds of these over the last ten years. You've probably noticed the fox character as my avatar (or not.) My friends really liked this one, so I figured I'd use it as an introduction. If you're interested in seeing more, let me know. I will probably continue to post them. The last panel will make no sense. I will have to post another one to make it make sense.
Hopefully you can read my bad handwriting. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
I thought those were fun to read when you sent me some in the mail. You need to get your butt back on MSN more often! And post more of these up!
Your drawings are really good, I like them, can't wait to see more![]()
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
I can def appreciate the time it takes to makes things like that, nicely done it was great to read
Wanna Know More:
I love your little comics. The charactersare distinctive and have great expressions- the most important things in a cartoon! Its amazing that you've been doing them for 10 years, as although I draw a lot, the few times i've decided to start doing comics, they never lasted more than about 6 strips. The humour is great too- really clever!
My only criticsm about the one yopu have posted is that it can be a little difficult to read due to the lined paper.
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
Thanks for the compliments and criticisms, guys. I don't actually have a scanner at my place, so these may come few and far in between. But here are a couple more:
-Somewhat explains the last panel of the first strip.
-Making fun of an educational poster I saw at a grade school last week. (It said that "cigarette smoke can lead to death." Going right for the dramatics! It can; I'm not denying that.)
Storm; all you need to do is buck having a coherent storyline, and basically do whatever you want with the characters, heh. A lot of my old ones ended up as basically talking to myself. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 04-19-2010 at 09:57 PM. Reason: Posted the same link twice on accident
Haha nice! The first one especially! It kind of reminds me of kids when they keep asking you "why" or "what does that mean?". So bloody annoying!
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
Heh, that robot actually originated in a comic strip from high school. My friend and I were conversing through drawing comic strips, and his character was telling me I should play FF9. I drew the Are You Sure Robot in response to that, and he was like "Um... yes?" Years later, we found that strip again, and thought it was awesome.
Anyhoo, here's a new piece of sh-I mean 72nd and a 3rd comic strip, continuing more or less with the same theme from the first one I posted. Check it. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 04-22-2010 at 06:27 PM. Reason: I remember when there was a grace period of 5 minutes for editing your posts...
K, here's another one. Following the same plotline as before. I'm really lazy about drawing backgrounds, btw. It probably shows. Maybe I'd be better off not drawing any background, like I usually do. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Nothing wrong with being lazy with backgrounds. Things are more eye-catching and easier to read when the background isn't as striking as the main focus! I have to say, backgrounds are a thing I need to work on.
Again, nice work! Mad and clever as ever!
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
Got a couple things today. One's a bit like a pin up, I suppose: This. The other is a strip, containing my first character, Torea. (He used to be the title character.) And a new character. Plus at the end, he goes home to his wife, which is probably how I will greet my wife when I get home if I ever get married. ...I feel pretty "bleh" about this in one some places. Been a while since I've drawn these characters, I suppose. At first I thought, "maybe I should redo this one before I posted it." But then I thought, "...I'm lazy." Kinda shows. Sorry. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 05-01-2010 at 09:26 PM.
Here is a new one, heavily featuring Jay the Lizard. I think the unicorn guy is drawn better than he has been in past strips in this one. Some of the others aren't, however. I like the humor in the dialogue in this one, though (not to toot my own horn...) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Haven't posted in a while, but not to worry! I'll never give up on this, as there's nothing to give up onHere is a the next 72nd and a 3rd. Drew it on a bigger piece of paper than usual, so I had to scan it in two parts. Though it looks about the same size to me... *shrug* These next two are crossovers of sorts that I did with my friends Mike and Scott. Wasn't sure if I'd put them up since they weren't entirely my work, but they're both funny, so I'll just give them credit by their first names. Don't think they'll mind. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Here's one more. Actually had this in mind, and wanted to have it done when I uploaded the other ones earlier this week, but I was sick and couldn't put up the effort to do it. Hope you enjoy it. I couldn't get the scanner to scan the one side correctly, even though I adjusted the page, so certain words are cut off. Still should be able to read it without problems, though. I also like how the scanner scans everything so fricken' light that my shading is never picked up... guess everything needs to be BLACK. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 05-29-2010 at 06:50 PM.
I liked the ones I saw. A little hard to read some of the convo bubbles though
Though, if you ever got into it more and got one of those computer drawing thingymagigs... (i forgot there name, can you tell?) it'd make that easy.
I've always been jealous of you jerks that could draw![]()
Do you read Penny Arcade by any chance? The way your characters interact with each other reminds me of Gabe and Tycho's relationship. Your humor seems similar, too. Neither of these things are bad, by the way.
Your characters are original, and have personality, and I got a couple of good laughs out of what I read. If you set up a webcomic site, I'd definitely read it. From one man with bad handwriting to another, though, that aspect could definitely be cleaned up.
I like what I've read, man. Keep it up!
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
Here are two more. The first one takes place near before the second one for a change, I suppose. Probably.
Thanks for the compliments, guys. Yeah, my handwriting sucks. Sometimes I try to keep conscious of it, and other times I'm really lazy about it. Someone suggested I not put the bubbles in until I scan, or white them out or something... I dunno how that would look if I tried it, though. Plus, I'm lazy... Also; y'know I don't really read Penny Arcade all that often. Every once in a while, someone shows me one, and they're usually pretty funny, though. I used to read a lot of VG Cats and 8 bit Theatre. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Here's a couple more. The second one, I believe, is everyone's fantasy who's ever worked a customer service-type job. Or maybe I'm just an asshole. *shrug* Also, I got bored, so here's a bunch of depictions of Todd with different expressions on his face.
I was gonna draw a short thing for Father's Day... but then I didn't. It wouldn't have really been that nice, anyway; it would've been making fun of my dad and his hearing, haha. Maybe I'll draw it later, anyway. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Here's a couple more. The end of the second one is really dark. I don't know what people will think of it; haven't shown it to anyone else yet. A lot of this is the kind of thing I've been thinking about doing for a while now in the comic, though. Take risks! There's nothing to risk anyway, heh... Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Couple more right here. Got kinda bored today, watching my parents' house while they're gone. First one is pretty good, I think. Makes up to myself for last time, heh (my one roommate was confused by the end of the last one... She apparently thought that Tammy had shot the other guy. Not sure how that follows, considering what she says at the end. Although I suppose the panel of her getting shot might look confusing, or something. And the end panel, too. Could get better at depicting people blown to pieces by bullets.) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Greats drawings Telegraph, seems like you have put a fair amount of effort into your drawings/comic strips..... keep it up
Well, it's been over two weeks, but here's a couple more. I don't feel that these two entries are as good as the last two. That's the thing about inspiration... Also, here's a bizarre doodle I did. My friends were at once weirded out and amused by it. Enjoy.
Thankee for the compliments, DynamoAnyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
EDIT: Anyone wanna start this club with me?
EDIT EDIT: Colored and made smaller.
Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 07-31-2010 at 07:50 PM.
Here's a couple more. The first one is the start of a prequel series to 72nd & a 3rd, maybe. It includes characters that were in the first story I wrote, but decided was no good. Also, the villain in the second one was from an idea for a sequel to that story that I will probably never get around to writing. You can tell I don't draw the human characters very often, heh. I also don't like some of the dialogue. Then again, I never really do; it's awkward in places while cheesy in others, and a lot of the jokes aren't really funny, but oh well. If for some reason I ever decide to do this thing for real, I'll probably revise a lot of these. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Here's something new. Kind of a placeholder, as per I haven't done anything in a while. Started a second part to the last one, but I've only drawn four panels so far. Not feelin' it. This came from an idea my friend said. "You should call someone "Jairy" and spell it like "dairy," and have them demand milkshakes from him." I was like, "I'll have them do that to Todd, and also try to pinch his nipples." The whole think took maybe twenty minutes to draw... and much longer coloring it in just now, heh. I dunno if it was worth the effort. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Here's a couple more. I really like the last panel of the first one; think it might be my favorite thing I've done for a while. There was actually going to be more to it, but I ran out of room. The biggest omission was a joke that probably would've come off somewhat creepy and dirty anyway, so probably not too much of a loss there. The second one... I dunno how I feel about it yet. I'll have to see what other people think. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Here's three more. Not sure how I feel on the artwork on these. The best one in terms of that is the last one, and it's probably the most unpleasant one (but it's necessary for the "story.") I kinda feel especially dissatisfied with the middle one. It started out okay, but by the end, the pencil was totally getting dole and crapping out on me. I should've stopped to sharpen it, but I just pressed on. Also, the shading wasn't awesome on all three, especially after being scanned. Some of it was just too light to pick up. I need to work on that. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom