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Thread: 31 Days of HORRORAARRRRR

  1. #1
    Gingersnap 31 Days of HORRORAARRRRR OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    31 Days of HORRORAARRRRR

    Every year, I feel like I don't get to appreciate Halloween as much as I want to. So for this October, boyfriend and I have been celebrating fall/Halloween by watching a horror movie for each day of the month (or at least, we're making the attempt). So far, we've watched:

    1. The Shining
    2. Children of the Corn
    3. The Thing (1982)
    4. Hellraiser
    5. Drag Me to Hell
    6. Thankskilling

    We're watching both Alien and Aliens tomorrow to get caught up. I'm excited to watch something good.

    The Shining was good, and had creepy moments (All work and no play...). I was entertained. I never saw it as a kid, and Caleb had... so he was really creeped out, while I was seeing it for the first time with adult eyes. Still, I thought it was good.

    Children of the Corn idkwtf. Haha I mean it was just so.... awkward. I liked the main characters well enough, actually, they were adorable... and it was a fun movie. Haha but the ending was so silly. It wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't the worst.

    The Thing has been my favorite so far. It had a sci-fi element that I like and it was creepy as hell. I didn't have any jumpy moments or anything (well maybe one... with the blood), but definitely some "ooohhhh daaamn that is creepy and gross."

    Hellraiser was.... hahaha I'm not sure what to say. We watched it with a group of friends, and I was kind of stoned (pretty stoned), but I'm pretty sure that even straight I wouldn't have known what on earth I was watching.

    Drag me to Hell... reddit said it was good... so we watched it. Man... just wtf. It wasn't scary, it was just gross. Like in a vomit and maggot way. And old gypsy denture slime. Like this bitch kept getting vomited on and slimed with goo. The parts that were supposed to be frightening were just shaky closeups and loud music. It was bizarre.

    Thankskilling was hard to get through. It's an independent movie, and it definitely looked like it was filmed on a camcorder. It gave hints that it knew how terrible of a movie it was (and it WAS terrible), but I imagine I would have enjoyed it more if the actors had actually committed to this shit instead of being lazy caricatures of themselves. It WAS hilarious that the high school or college quarterback or whatever was like 35 years old. I got a few laughs out of it, but I'm glad I never have to watch it again.

    Before October began, we watched Tucker & Dale vs. Evil and it's probably been my favorite thing so far.

    So... so far, nothing has been very scary, but we're enjoying the month long celebration. We'll also be going to see a few in theaters. Anyone else do anything like this? Want to join in?

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  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy 31 Days of HORRORAARRRRR Rowan's Avatar
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    Tucker vs Dale was hilarious, the part with the wood chipper and the chainsaw were my favourites. Could anyone sugguest some movies to watch? In Australia its not custom to knock on strangers houses and demand candy, so we would celebrate halloween in our own way by watching horror movies all night. I think the best ones to watch would be Halloween 1+2, maybe a freddy krueger in there somewhere, possibly a little Suspiria. What will you be watching?

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