I added OmegaGear's character, Anatoray, to your Alexander list.
Yes, he still plays. Apparently, I'm the only person who knew that. <_<
Well it seems like there has been a lot of confusion before about what servers everyone is on. And I know a lot of people are trying to find out where everyone is so they know which server is the best. I have been rather hestiant about it in the past, but with the recent influx of members asking, I figured it is time that we have a list.
Everyone post what server you are on, with your main character name. If you are on more than one server please list all servers and main characters for each server. Mules are not necessary, just the character you normally use on that server. I will edit the list and keep a running tab of all the people so everyone knows.
I would go and look at the Profiles, but I know there is a lot of people that are not on the list and there could be people that have more than one character on different servers. Plus I do not know who on there is activate anymore, since a lot of the profiles have not been updated or post for more than a year. I put down what I could trust.
-Thicrobrian - Thicrobrian
- Aniero - Aniero
- Zantar - Zantar
- Tebian - Tebian
- KingSephiroth - Bytor
- Storm - Lunanova
Alexander - (The Offical TFF Server)
- Andromeda - Eytha
- Dawezy - Dawezy
- Merlin - Inoue
- Dragonheart - Darka
- LocoColt04 - Argentos
- ZRO - Kintrra
- Skai - Skai
- Secret Azn Man - Ryusukei
- Jin Kazama - Samano
- Omnislash9999 - Omni
- Thicrobrian - ???
- Oaken - Jaypes
- Edward Elric - Yensho
- OmegaGear - Kymusashi/Anatoray
- Sean - Dirgon
- Piroblaze - Bridgit
- Existingdark - Existingdark
- Infex - Caligulous
- SailorCallie - DarkLady
- Darkwolf - ExistingDark
- Frescora - Bloodpile
- Darkside20988 - Sarevok
- Garland_042 - Sudden
- Usagy - Usagy
- Relm - Relm
- Bricotius - Bricotius
- Shelus - Shane
- ZeroVivi - Selec
- Novacrash - ???
- Piroblaze - Bridgit
- Mircoft - Mircoft
- Magitek - ???
- Existingdark - Existingdark
- Hibiki - Ryukaze
Atomos(Test Server)
Last edited by Andromeda; 06-26-2008 at 08:23 PM.
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!
2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
I added OmegaGear's character, Anatoray, to your Alexander list.
Yes, he still plays. Apparently, I'm the only person who knew that. <_<
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
I'm in the same linkshell with OG. >_>; He hardly plays Anatoray though. He's on his main character. And hell, OG plays a lot.![]()
Skai Aetheris, Gilgamesh
So then, what's his main? I thought Anatoray was his main.. O.o
Anatoray is actually his mule. His main is Kymusashi.
Skai Aetheris, Gilgamesh
I've seen him around...had no clue he was a TFFer. o.O;;
Add me to the list?
Sean - Dirgon, Alexander. ^^;
With pleasure, I think there are a few other that might be left out at the moment, but I do not know. Though the list is shaping up nicely and I can definitely see that most of us are on Alexander like I figured. But this does a good job visually for everyone.
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!
2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
You can put me down as the 1st one on Ramuh on that list.
Chara name is Zantar.
ok Andromeda i delete that char form Alexander server.When i get my new Credit Card.I going to make a char in Alexander server i will post the name.When i have it done.
p.s i will ask for a new WP btw lol![]()
I guess I shall be the first TFF Inhabitant of the Seraph server. I;am known as..... Shane.
oo also put me on siren evilguy also add me to Alexander i tell you the name when someone give me a wp
Last edited by Thicrobrian; 05-04-2006 at 09:29 PM.
I took the liberty of adding my chars to the server list. Same name, two diff servers. =P
You can make me the first for Cerberus
Main character name is Bricotius
I'm from Fairy >_>
75Thief & 75Beastmaster of Fairy - Retired 7/06
100+3 Bone, Mule1 90.5+3 Smithing, Mule2 68+2 Cloth
im in odin name Sarevok and Dakker
I'm on the asura server.
My TFF Family ^_^SPOILER!!:
Remora, why? because you people didn't even THINK that you should at least NOTICE that I wanted a world pass, well if you don't want me around your world, then I won't come to your world. HMPH!
Hey! I’m in Remora as well!!
I go by the name Ryukaze there and I am currently rampaging around the Bastok area for now, so feel free to look me up anytime.
Existingdark on the Alexander server. I now have 2 characters.
I am also on Alexander thanks to daweezy! my char name is caligulous send me a /tell!
midgarsormr - microft
tebian - sylph (forever.. or until they turn the lights out)
- TFF Username: SailorCallie
- FFXI Username: Darklady
- FFXI Server: Alexander
I chose the Alexander server so that I can meet up with everyone from the TFF forums.
The Cringe: Empty Table AMV by SailorCallie (me)
PSN Username: SailorCallie
Nintendo Network Username: Callie1277
XBox Live Gamertag: SailorCallie77
Valefor server
And my main character is Lunanova
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
I just rejoined Ramuh, under the really ambiguous... Martininhox
It used to just be Martininho but that's still technically taken...
Hit me up if you're on Ramuh... chances are slim looking at the list but who knows.
I know that not all linkshells use POL's Linkshell Community but I update my name too...
Tebian in RGoNotsOfSylph the #1 most active group on Sylph at the ls community !!
Playonline Linkshell Community World Portal
Yayyyy i start in a few days
And I'm thinking about going to Alexander!
Anyone feel like helping a noobie in a few days?![]()
I'm game. I don't have an excess of gil at the moment so I can't really contribute that way, but honestly you shouldn't need to have your hand held through the game. I'll be more than happy to give advice and help when needed though!
After all, it's what a White Mage does.
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
Ah yeah I'm not saying to hold my hand, but just to give small advice and maybe some help with quests if you wanted too. Plus just someone to hang with in game hehe
Thanks Loco![]()