Due to the high volume of new content or changed content, the notes are being broken up into sections. This will cover all of the new quests added to the game. This is a long list ranging from Story related quests for the Main Campaign and even smaller things like Hildibrand and more.
There are 16 new Main Story quests added, with some of the names hidden to protect for spoilers. There are 3 quests related to the Mog Battle, 6 quests related to the new Extreme Mode Primal battles, 4 quests for Hildibrand, 10 new sidequests (some related to unlocking teleports to housing districts), 2 for Pharos Sirius, 1 each for the Hard Mode dungeons, 5 for the new Crystal Tower, 1 for the Ultima Battle Hard Mode and 1 new Grand Company Quest per company.
Locations and levels required for each are listed below.
Source: FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | Patch 2.1 Notes (12/14/2013)Main scenario quests have been added.
*For spoiler-free purpose, certain quest and NPC names are not available.
Quest Required Level Location The Price of Principles 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: Minfilia???????? 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: Minfilia???????? 50 Eastern Thanalan (X:11 Y:21)
NPC: Iliud????????? 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: ????????????????? 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: MinfiliaLaying the Foundation 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: MinfiliaBetter Late than Sever 50 Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:6)
NPC: GuolgeimRock-solid Protection 50 Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:7)
NPC: SlafbornCrate Go Kaboom 50 Mor Dhona (X:22 Y:7)
NPC: Sark MalarkHest of the Best 50 Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:7)
NPC: SlafbornPass the Smeall Hest 50 Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:7)
NPC: Slafborn???????? 50 Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:7)
NPC: SlafbornThe Things We Do for Tea 50 Western Thanalan (X:11 Y:13)
NPC: TataruIt's Possibly a Primal 50 Western Thanalan (X:11 Y:13)
NPC: TataruThe Gifted 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: Minfilia???????? 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: Minfilia
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Quest Required Level Location Hail to the King, Kupo 50 New Gridania (X:9 Y:11)
NPC: Vorsaile HeuloixYou Have Selected Regicide 50 Old Gridania (X:6 Y:10)
NPC: E-Sumi-YanOn the Properties of Primals 50 South Shroud (X:18 Y = 27)
NPC: Raya-O-Senna
Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added.
Extreme Primal Battles
Quest Required Level Location Primal Nature 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: UriangerGaleforce Warning 50 New Gridania (X:9 Y:11)
NPC: Vorsaile HeuloixQuake Me Up Before You O'Ghomoro 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: UriangerIfrit Ain't Broke 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: UriangerTo Tussle with Gods 50 The Waking Sands (X:6 Y:6)
NPC: UriangerPrimal Focus 50 Mor Dhona (X:22 Y:6)
NPC: Laraina
Side story quests have been added.
Quest Required Level Location The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen 50 Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:9 Y:8)
NPC: WymondBack in the Saddle 50 Southern Thanalan (X:21 Y:39)
NPC: HildibrandAfter Her Own Heart 50 Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:9 Y:8)
NPC: WymondThe Immaculate Deception 50 Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:8 Y:11)
NPC: Ellie
Sidequests have been added.
Quest Required Level Location Where the Heart Is (The Goblet) 5 Western Thanalan (X:26 Y:24)
NPC:ImmeWhere the Heart Is (Mist) 5 Lower La Noscea (X:31 Y:20)
NPC:AhctkoenWhere the Heart Is (Lavender Beds) 10 Central Shroud (X:21 Y:21)
NPC:MargeriaBeauty Is Only Scalp Deep 15 Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11 Y:11)
NPC:S'dhodjbiLike Cats and Dogs 15 Western La Noscea (X:26 Y:26)
NPC:SkribyldMan's Best Fiend 15 Western La Noscea (X:26 Y:26)
NPC:SkribyldCuriosity Killed the Coeurl 15 Western La Noscea (X:26 Y:26)
NPC:SkribyldTreasures and Tribulations 36 Eastern La Noscea (X:21 Y:21)
NPC:H'loonhToss Fit Workout 36 Coerthas Central Highlands (X:24 Y:27)
NPC:MaucolynRolling with the Snowies 36 Coerthas Central Highlands (X:26 Y:27)
Pharos Sirius
Quest Required Level Location Sirius Business 50 Western La Noscea (X:26 Y:26)
NPC: DiamandaWhy So Sirius 50 Western La Noscea (X:26 Y:26)
NPC: Diamanda
Haukke Manor (Hard)
Quest Required Level Location Maniac Manor 50 Mor Dhona (X:22 Y:8)
NPC: Lauriane
Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Quest Required Level Location Out of Sight, Out of Mine 50 Mor Dhona (X:22 Y:8)
NPC: Hugubert
Crystal Tower: Labyrinth of the Ancients
Quest Required Level Location Legacy of Allag 50 Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8)
NPC: outlandish manSanding It Down 50 Mor Dhona (X:30 Y:12)
NPC: RammbroesA Performance for the Ages 50 Mor Dhona (X:30 Y:12)
NPC: RammbroesLabyrinth of the Ancients 50 Mor Dhona (X:30 Y:12)
NPC: G'raha TiaFor Prosperity 50 Mor Dhona (X:30 Y:12)
NPC: G'raha Tia
The Minstrel’s Ballad:Ultima’s Bane
Quest Required Level Location The Ultimate Ballad 50 Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8)
NPC: Alys
Grand Company quests have been added.
Quest Required Level Location A Pup No Longer (Twin Adder) 50 New Gridania (X:9 Y:11)
NPC: Vorsaile HeuloixA Pup No Longer (Immortal Flames) 50 Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:8 Y:8)
NPC: SwiftA Pup No Longer (Maelstrom) 50 Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:13 Y:12)
NPC: R'ashaht Rhiki