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Thread: Nico Nico Event: New Jobs, Frontlines and More Coming Soon

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Nico Nico Event: New Jobs, Frontlines and More Coming Soon Andromeda's Avatar
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    News Post Nico Nico Event: New Jobs, Frontlines and More Coming Soon

    Yoshida had a live event for FFXIV on Nico Nico which revealed quite a few little details about things. It is still mostly tease information, but there was a little more hard facts about when to expect full disclosure on things. The biggest piece of news was that he confirmed there will be a Gun and Dagger class/job and to expect them soon, as in sooner than people think. It's looking like post 2.3, which is the big PvP patch. He said the job announcements are being held off for E3, so expect to know what you can look forward to leveling in June.

    Black Mages will be getting a buff as it was mentioned that they feel the Black Mages are under performing against other attacking jobs. This is likely the case that the game requires significant position adjustments on a moment's notice at times. Any movement cancels a Black Mages casting, dropping their contribution to the party, while others can often maintain or be minor inconvenienced.

    Summoners will be having a rebalance done to their pets as Garuda has become the dominant pick over the others. So they want to make sure all the pets are treated and seen equally. He also confirmed as to be expected Leviathan and Ramuh pets will be coming, just no word on when.

    Yugiri was revealed internally to someone, who gasped, but still nothing public. Gold Saucer is apparently going to be big, but details are still vague on what that means. So far it sounds like there is going to be a lot they are putting it more than just mini-games.

    Personal rooms in FC housing came up as something they are thinking about doing. The new dungeon for 2.3 will be in La Noscea and outdoors. Crafters will be getting something new, but he cut himself off before saying what it was only "Salv".

    Below is a rundown of information I was able to locate, there is a little bit of a repeating.

    • Gun and Dagger class/jobs were both confirmed and coming sooner than people think. Apparently soon after 2.3. (He said we are saving this info for E3-Announcements, looking forward to June 10th!)
    • The gun class isn't what people are expecting it to be.
    • Frontlines are aiming to be in 2.3! (They made it seem like it was an 8v8v8, not confirmed though)
    • Yoshi said Summoners will be getting Leviathan AND Ramuh pets, no mentioned when they would arrive.
    • Black Mage buffs and Summoner pet rebalancing to make others useful coming.
    • Yugiri's face was apparently shown to Nakamura, who gasped. No images as of yet.
    • Gold Saucer will be BIG. He wants the games to encompass more than just playing with friends. (Hints at match making and chocobo races.)
    • Personal rooms for your FC housing mentioned again. He said it would be like a mog house from ff11 with decorating.
    • The new 2.3 Dungeon will be outside, and deal with water, supposedly in La noscea.
    • Crafters are getting something to do with salv- (He was cut off, people thought it was salvage, but he claims that he wasn't going to say salvage.)
    • Phantasia Potions for sale in May!

    Smaller Less Important Tid-bits:

    • People complained about still going to the waking sands, solution is coming.(Urianger is staying behind because of the twins are fighting and he doesn't want to leave Alisae(the female twin) behind on her own. Apparently as part of the story, they will make the move in 2.3) So no more waking sands trips!
    • Hildibrand was originally supposed to be a Lalafell.
    • Yoshi said to watch the Hildibrand cutscenes again and pay attention to a reoccurring person in the back ground stalking Nashu. He said he was surprised no one caught this.
    • Gerolt's name in japanese is Gero, which literally means "barf", is getting a personal story to explain his rocky past where he was not such a nice person.
    • Stitches in the moogle* are being removed because japanese players find them scary. (Was unclear if he meant the moogle pet or the moogle housing item)
    • Housing Instruments if all played at the same time will play a memorable song.

    • Ability to display all 100 inventory space in one page is planned (PC/PS4 only).
    • Black Mages were noted as being somewhat weak as a DPS in Second Coil. Buffs planned.
    • Ul'Dah's housing area is unpopular. Changes to the landscape and scenery is planned to address this (nicer night sky, less view-obstructing boulders/mountains, cleaner waters, etc.)
    • A new function/content for crafters called "Salv___" is planned to be introduced in 2.3. (Yoshida noted many people saying "salvage" but would not confirm that's what he's trying to say) More information to follow at the next Producer Letter Live in Nagoya (May 24th)
    • Ability to preview (try on) gears from the Market Board is planned to be added.
    • Phantasia will become availabe in 2.28 (May) Edit: the idea expressed was that all accounts will receive a free potion when the patch is released (similar to the veteran reward). A purchasing option may not yet be ready as of 2.28.
    • The next new hard mode dungeon will be Tam-Tara Hard (and the NPC Edda will actually be involved, despite it originally being an April Fools joke)
    • The new instanced dungeon will be outdoors in a bright area.

    Being considered:
    • Ability to toggle automatic level sync when entering a FATE.
    • Adding Mog Extreme and Leviathan Extreme to DF.
    • Adding (more) contents that are affected by weather. Weather forecast should come a bit after 2.3.
    • Adjusting the balance of Summoner's pets, as currently Garuda is more or less the only choice in end-game contents. (will not be a nerf)

    Unrevealed Contents:
    • Don't throw away your primal weapons (no information given as to when they might become useful in the future) (referring to hard mode weapons).
    • New summons will be Leviathan and/or Ramuh ("lightning old man"), and will be added the same time the level cap is raised.
    • Information on new jobs/classes will be revealed at upcoming events (such as E3 / Japan Expo) (?) (not coming until at least after 2.3)
    Attached Images Attached Images Nico Nico Event: New Jobs, Frontlines and More Coming Soon-ffxivarrlogo01-jpg 
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  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior Nico Nico Event: New Jobs, Frontlines and More Coming Soon LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Big note there? Hints at chocobo racing.

    No better way to get Phinn back into the game than potential breeding and racing!
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  3. #3
    The Quiet One Nico Nico Event: New Jobs, Frontlines and More Coming Soon Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, chocobo racing seem likely, but it sounded like something a little more hands on, than the hands off racing from XI. So there is that. But it seems like there is going to be plenty to do in the Gold Saucer.
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  4. #4
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Nico Nico Event: New Jobs, Frontlines and More Coming Soon postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    Big note there? Hints at chocobo racing.

    No better way to get Phinn back into the game than potential breeding and racing!
    Haha, Cesar you get me.

    My account is still active, I've just been way too busy making music and film (and playing SimCity........). I'll be back, don't worry.
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
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