It feels really empty, missing a lot of things. It's like it's in the Alpha stage, only worse.
Pretty much what Calvan said. I see the game has a lot of potential and depth to it much like FF11 but they have a slew of stuff to clean up before game can become good in that complex manner that FFXI is. It's sort of like SE tried to jump up a whole set of stairs instead of taking them one at a time. I'd say give it some time and they will turn the game around.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
It feels really empty, missing a lot of things. It's like it's in the Alpha stage, only worse.
Odd... I have been playing since beta and am now playing the game and I am having a great time with it!!! There are many people who are online all the time and everyone I have talked to who has actually put time and effort into the game love it... Maybe we are just fanbois or maybe we are looking at the game as half full??? No MMO has been "great" at release... Since this game has been released I have seen mass improvements on this game and am excited to see what is going to happen next... Those of you who are scared to try the game because people keep badmouthing it... don't be scared... try it and see for yourself... I would bet alot of money that more than half of the people badmouthing this game haven't even tried it... Maybe some of you have but I bet most of you have not...
I'm still wondering on whether to get FFXIV as my first online rpg or not. I've been staying away from any mmorg's until one came along I would feel the need to spend hours upon hours glued in front of the screne sitting next to a bed pan and a stack of NOS.
So if this was to be my cherry hammered, would FFXIV be worth it?
Chrono Cores:
Over the last few months, FFXIV has improved drastically since its inception. The producers are smack in the middle of doing even more drastic changes to make the game what it should have been from the start. One thing is for certain, and that is that they have a fire under their ass and are burning the midnight oil to make this game work.
So yes, the original game definitely sucked bad, but the current flavor is a lot better. Is it perfect now? No... but it is getting there. It's a lot more fun (to me) and original than all the WoW clones other companies keep spewing out *cough*Rift*cough*.
Should you get it now? Well that is really best left in your own hands. They are currently working on overhauling all of the classes and leveling system, so you may wish to wait until they finish that. Or, jump in with the rest of us and have fun now. Or, get a WoW clone. I mean it's still free every month, so if you hate it you're only out your original investment... but that is your money so you'll have to make the decision on whether to spend it or not. I can only point out what I know from playing the game from day 1 to now.
I've never seen a company apologize for how bad they're game is...
I hope they can fix it up and make it fun...FFXIV is currently a blight on the series.
Frankly, I don't see why we need 2 FF MMOs anyway...
Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII
Currently Playing: FFIX