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Thread: What could make this game better?

  1. #1
    SpellWarrior What could make this game better? Hinj's Avatar
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    What could make this game better?

    I want to know if anyone has any ideas that can make Revenant Wings any better? Its a good game but I'd like it to be more like FFXII because I really like the gameplay, I just think it should be the same battle format.

  2. #2
    Registered User What could make this game better?
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    I liked this game. I've never been one to pick up a tactical RPG, which is probably why I've never played FF Tactics or any of those games, but I thought for what it was it was a pretty darn good game.

    My only complaint with gameplay would probably be that it was really difficult for me to look around the battle screen when a lot of action was taking place. I had to pretty much keep my fighters together so I could keep up with them all. It got really complicated when large swarms of enemies would surround my party, but it was the best I could do.

    Oh, and Kytes got on my ever-loving nerves. I don't know if everyone had the same problem as me, but when he would cast a spell, he would just stand there for a long time and not do anything. I constantly had to keep inputing commands for what I wanted Kytes to do, which made me lose focus on my other characters.

    Just a tiny little thing: After playing FFXII and then picking up this game, I did want it to have the same character customization as XII. It sort of bummed me out that characters in Revenant Wings had a specific purpose, but I understand why it's like that.
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  3. #3
    Rabanastran What could make this game better? Belugn's Avatar
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    The battle system. Just. CHANGE THE BATTLE SYSTEM. I think it's so boring and all over the place. Just rip off the more traditional battle system of Golden Sun or WHATEVER I just wish it would've been different. To me it's just messy and boring, and not working well at all. I can't heal my characters when I wish to, and there's not even an item options. The characters just walk around, the only thing you get to do is semi guide them in different directions.
    A lot of people who's against the battle system of XII thought that the battles were too automatic, that they were just sitting there watching the characters act on their own. ..well they haven't played Revenant Wings. It's such a turnoff for me that I haven't even bothered playing it all the way through, which is sad, because otherwise I think it's such a sweet game, and story wise and world setting wise more of what I thought FFXII would be after just seeing the trailers of it in 2005-06.

  4. #4
    Lorem Ipsum
    It became too repetitive after awhile. Especially the non-plot-related fights.

    Speaking of which, the plot was rather should really only buy this game if you want to find out what happens next in the FFXII universe.

  5. #5
    Boredness rules us all What could make this game better? Midnight Panda's Avatar
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    i hated fighting all those stupid fights that have nothing to do eith the main storyline. also i hated when you had to fight the verylast boss and i kept levelling up but everytime i got to like one level behind him the next level i got up after that he would suddenly be 10 ahead of me... annoying
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  6. #6
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director What could make this game better? Petros's Avatar
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    Okay I'm gonna throw this out there and forever be hated for it.

    I prefered Revenant Wings to the original game. I thought the original game was boring, the battles we're fun at all and the characters though good were seriously under developed.

    Revenant Wings on the other hand fleshed out the characters of Vaan and Penelo as well as having an interesting character in Llyud. And I've always been a RTS fan, I always did in enjoy Red Alert.

    Anyway, as to what could have made it better. Well for starters the graphics could have been improved, voice acting could have been added to cutscenes, it's not like they didnt' have the actors or the technology to do it, "Final Fantasy IV" for the DS could do it and it was a much larger game.

    I would also have liked to have seen you do more RPG stuff, visit towns, solve puzzles, side-quests, items, magic e.t.c

    In the game you visit one town and that's it. Again I think this was out of sheer laziness because it's not like FFT where you never control the character outside of Battle or the World Map... You do control him aboard the Galbana, why couldn't we have gone to other places like Rabanstre at the very LEAST.

    The music was great for a DS Game as it kept one thing I did really enjoy about XII, it's soundtrack.

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  7. #7
    Registered User What could make this game better? Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: What could make this game better?

    I found the game to be short =P
    it would have also been better if Ashe and Basch came earlier in the game!
    Final Fantasy and Samurai Champloo FTW!!

  8. #8

    Re: What could make this game better?

    The battle system could have definitely used some improvements. I like RTSs and RTSRPGs are nice, but I don't think FFXII:RW quite pulled it off. I think I would have enjoyed a TBS more, like Tactics. Also, I know that Nintendo is famed as a family-friendly "fun for everyone" kind of company and their platforms reflect this, with some exceptions, but I wish they hadn't messed with the character designs and made them look all cartoony. It's nice to get the extra added story of FFXII, but I wouldn't have picked this game up or enjoyed it so much if I wasn't an FF fan.

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