The saddest thing for me was when I forgot that Cloud died and he turned to a crystal. It made me sad, and angry. Cause I spent so much time lvling him up, and boom he died bastard.
Kicking out all my chocobo's :[
I am still keeping one purple and one yellow but it was really sad haha
"Expel... Expel is that a good thing?"
"I protect you. You protect me. Right?"
Nawwwww :'(
The saddest thing for me was when I forgot that Cloud died and he turned to a crystal. It made me sad, and angry. Cause I spent so much time lvling him up, and boom he died bastard.
Saddest thing is that the PSP remake has all the animations really delayed/slowed down so the battles take like a lunchbreak and a half to get through each time. >Makes me want to turn green and start tearing down walls. Then again people think I'm wierd because I think that FF9 random battles take forever to get through as well, idk.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Haha looking back on this thread that i started ages ago i see Rocky's problem.
Im playing FF9 on psp now and man does the delay on battles annoy meits just a few seconds or so but man is it frustrating.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
The worst lag time of FF9 is when the battle shifts from the item screen of the battle back to the overworld. Takes like 10 seconds just to return back to the world.
Or when you get into a battle, and it takes 15 seconds just to actually get to the battling.
Worst moment of FF in my opinion is that I spent 90+ hours on FF12 following the orders of a moogle. Just to do all the hunts, and learn that the return award wasn't even that great. -.-;
Proud to be in the United States Navy.
Originally Posted by Joe Moog
The large amount of mis-translations via PSX version...
Like geez! This is common tho... ANd my fix was just switch to Tactics Ogre.
AS for the PSP: Slow downs during animations?
Have you tired using a hack-firmware and popping on a CPU booster?
I found my animations went a lil too fast to the point where a battle was really easy to screw up on cause you were acting faster than thinking.
The fact that nobody will recognize this as the last great Final Fantasy game. seriously, I feel like Charleton Heston runnning around screaming "This is the last good game in the series, you idiots! quit chewing pocky and wearing lionheart necklaces!"
Yes, yes it was. Still, though, I think the epilogue to Ramza was better yet, I like the generic 'WHAT IF?" mysteries.
Delita, everything about that dude was sad.... A lot of people hate Sepiroth or Kefka, I hated Delita self righteous woman punching prick. Needed a boot in his ass.