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Thread: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Uhmm, lets face it, kinda seems like that.
    I don't know how to put it but it Highly seems so >.<
    Or they could be the highest level of friends without being pass that line.

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  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    No.. if you notice, they have the same last name, kind of. They're from the same village and stuff. I assume they're related in some way.

  3. #3
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Well, since fang was once supposed to be male, maybe they were kinda going of the lif and lifthrasir of norse mytho, as in after ragnarok, they would need to repopulate?

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    Lady Succubus Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Where do you see that Fang was supposed to be male? I never heard that anywhere in the game. o.O

  5. #5
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Sorry about not being clear enough.
    The developers stated that Fang was meant to be a male character, I don't know why they stopped, so I am guessing that they toned down the "relationship" between them.

    Makes sense why they look like lovers haha

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    Lady Succubus Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Uhm, they never looked like lovers to me, though. When I played the game, I never got that sort of vibe.

  7. #7
    The Brave Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?
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    Arrow Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    They are actually of different 'clans' so to speak. Vanille is Dia and Fang is Yun. The 'Oerba' refers to the village they hail from. As for are they lesbians or not, I guess that they are simply friends.

  8. #8
    Teh Future Mod :3 Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Jenova's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    No.. if you notice, they have the same last name, kind of. They're from the same village and stuff. I assume they're related in some way.
    Maybe in their culture their last name comes first or something. either way, no, they are not. I would say gal pals ;3
    Or sisters.

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    I want to play a game. Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    While many have suggested that, in both of my playthroughs I didn't get enough of a vibe that they were lovers. To me, their love felt more of a sisterly love.

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  10. #10
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Petros's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    I like to think they were lesbians. Don't believe they were. But I like to think they were. Makes me think happy thoughts. :-D

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  11. #11
    The Lone Dagger Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    I too didn't get the vibe that they were lovers. Fang to me seemed much more like a big sister to Vanille to me, she was there to pick her up when she fell and always was encouraging her. No lovers relationship.

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  12. #12
    Balamb Garden Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? UK-Lionheart's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    No, I don't think they are. Although I have not finished the game yet. I'm going to start from the beginning again. Because I have not played since September and I have no idea what's going on. Let's hope I can make it to the end this time around.

  13. #13
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Crap, now it looks like I am a freakin pervert... o,o"

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  14. #14

    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    I definitely got more of a "sister" vibe then a lesbian one but I wouldn't put it past both of their personalities
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  15. #15

    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    I think they were lesbians, and square-enix just wanted to push the bar and have the 1st lesbian couple in a video game. there were too many things hinting at it, I havent played the game since it came out but I remember the scene where Fang checked her mark under her skirt-thing, you can see that they focused on the groups reaction to that. and it was a lil suspect how over protective she was of Vanille. I dunno thats my opinion of it anyway.

  16. #16
    Lady Succubus Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Uh.. no, there weren't hints at it. Your mind is just dirty. The skirt thing.. girls do that to other girls all the time, and as far as being protective, siblings do that also.

  17. #17

    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Why does it have to be dirty, there are lesbians in the world. Why is it so farfetched. and what part of the game do they say that fang is from a different tribe. Im not arguing the fact because maybe they did mention it and i missed it, i just want to know. because if im not mistaken they did have the similar last names, but that doesnt mean there sisters. if they were from the same tribe remember vanielle said that there tribe is like one big community that shares everything, maybe including last names, but its in the front of the name so i guess first name lol
    Last edited by KingClaudius; 01-19-2011 at 05:01 PM.

  18. #18
    Lady Succubus Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Don't even go there, dude. I didn't even say they were siblings. But they sure as hell aren't a lesbian couple either.

    I said your mind is dirty; not Lesbians. You caught those "hints", because you wanted to see those hints. I'm bi myself, so it's not like I'm some homophobe.
    I just didn't see those kind of references you speak of.

    It's a FF game for crying out loud; not a romance novel.
    Last edited by Victoria; 01-19-2011 at 05:11 PM.

  19. #19

    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    First off calm down its a video game.Maybe they were maybe they werent, im just saying i got the impression that they were, i have enough of a personal life not to wish that characters of a videogame were lesbians or not. and Im about to play it again and im going to write down every thing that made me think that hinted that maybe they were lesbians and post the list.

  20. #20
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    The game never stated their exact relationship. Whether they're lesbians or not depends on your own interpretation. However, I don't think they were lovers at all, and not once got that impression. I always got the impression that they were sisters. Sure, they're from different clans, but they're both from Oerba... which if anyone took the time to notice was a village full of small, packed apartments. People would have been close. They had a strong bond, that's all.

    The fact that Fang was supposed to be a male means absolute shit, if I'm honest. They decided to change the sex of a character - that doesn't mean the story needs to change much.

    Also, I doubt Vanille is Fang's type - too bloody annoying.

    It's a silly school boy thing, isn't it? Why do they always have to ruin the story? =/

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  21. #21
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    WEll the fact that Fang was to be male means a dramatic difference, like I already stated, maybe they were going for the norse mytho, as in after ragnarok bleh bleh bleh

    Oh and Mistress victoria reply was freakin hilarious!!!

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  22. #22
    Do the elements trust you? Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    no, they arent lesbians. they both were orphans and if you look at society those who have no family band together and become a new family. fang is the big sister and in case you havent noticed, in oerba, there is a picture frame with a picture of them in a family type picture. pictures between lovers tend to be more intimate. fang is probably so protective since she doesnt want to lose any more family. thats all there is to it.
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  23. #23
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Okay then, how about this, if Fang were a male, would it look like they were lovers?
    If so, then we have a problem lol

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  24. #24
    Do the elements trust you? Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    Okay then, how about this, if Fang were a male, would it look like they were lovers?
    If so, then we have a problem lol
    No it was a big sibling vibe she was giving off and if they were lovers that would be wierd since they are pretty much sisters
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  25. #25
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Ahh, you are right, perhaps I thought so because of the mythos chance and reading random forums about htis other places, seems I should keep to the real FF forums lol

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  26. #26
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    Okay then, how about this, if Fang were a male, would it look like they were lovers?
    If so, then we have a problem lol
    But... Fang is female. The "male Fang" everyone is so worked up about would probably have been the same in a protective sense of the word, but would have been different - if some dude, whether I knew him well or not, ran up to me and hitched my skirt up, he'd be walking away with a broken nose.

    Just the fact that they chose Fang to be female says enough, really. They wanted to show a sisterly bond, a bond they wouldn't have been able to show if she was male. Lovers aren't everything, ya know.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  27. #27
    Do the elements trust you? Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    But... Fang is female. The "male Fang" everyone is so worked up about would probably have been the same in a protective sense of the word, but would have been different - if some dude, whether I knew him well or not, ran up to me and hitched my skirt up, he'd be walking away with a broken nose. Lol

    Just the fact that they chose Fang to be female says enough, really. They wanted to show a sisterly bond, a bond they wouldn't have been able to show if she was male. Lovers aren't everything, ya know.
    could not have been said it better myself. I think there is 3major reasons fang didn't end up as male #1 is that people wouldn't focus on the story but instead focus on the potential( and I say that without belief) love interest between them. Guess it couldn't be avoided, though. #2 is that they could add a little humor and a new twist to their intersecting plots which wouldn't be possible if fang was male( case in point the skirt scene), just for the heck of it. And #3 is that the final fantasy series playable characters up till 10 were mostly male and if she was male that would set back the new thing where SE is trying to include more female characters in the party. But these are just my opinion, it could be for any number of reasons
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

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  28. #28
    Registered User Are Vanille and Fang lesbians? Joyful Blue's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    Why oh why are people getting so worked up about this? The only reason I can think of is that some consider it a "touchy" subject and in 2011 (just) I find that pretty hard to believe. The impression I got was that they weren't but if people want to believe they were then s'all good, the amount of speculation that still goes on to this day over unanswered questions from FFVII is pretty ridiculous but since most of it isn't concerning subjects of a sexual nature it doesn't get quite as heated. That is of course if you don't run into an FFVII fanboy/girl and they can't really be considered human.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    While many have suggested that, in both of my playthroughs I didn't get enough of a vibe that they were lovers. To me, their love felt more of a sisterly love.
    Same here, in fact I was kind of mislead before I played the game into actually believing they were lesbians and it wasn't really something that was open to interpretation so much. I kept waiting for something in game to show me this was the case but nada.

    Quote Originally Posted by Petros View Post
    I like to think they were lesbians. Don't believe they were. But I like to think they were. Makes me think happy thoughts. :-D
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  29. #29
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    It was obviously Square Enix's attempt to stay in the controversial playing field that Atlus already is in a couple of years back. Much like Kanji in Persona 4, who had questions regarding his sexuality but ultimately the verdict was left to the player, FF13 has done the same thing with Vanille and Fang. Personally I don't think they are, but that is just me there's evidence that could back either scenario.
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  30. #30

    Re: Are Vanille and Fang lesbians?

    [QUOTE=Rocky;1293397]It was obviously Square Enix's attempt to stay in the controversial playing field that Atlus already is in a couple of years back. Much like Kanji in Persona 4, who had questions regarding his sexuality but ultimately the verdict was left to the player

    THANK YOU!Thats what im saying, Im not wishing they were lesbians im just saying why would it be such crazy idea? I think Square Enix wanted to stir things up, and made only assumptions but never actually said it. name another girl duo in any final fantasy that were like that. Fang was a very masculine and tough woman, who was over protective of vanille...Like a lover, not a friend. and i seen someone said something about the picture being in her place in Oerba...Im sorry but I only have one picture in my room in my house and its not of any of my friends. its of my GIRLFRIEND!

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