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Thread: The Time has finally come...

  1. #1
    Badass Military Agent The Time has finally come... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    The Time has finally come...

    So to backfill the readers on something, when FFXIII was release, I watched a buddy start playing it at his house. Mind you this guy is the only real friend I have even though he's out the service and back home, but when it comes to games, He and I mostly if not always have the same opinions when it comes to them. So as you can imagine, a couple chapters into the game, we both looked at each other, looked at the PS3... and then took the game out and never touched it again...

    A couple months later (yesterday), he gives me a call saying he didn't want his $60 to go to waste, so he picked it up got somewhere near the end, or I think he beat it (forgot the convo already). His words were

    yeah man,I kept going thru it, and well the characters don't get much better but it seemed alright enough to finish playing, the system seems complicated but it's easy for you to learn, the story on the other hand was questionable, but it's workable
    Hearing his words, I thought to myself... well I guess it's about that time. If he says so and neither of us never been wrong about games to each other, then It's gotta be worth playing..

    So there you have it readers... any thoughts or opinions on this.

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  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    Are you asking for our opinions of the game? Are you asking if you and your friends opinion on the game are what everyone else thinks? Or are you asking us if you should play the game?
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  3. #3
    Badass Military Agent The Time has finally come... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    Let's go with all 3, just trying to psych myself for when the time comes.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    I just got done playing FFXIII for the first time Saturday. I was about 20 minutes from Orphan and I had to get off of my roommates 360. I was at 38 hours.

    Anyways. I find the characters and the story well thought of. The whole concept of the story progression was great. It was linear but it was supposed to be. If your cast of characters has no idea what exactly is going on...why should you.

    It's all on the players views. Everyone tells me Hope stays the same throughout the entire game. (which I found to be semi true)

    All in all, just give it a try and don't think it's going to be a repeat of a previous installment. You think like that and the game is a disappointment. It's something new, so enjoy it.
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  5. #5
    Badass Military Agent The Time has finally come... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    I'm pretty good about not comparing games to each other, especially the FF games since their all different >.>

    From what I'm been reading on other threads about this game, the characters seem to start off bad, but towards the end, they seem to get better, at least that's what I keep hearing.

    On other note, would it be better to buy it for Ps3 or Xbox 360? Or is there just a subtle difference between the two?

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  6. #6
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The Time has finally come... Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    Just don't think of it as an FF game and it is good, don't try to compare it to the others nad you'll be okay.

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  7. #7
    Badass Military Agent The Time has finally come... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    Just don't think of it as an FF game and it is good, don't try to compare it to the others nad you'll be okay.

    That in itself is quite impossible for me to do, if it's gonna have the FF logo on it, then it needs to perform up to the standards of the series, Otherwise, call it Destiny of Pulse or something.

    I'm also good about not comparing any of the FF games to each other, come to think of it, rarely do I ever compare games especially RPGs for that matter.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  8. #8
    Lady Succubus The Time has finally come... Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    Haha. That's funny. You just contradicted yourself. But yeah, I'm with Odin on that one. But then again, with FF13, they tried to do something new and at the cost of that, the story wasn't as good as it could be.

    And just cause of xbox, they couldn't put in towns and the like. =(

  9. #9
    Badass Military Agent The Time has finally come... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    And just cause of xbox, they couldn't put in towns and the like. =(
    Exactly why certain games need to be on certain systems. They need to learn to not try and please everyone with mediocre material. Rather if that is the case, do it wisely or something.

    Although as long as the brain dead masses are still here, all they need is a good name and pretty graphics, and it's going to be an instant hit >.>

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    Damn, I guess the concept of the story wasn't enough reason to not add in towns like previous installments.

    Well Squall, looks like you finally understand gaming business now. Graphics is what most people look at now, sadly.

    Being a fan of the series myself, I find the story to be the best out of all of them. It gives you mystery for what is going on throughout the entire game. Thinking and thinking about how you think it really is. No towns? The cast is on the run throughout most of the game. If you were outlawed and had the military looking for you....would you stop in a town? Hell no. I could go on but it's pointless.
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  11. #11
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom The Time has finally come... Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    Personally i think having it be a linear Game really takes the fun out of the game. i thinked the fact you could go somwhere completely not in the story line and do some random stuff or grind or whatever!

    As for the characters..i haven't played it all to much but i do find them a bit "Meh" compared to previous installments..i suppose i find it hard to really get in thier shoes like i have with some other Installments.

    The battle system i have a problem with..just becasue the party leader dies...why does it have to be "Game over man, Game over" i have 2 healthy party member that can use pheonix downs...and i don't like the fact you can't control your other party members!

    For me i think there are stonger FF instalments but i suppose at some stage i will bring myself to play it at some stage!


  12. #12

    Re: The Time has finally come...

    I agree with your friend, its worth a first playthrough if you like Final Fantasy games but otherwise nothing really memorable. The battle system is a bit of a drag when it comes to some aspects but looks neat. Characters are developed but only some get enough attention to fully develop, even then its not that memorable.

    The lack of towns and such made sense since they were "on the run" but coupled with the linear story it made a lot of locations really forgettable and being memorable is what I expect from Final Fantasy games.

    Overall its worth one playthrough but as people have said don't try to think of it as a Final Fantasy game in terms of quality and depth or you will be setting yourself up for a letdown.
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  13. #13
    Badass Military Agent The Time has finally come... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The Time has finally come...

    I request that this thread be locked now

    Thank you

    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 02-10-2011 at 07:20 PM.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

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