I felt that they were both falling for each other but for me it wasn't 'uncomfortable'. I say ditch Snow and go after Noel.
*possible spoiler alert*
I was wondering if anybody was feeling a little uncomfortable with the relationship Noel & Serah were developing early on in the game.
I just got past the sunleth waterscape, and if it weren't for the parts where serah seemed concerned for Snow's well-being, I was getting the impression she didn't care for him much and she was falling for Noel.
Anybody feel the same way?
I felt that they were both falling for each other but for me it wasn't 'uncomfortable'. I say ditch Snow and go after Noel.
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I just hated to see what was unfolding, all while Snow is oblivious to the whole thing. I've always thought Snow as a genuinely good person. He doesn't deserve this.
Keep in mind, I am still early in the game. I just defeated the Royal Ripeness and Snow has just disappeared. I was getting upset with Noel with all the trash talking too. Ah, a FF I can get emotionally tied to again. I love it!
I don't think that Serah is falling for Noel they are just becoming good friends. That happens when you spend a lot of time with someone and undergo something like an adventure that they are going through, it bonds you for the rest of your life.
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Serah has Noel in the friend zone. She is pretty dead set on Snow, though I'll never really understand that one. Considering how she acts when Snow leaves after you complete the boss fight, it is pretty clear where her interests lie.
The one you should feel bad for is Alyssa, who has made it as clear as she could without stating it out in the open, that she's got a thing for Hope. It is hard to know if Hope ignores her because he doesn't notice the feelings or things she's doing it at the wrong time and place. It is never clear if he is aware of her. Poor girl, though after Episode 5 I have a different opinion.
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I don't exactly feel uncomfortable about the situation with Noel and Serah. I definitly feel that they're in a Friend kind of relationship. I do sometimes get the feeling like there could be something there, but Serah is obviously dedicated to Snow. Though I have to say, I can't seem to decide wich pair I'd like better. Noel and Serah or Serah and Snow. XD
As for Alyssa and Hope, I feel like he kinda ignores her affections because he doesn't share them and it makes him uncomfortable.... >>; Or maybe that's just me. I can't particularly say I like Alyssa. I agree though that it might be biased because of Chapter 5, but I didn't really like her in the beginning either.
Thanks for the responses everyone! The more I play, the more I see what you all are saying. I just kept getting the feeling that there would be a falling out between the two. Glad my feelings were wrong!
That is very true and I think that it is very apparent that Alyssa has a thing for Hope and he is hesitant to return the affection. It seems to me that Hope does have some feelings for Alyssa but he is just not comfortable with PDA. He always looks at Alyssa when she does something almost as if he is like, "This is not the right time."
My tone did change a little bit after beating the game,
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