Square just announced the name of the new FFXIII game. According to information, Lightning will be the main and only playable character for the game. It takes place hundred(s) of years after the events of FFXIII-2 in a world/land called Novus Partus (Latin is back). It is going to be an action game from the sounds of it, attacks are still governed by a ATB they said, but it'll be more like an action RPG rather than the standard RPG FFXIII and FFXIII-2 were.
Lightning apparently has 13 days to save the world from destruction and like Majora's Mask, you're on the clock. Actions consume time and everything you do eats a little of your time away. It should also sound like Valkyrie Profile.
Lightning is also going to be customizable with her equipment. The equipment you wear governs what abilities you have and the way you'll fight. So it is more than just a cosmetic thing.
It also sounds like this is going to be a more open world with a non-linear progression. There were also suggestions that it make work like Breath of Fire: Dragon's Quarter where even if you fail at the end you restart with Lightning stronger and better equipped. They said that even if you're not ready, when the last seconds countdown you'll be sent into the final battle.
Lots a interesting things coming out about it.
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
You say interesting Rommy, I say tedious and rubbish.
I sat through the whole 37 minute announcement trailer and it's time I will never get back. Being told by Yoshinori Kitase what a crystal was was a personal lowlight, and there is no real justification for this game.
Not to say that it wasn't obviously going to happen but.. I can live without it I reckon.
Yes! This made my freaking day! This game is definitely going to be the best of Lightning's saga, which I'm really sad to see this will be the last we see of her. I hope we don't have to wait forever to see her new character design and the battle system. All the concepts they showed looked very interesting, especially the whole four islands for the world idea they showed off.
Just can't wait for some renders and character models for Lightning! But, a few complaints about it, why do they have to incorporate Facebook? Why do all video games have to have that? I just hope its an option that I can switch off and forget about it.... forever. Also, are there no characters from the past XIII games? Is Vanille and Fang not going to make an appearance? Because if so, that makes me really sad because we only saw them for at the most a minute in XIII-2 and their still major to the story! Ugh...
Well, I guess we'll learn more about everything I mentioned later this year! Can't wait for this game!
"We Are Never Getting Back Together. Like... Ever."
My Signature looked a lot prettier in photoshop... :/
There will be more info on Sept 4 they said so we only have to wait a few days. I watched all of the videos after I posted this, the info I had before was from an in-depth look at it in an article. I'll agree that the presentation was pretty strange. It was too much philosophy and not enough game. But considering when FFXIII-2 was announced we only got a teaser trailer with no info. Then I would say we got more about this game than the last time. We actually know a lot more about any FF game when it got announced since they generally just do a teaser and leave.
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
I hope they don't tie unlockables to Facebook. When Facebook eventually dies out and you want to play the game again, oh well! You can't unlock your cool items or costumes anymore.
Also, what's the point of saying you can dress up Lightning however you want, but then throwing in the stipulation that each costume has different stats? That means that no, you won't be dressing her up in the outfit you think is cool, sexy or whatever. You'll be dressing her up like a Chocobo or some other corny/ugly outfit because it has the best stats.
Lastly, one of the things I like about games that you can explore the world at your leisure is that you can explore it at your own pace. I wasted plenty of hours in games like Skyrim just wandering around looking at stuff. So yeah, so far I'm not "excited" about this.
Why couldn't they just leave it well enough alone? I mean, FFXIII had a good story. It kept you wanting to play it (even if the gameplay was boring sometimes). FFXIII-2 was incredibly forced, especially considering that FFXIII tied up all the loose ends. I could understand a sequel based on retrieving Vanille and Fang from the Crystal Pillar, but the time travel bit was way out of left field, and not even that interesting of a concept (Chrono Trigger did it better). I think I'd be much happier with FFXIII if I can just forget these damn sequels exist.
Really though, I am excited for this game. Even after seeing this informative video:
A lot of the information here was posted in the OP, but some info isn't. He wraps up everything in this video, which is nice. Exactly how will they be marketing this game? Can we jump to conclusions? Will they market this at all? Will they keep everything a secret? It's really hard to tell.
Either way, I know there is some hate for Lightning, I have to say I absolutely love her as a character and I love this Lightning Saga.
Loveheart42, FFXIII seemed incredibly unfinished.
SPOILER!!!! Because spoiler tags are cool:
Leaving Fang and Vanille to hold the pillar did not sit well in my mind. We also didn't see what happened with Hope's Father. FFXIII-2 didn't help ease my mind either. With what happened to Light and Serah at the end...There's obviously something missing and there's a lot that needs to be explained. This third installment will hopefully ease that, but we'll see when the game comes out. I quite enjoyed FFXIII-2 as well. The time travel was not in left field for me. However, any possible misunderstanding was explained by a simple "It's a paradox!" line . It still wouldn't have been a proper Final Fantasy game without it.
Sure, everyone will have their own opinions and hate towards this Saga, but I like the whole idea and I like how far they've taken Lightning as a character.
Yoko is Loco
Last edited by Yoko; 09-03-2012 at 03:29 AM.
The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!
Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS
Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
(my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
ve yourself
is what i said
not "do you"
There is some additional info that has come out. Hope has been confirmed to be in the game, naturally not playable, but he will be communicating with Lightning. According the information, events at the end of FFXIII-2, the chaos invading the real world has caused an ageless state for everyone. So all of the FFXIII characters stuck at the end of the days in the 500s are still alive from the sounds of it.
Additionally, they've stated that the game is about 30% completed.
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
I Was Hoping To Be The First To Write About This, But I Missed My Chance...XD Anyway, I Am Totally Psyched About This Game. I Was Psyched About The Other Two, And I Was Not Dissapointed. To Me, They Delivered. I Was Somewhat Sad About No Actual Summons In FFXIII-2, Cause That In Itself Is An Awesome Feature, But I Was Glad That They Added The Monster Crystals System, Cause You Can Collect & Level Up Your Monsters And Have Them Help You Out. So Far The Story Is Awesome, And I Just Want More. If You Are A True FF Fan, You Wouldn't Be Glorifying The Weak Points Of One Of The Games, You Would Be Enjoying It And Play It Because Of All The Elements It Incorporates. All They Are Trying To Do Is Please The Fans. At Any Rate, I Am Really Looking Forward To This Title. All The FF Games I Played So Far I Have Loved, No Matter What Their Flaws Are, Or How Many Flaws They Might Have. Hell, We All Have Flaws, So What? We Are Not Perfect, But You Know What, That Is Okay, We Still Learn To Love And Respect Each Other. People Are People And An FF Game Is An FF Game, And That Is All There Is To It. This Is All IMO. If You Don't Like A Game, Then That Is Your Opinion. 2013, Cannot Wait For You To Arrive, Woot!!! Happy Posting Peoples ~Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima~
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This may be a stupid question: But what the heck does Facebook have to do with a video game? How will it be connected to the game?
I must admit, as for the information presented, I'm a bit skeptical, as I like the RPG-style of Final Fantasy. I like to have at least three characters in my party, fighting with them ALL, not just one alone. :/ I fear the game won't feel like a Final Fantasy at all.
Still, I'll buy it... mostly because I want to know the story AND someday I'd like to be able to say that I played every FF I could.
The game flow of Lightning Returns reminds me of Majora's Mask (I know this has been stated many times before) with the amount of days you have in order to save the world from impending destruction. I wonder if it will have sequential sidequests and if light will be collecting face masks?
they said they were going a new direction with this game can't wait to see how it will turn out
I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.
Only thing I heard was 'Final Fantasy XIII: Lighting returns is a single player game' I really did not like Serah or Snow 2.0(Noel) in FFXIII-2
but it is Lighting and she is one of the best characters ever my mind is at ease, I seen some of the sketches of the cities and it was black & white with different shading and tones (On IGN somewhere) it looks different but change isn't always a bad thing. I just can't get my head round 'Only 1 Playable character in a Final Fantasy Game so far'
I Hope they use the monster system they used in FFXIII-2 that was a really good feature, I wouldn't imagine they would make this a one-woman mission hopefully lighting will be gifted with some help i.e Monsters or Guests you can control or A.I controlled.
I Would have hoped all the characters would have came back together for the Last in the FF13 saga but another game with Lighting ?
That will do nicely!
I must say that I am extremely excited for this game. I know that both XIII and XIII-2 were a bit of a let down, but if it's half as good as Square is claiming it will be, then I will be a happy camper. If nothing else the world driven concept has me waiting impatiently to get my hands on it. >_<