In Japan, the game will launch on November 21, 2013 for 7,700 yen(US$78). A PlayStation 3-ONLY “Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Ultimate Box” will be released for 26,000 yen(around US$263), and includes Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, a Lightning Play Arts figurine based on her new look in Returns, soundtrack CD includes selections from each game's OST, acrylic disc holder, and art book.
View the New Lightning Returns Screenshots/Artwork/Final Box Art:
LR Screenshot 01
LR Screenshot 02
LR Screenshot 03
LR Screenshot 04
LR Screenshot 05
LR Screenshot 06
LR Screenshot 07
LR Screenshot 08
LR Screenshot 09
LR Screenshot 10
LR Screenshot 11
LR Screenshot 12
LR Screenshot 13
LR Screenshot 14
LR Screenshot 15
LR Screenshot 16
LR Screenshot 17
LR Screenshot 18
LR Screenshot 19
LR Snow Villiers
LR Lightning
LR Xbox360 NA
LR Xbox360 Japan
LR Play Arts Figurine 01
LR Play Arts Figurine 02
LR Play Arts Figurine 03
LR PLay Arts Figurine 04
LR Play Arts Figurine 05
LR Play Arts Figurine 06
Source: PlayStation.Blog
*Was in the middle of making this thread when this popped up-Finding/linking all the high-res screenshots available#tedious, so I'll just add to it whats left n the Japan boxset info.