Im about 7 hours in. I wanted to wait til nightfall to start playing, where everyone had gone to bed.
The game feels NOTHING like Final Fantasy, but it's pretty good. I don't really miss towns, but the game desperately needs some "down time" checkpoints. The action just never seems to stop. Hopefully that comes in later.
Battle System is superb.
Characters are good, but my predictions of who I would like, and who I wouldn't like, are basically backwards. A couple of the characters really need to contribute more and get interesting.
Story is confusing, though I worked it out with the aid of the very nice in-game encylcopdia. I suggest everyone read it thoroughly whenever theres new information.
Story seems to have potential, but is feeling a little stale at the moment.
The game is very linear, but its not as bad as I thought it would be. I was prepared to enjoy linear gameplay, though I was a little worried. This is mostly fine. The maps tend to fork off a fair bit and wind and etc. There are lots of good chests and stuff. My only problem is that its impossible to evade a fight so far. And regular fights seem to be really easy. Boss battles are quite hard though.
Soundtrack is lovely. It's really missing the victory theme, prelude and Final Fantasy theme though. I am shocked they weren't used.