Since levels don't really mean a whole lot and for a while things are pretty locked down. Just say how far a long in the game you are and how much work you've done on the Crystarium and any work you've done on upgrading. Anything else you can think of as the game progresses for further.

Lightning and Hope are together and I just got the next level of their Crystarium unlocked. Hope has all of his up to level 2 and Lightning has all of the ones she had up to level 2, Medic is the only one she can't.

Snow is hanging out on The Lindblum (awesome FFIX reference ^^ )

Vanille and Sazh are together in The Old Growth - The Sunleth Waterscape, which I'm currently one. Vanille has Ravager and Medic at level 2 and capped out with Sabeteur left. Sazh has Synergist at level 2 and Commando capped out with Ravager left.

Everyone has their weapons at least to lv 2 and Snow, Hope and Sazh can hold two accessories now.

I'm at 9:85 with 4,700 gil.

Report in and see where everyone is at!