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Thread: Final Fantasy XIII-3

  1. #1
    Registered User Final Fantasy XIII-3 Alex's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Apparently, a Final Fantasy XIII-3 website has been registered and is coming prior to the release of XIII-2.
    The Corporation Service Company has completed the registration process, and Square Enix often uses the CSC for creating websites ...

    These are words from: Square Enix Might Be Losing it; Final Fantasy XIII-3 Website Registered | PlayStation LifeStyle

    So, what do you think about this? a sequel, to a sequel?
    Or is this even true? It seems to be.
    We can only wait, but I'd like to have some opinions on this, since I seem very confused!

    Well, as long as they keep making FF's I don't care what the title says!


  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger Final Fantasy XIII-3 Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    I just went to, and all it showed was a blank white page. There was nothing on it. It showed done on the bottom of my browser, and when I refreshed the page, still just a blank screen.

    I don't know much about how to build a website etc., but wouldn't they have put something on the page? I don't know what, but maybe a "Final Fantasy XIII-3: Coming Soon" kind of thing?
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  3. #3
    Registered User Final Fantasy XIII-3 Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Yeah I tried that too, it all went blank, but if you go to the link I put up in my first post, and then click on the; Domain look up you can see that the website is registered. I don't think it means it's out yet, it was created
    7th of September, so I guess they're not done yet.

    This all creeps me out, lol! xD
    If it's true, that a XIII-3 is comin', they must've planned it all along since XIII-2 isn't even out yet!

  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    They have been making XIII since like 2006, I'm pretty sure they had plans for things like this when they were nearing the end of the first one.

    Until I actually finish XIII and get my own copy on my own xbox on my own account then I'll probably be more interested.
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  5. #5

    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    I really hope they don't make ANOTHER Final Fantasy XIII game. Just finish Versus XIII already. You can only make Lightning's story go on for so long.
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  6. #6
    #LOCKE4GOD Final Fantasy XIII-3 Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Can they just please give up on ****ing sequels? These games don't need them. The storylines are terrible and contrived, and to go and write a sequel is a crime.

    All they get out of a sequel is twice (and now three times) as much revenue, and they turn this into profit by recycling the same game mechanics with little twists (from what I've seen, XIII-2 may as well be the second disc of the original game), so as to minimise game development costs.

    Don't buy into it.


  7. #7
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Final Fantasy XIII-3 Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Wow, Lots Of People Hate FFXIII...I Actually Enjoy It. Yes, It Is Pretty Linear, But Alot Of Games Are Like That. The Crystarium System Is Not That Difficult To Understand, Lots Of Paradigm Combinations, And The Graphics Are Beautiful. When I Play, I Always Try To Get As Many 5 Star Ratings As Possible. The Fast Paced Action Is Addictive To Me. It Gets Me All Fired Up, And My Adrenaline Goes Through The Roof. Yes, There Could Be Improvements, But Its Not The Worst Game Ever Invented. I Love It. It Would Be Nice To Actually Get FF Versus XIII Finished Sooner Rather Than Later, So We Can Start Playing It, But Its Nice To Get A Bit More Of A Certain Game Than Usual. I Don't Mind If They Make FFXIII-3. I Just Hope They Get FF Versus XIII Done, So We Wouldn't Have To Wonder About How Great Of A Game It Is, Or Could Be. Once The FFXIII Series Is Done, We Can Finally Move On To FFXV, Which Will Hopefully Be Even More Amazing Than Any Game Ever Made. All We Can Do Is Wait And See.

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  8. #8
    Registered User Final Fantasy XIII-3 Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    I completely agree with you, FFXIII was far from bad, it was amazing.
    There isn't many games out there like the Final Fantasy series. The battle system in XIII is ... Wow, it's so action-packed! It always gets me pumped!
    I don't quite understand people who says that Final Fantasy XIII was bad and horrible. I guess they are so used to the older FF's that they got a shock, since XIII is quite linear. But Square-Enix experiments, like they always do! That's what I love about them, they never does the same thing, they always fresh up things!
    Also, Final Fantasy versus XIII is in full production now when XIII-2 is done, they confirmed that, so i am very happy!

  9. #9
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Final Fantasy XIII-3 Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    By The Way The Trailer Looks, I'm Already Hooked On FF Versus XIII. This Game Incorporates All The Elements That Make Up A Good Game So Far That I've Seen. It's An RPG, Has Some Shooter Elements, And Has Awesome Graphics. All That Is Left Is The Storyline, Which I Think Will Actually Be Really Good.

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  10. #10

    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Seriously, I liked FFXIII. I am also looking forward to FF13-2. But honestly? How would they continue this? I mean, what else will there be left? |: I mean, how much can you stretch a game? I just hope it won't be a fail or anything.

  11. #11
    Chocobo Queen Final Fantasy XIII-3 Katpuss's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    I really don't know why so many people don't like FFXIII. I've completed the game (beat the final boss) and am halfway through the Cieth Stone Missions. The story was lovely, the paradigm system was very good and I loved the varied and beautiful worlds that I visited. I warmed to Sazh, laughed at Vanille, supported Fang, thought Snow was cool, got annoyed with Hope and totally identified with Lightning.

    I can't wait for FFXIII-2 to be released next year and it will be good if a third installment is on the cards.

    I am not a newbie to FF in case you are wondering. I have played FF since I was old enough (now 31) and I adore III, IV, V, VI and Tactics.
    Vanille: "Wishes can come true, but not if you just wait for miracles. Miracles are things we make for ourselves, here and now"
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  12. #12
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    I'm picturing Hope and Vanille as old people with hoarse voices and smiling.

    One of my biggest turn offs in newer JRPGs is definitely the younger characters with whiney voices. That said, knowing my luck they won't really age much at all.
    victoria aut mors

  13. #13

    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Why do they have such a hard-on for FFXIII to warrant it two sequels? Make a NEW game...

    FFXIII sucked, anyway. It didn't even feel like Final Fantasy.
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  14. #14
    The British Guy. Final Fantasy XIII-3 Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    I was seriously thinking square would do something like this, well i was thinking they wanted a real Trilogy set in the correct order with all the newish FFVII games. Also when FFXIII was longer than 2 films in FMV's. It will be interesting to see how it turns out providing it does happen, who knows XIII could become one of the legendary games in the series. Another hint also was Lightnings character moody and not really interested basically a mix of Cloud and Squall who are very popular characters.

    Although in my opinion most of the story was closed up after the first game there wasn't that much 'what if'? room.
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  15. #15
    Riding the waves of adventure Final Fantasy XIII-3 RainingOasis's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Wow can't believe they already registered a website for the 3rd one, I would think they would wait to see how the second one sold and then open up a website for the 3rd one if the 2nd one sold well. Anyways FFXIII wasn't that bad of a game, the only thing annoying about it was the fact you had to kill hordes of monsters to get items to sell (to upgrade equipment and whatnot) Does anybody know if there is a release date for versus? Been waiting for this game forever
    Last edited by RainingOasis; 10-31-2011 at 12:54 AM.
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  16. #16
    Registered User Final Fantasy XIII-3 Yuffinara's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    XIII-3? Already? Gee they haven't even released XIII-2 in Japan. o_o Now this is something to wait for.

  17. #17

    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Hi, there. Fun fact: Video game companies always buy domains and file trademarks that relate to their existing ones, just in case they MIGHT need them in the future. Remember a few months ago they filed for Type-1, 2 and 3 at the same time? Will they make those games? Probably. But why wait to file for trademarks for those until you plan to actually make them? What if a fan buys those domains and trademarks and make a fan site out of it? It happened to kingdomhearts3(dot)net. And now Square can't make website out of that address. Unless of course the owner is willing to sell it. (See here: Domain aftermarket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Apple bought iCloud from some guy for $4.5 million which presumably cost only a few hundred bucks) It's just what publishers do out of fear and it doesn't always mean they will have (immediate) plans for it. I believe the domain for God Of War 4 were already bought by Sony, even though the series is supposedly done. But who knows, one day Sony might want to milk more cash out of that cow.

    So, yeah. No need to overreact, guys. Sorry for those eager for it; and congrats to those that want FF13 to be erased out of existence.

  18. #18
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Final Fantasy XIII-3 che's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    Quote Originally Posted by dsowner View Post
    Hi, there. Fun fact: Video game companies always buy domains and file trademarks that relate to their existing ones, just in case they MIGHT need them in the future. Remember a few months ago they filed for Type-1, 2 and 3 at the same time? Will they make those games? Probably. But why wait to file for trademarks for those until you plan to actually make them? What if a fan buys those domains and trademarks and make a fan site out of it? It happened to kingdomhearts3(dot)net. And now Square can't make website out of that address. Unless of course the owner is willing to sell it. (See here: Domain aftermarket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Apple bought iCloud from some guy for $4.5 million which presumably cost only a few hundred bucks) It's just what publishers do out of fear and it doesn't always mean they will have (immediate) plans for it. I believe the domain for God Of War 4 were already bought by Sony, even though the series is supposedly done. But who knows, one day Sony might want to milk more cash out of that cow.

    So, yeah. No need to overreact, guys. Sorry for those eager for it; and congrats to those that want FF13 to be erased out of existence.
    ^ This. Also, I'm impressed with how everyone gets bent out of shape over "omg not another one", when XIII-2 isn't even out yet, and people complain that they haven't remade FF7 so often.

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  19. #19
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XIII-3

    They might actually be good. I mean, I don't have high hopes or anything, but sequels aren't the end of the world. If you don't want one, then just stay away from it - no one is asking you to buy it. Just because you won't enjoy it, doesn't mean someone else won't.

    Anyone think this is a thread to close? I do, seeing as there's no XIII-3. Alex, PM/VM me if you'd like it reopened.

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