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Thread: Favorite team?

  1. #1

    Favorite team?

    I'm in chapter 9 where all of the characters have reunited and I'm wondering what your team set up is? I'm using Lightning, Hope and Gang still. I tried switching Hope for Vanille but I found she wasn't as effective as a medic.

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  2. #2

    Re: Favorite team?

    My favourite team was of Lightning (RAV) - Fang (COM) - Hope (RAV) or (MED)

  3. #3
    Final Fantasy Noob! Favorite team? ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    No contest...Lightning, Hope, and Fang. Great party...every possible class available without dumping CP into extra roles.
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  4. #4
    G'day Favorite team? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    My favourite team is also Lightning, Fang and Hope. They kick a**!

    I used to like using Sazh instead of Hope, but Hope's abilities have improved now that I'm onto Chapter 12

  5. #5

    Re: Favorite team?

    As much as I can't stand his character for about 90% of the game, I still go with Hope RAV/MED. I alternate between Snow and Fang for my COM, and obviously Lightning RAV or COM.

  6. #6
    Badass Military Agent Favorite team? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    Once I was able to start switching characters I turned my main team into Fang, Sazh and Vanille, Lighting just wasn't cutting it anymore, plus Fang is way more awesomesauceness.

    I think I did switch Vanille out for Lightning towards the end because Lightning's One Man Army technic is pretty pimp.

    But yeah Fang, Sazh, and Vanille were my favorites.

    Never used Hope or Snow.

    Pretty much I only used the characters I liked and well FSV were way better than everyone else.

    Not to mention I raped the end of the game with those three.


    Most people switched out characters for their abilities and stuff, or who's magic is stronger or whatever.

    Fang - Attack is much higher, Her personality suits me more, plus she's a Dragoon, and Dragoons are awesome.

    Sazh - His guns are pimp, his sarcasm is pretty awesome, plus he's my buffer guy (screw hope)

    Vanille - She's hot... she's hott.... and she's hottt, she's also my debuffer and healer
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 07-17-2011 at 04:00 PM.

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  7. #7
    Memento RK Favorite team? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    Lately it's been Lightning, Hope and Fang. I did use Sazh in place of Hope before, but Hope knew Shell and Protect before Sazh did, plus I use Hope for MED. When I need someone with better SAB abilities (aka death) I use Vanille. in place of Fang. But since Fang had the better COM and SEN abilities, I usually keep her alongside Lightning who uses RAV, COM and MED when needed. Still a decent team. Especially when I get all 3 of them using MED at the same time. Everyone's healed in less than 15 seconds.
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  8. #8
    Registered User Favorite team? Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    I often use Lightning (She's my fav character) as a , RAV
    Snow, as a, COM. And hope as a, RAV
    I switch between Hope and Vanille sometimes, since I like them both.

  9. #9
    Passing fair judgement Favorite team? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    Hmmm this team seems a bit overused. Lightning, Fang, and Hope, they were the most well rounded team in the game.
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  10. #10

    Re: Favorite team?

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    Hmmm this team seems a bit overused. Lightning, Fang, and Hope, they were the most well rounded team in the game.
    The thing with that team is that they were the last forced party to play with and you played that party the longest, so you kinda just stick with it. And it's also well rounded Rav - Com - Med/Rav

  11. #11
    Registered User Favorite team? Yuffinara's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?


  12. #12
    Registered User Favorite team? tetsu346's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    my favorite team was hope, lightning , and snow because hope is bad*** and a really awesome medic and ravager. The best team for dealing alot of damage in my opinion

  13. #13

    Re: Favorite team?

    Just like the majority

  14. #14
    All is One.One is All. Favorite team? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    During most of the game I used Lightning,Hope,and Fang like everyone else. Though every once in a while I would switch out Lightning or Fang for either Sazh or Snow.

    I effin loved Hope,I could never take him out of the grp lol
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  15. #15
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    Lightening, Fang and Hope was all you really needed, and found that team got me through some would be tough fights. Hope was the best healer and overall magic user, so you always get that support. Fang was an excellent Sentinel and could hit pretty hard too. And I feel weird without the main character not being in the party for some reason, so I had Lightening for continuous combat.

    ...It worked out well.

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  16. #16

    Re: Favorite team?

    Fang, Lightning, Vanille

    I would prefer Hope over Vanille, but I hated his character in general.

    Vanille is straight up awesome for being able to farm traps and plat ignot before beating the game.

  17. #17

    Re: Favorite team?

    I use Snow, Sazh and Hope. No one else uses them apparently, haha. I hate Light (Don't shoot, :/) so I much prefer using these guys. Sometimes I'll swap Snow or Sazh for Fang if I want something dead asap, like if I'm going for a 5 star mission, but other than that I'm sticking to these guys. I also always use Hope as my leader, makes things a little harder but much more interesting imo. Means I don't have to stick to just using Auto-Battle all the time. :P

  18. #18

    Re: Favorite team?


    I just can't get enough of SYN/SAB/SAB... such a great paradigm.

  19. #19

    Re: Favorite team?

    I haven't played it but this is how my missus did it. First time playthrough Lightning, Hope, Fang. Second time through boss fights Lightning, Hope and Sazh (for Haste buff). Mainly using Lightning, Hope and Vanille now also Hope has now lerarned Haste so no more need for Sazh in fights where Buffs are needed. Just started taking on hunt missions now the story is finished, she wants to finish it before FF13-2 comes out but I don't think she will manage it but I will help her to do it in time if possible!!!

  20. #20

    Re: Favorite team?

    Like most other people I went with Lightning, Fang and Hope whenever I could. It's well balanced and makes it easy to set up some excellent paradigms.

    Even when you max out all their roles Lightning makes and excellent Rav/Com/Med, Hope is a geat Rav/Syn/Med and Fang an amazing Com/Sab/Sen.

  21. #21
    I do what you can't. Favorite team? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite team?

    I think I'm in Chapter 12 now (I started playing it a while ago, but it was right before I went to Afghanistan and I had to stop around Chapter 11, so I just restarted a couple of weeks ago), and I've been using Lightning/Vanille/Hope. I'm not sure, but I might have to switch Lightning for Fang. Hope and Vanille are great Ravagers and Medics (and with the two of them, you have a SAB/SYN combo), so I never put Lightning as RAV or MED, and since I only use her as a COM, I might as well switch her out with Fang, who can be utilized in more roles.

    Plus, I upgraded Hope's weapon, transformed it, and upgraded it more, so he's pretty powerful. I upgraded Vanille's Belladonna Wand a bit, but nearly every other weapon I have is pretty low. Lightning is still using a Lv 6 Gladius, but I think I'll keep her with it until I find a Lionheart and start upgrading that.

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