View Poll Results: Yojimbo (Multiple Answer)

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  • He used Zanmato for me, what's wrong with you?

    10 40.00%
  • He didn't use Zanmato for me...

    13 52.00%
  • Of course he wasn't a Phoenix, a dog was with him!

    8 32.00%
  • I thought he was a Phoenix...

    2 8.00%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Yojimbo

  1. #1
    Yojimbo Segoreme's Avatar
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    Okay, two questions. Did anyone else ever get him to use Zanmato? I didn't use him that much, cause my wallet was pretty spent on potions and stuff... so he never really used the move.
    Also, did anyone else think that from the phrase, "You expect a phoenix, yet you offer chicken feed," that he was going to be a Phoenix? I was kind-of bummed out after that, and that's probably why I didn't use him that much...

  2. #2
    Tsuna Feesh Yojimbo Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I never bothered to get him to use Zanmato. It costs way too much, and the amount of time and effort that it would take to get Yojimbo to do Zanmato regularly is just not worth it. Besides, it takes the fun out of the game if a superboss can be killed in just one hit, wouldn't you think?

    And as for the saying, I think it's just a phrase. Chicken feed is cheap, so he's referring to the amount of gil that you're offering as cheap, too. And what eats chicken feed? Chickens, of course. However, a phoenix is a much greater bird than a chicken, so that's why he used that. It's like you are serving a hot dog to a royal king.

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  3. #3
    Master of the Shadow Key Yojimbo KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I don't like being extortioned by a guy who refuses to fight unless he gets his "Benjamins" when I could just use the slave labor of Valefor and Bahamut. Besides, when I did pay him he was too lazy to do anything and sent his dog to attack.
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  4. #4
    Registered User Yojimbo HUNK's Avatar
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    Never worked for me, but I have seen a friend get Zanmato to work out of pure luck.

    I didn't like him that much but I liked the idea of a god-like human instead of some crazy monster(Anima) or just something else(Magus sisters).

    I thought of him as FFX version of Odin.

  5. #5
    He pretty much was, except without the horse. He just had a lame dog instead.

  6. #6
    Registered User Yojimbo Yesha's Avatar
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    I Like him.. but.. I didn't reaLLy bother spending much for his Zanmato attack.. nor I saw him using it.. I remembered.. giving him, Like.. 300,000 and it's not worth it..

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  7. #7
    Registered User Yojimbo
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    I never got him to use Zanmato. One time, I even gave him every single gil that my party had, and he still just did some lame attack. I shut off the game and turned it back on, so I didn't really lose any gil, but after that experience, I never used Yojimbo since.
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  8. #8
    Am I the only one who got him to do Zanmato often? O.o I had no problem to do it. Of course it always depends on the boss, so the Dark Aeons would've been very very expensive (I beat Valefor and Shiva with Zanmato, actually, because I wanted Anima so bad XD"). But for minor bosses it was quite useful, of course only if you levelled in the ruins of Omega before going to defeat the boss. (There is a trick to get money quite fast ^^)

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  9. #9
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Yojimbo Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I Don't Have him yet...LOL So I Cannot say anything about it atm...LOL

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  10. #10
    Paradigm Shift Yojimbo FFTheBest's Avatar
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    He didn't use Zanmato for me. It was either Daigoro or Kozuka.
    Last edited by FFTheBest; 08-07-2009 at 03:09 AM.

  11. #11
    O Rly? Yojimbo Arch's Avatar
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    umm you fought him before you even went into the chamber of you know hes not a phoenix.......and no i got no zanmato

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  12. #12
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ Yojimbo SilkAngel's Avatar
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    Ugh, Yojimbo ate up all of my gil and never even used Zanmato once! I just quit using him and switched to Anima. At least her attacks aren't luck based.

    (I saw a guide on getting Yojimbo to use Zanmato, and it was full of all these equations. I feel sorry for the people who sit down and try to figure it all out. o.o)

  13. #13
    I thought you had to give him an odd number of gil or something like that for it to work? Multiple of 7, or something. Maybe I'm wrong.

  14. #14
    All is One.One is All. Yojimbo Firefly's Avatar
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    Yojimbo,ain't worth it to me.The only time he used Zanmato was...never.Thats why when I replay the game,I use my money for something else important.Instead of Yojimbo,get Anima!
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  15. #15
    Consistently Average Yojimbo Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Yojimbo

    i read online somewhere that you have to give him 1024 gil to get him to use Zanmato but thats bull. i always give him 1gil and he uses a random attack, although mostly Wakizashi but he'll use Zanmato on occasion.

  16. #16
    Registered User Yojimbo Joyful Blue's Avatar
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    Re: Yojimbo

    A friend gave me a very good tip that I followed to the letter for getting him to use Zanmato on pretty much each occasion you summon him. Unlike the usual hints from friends that prove to be utter lies this one actually worked a treat, and in truth without it I probably never would have spent the time to beat all of the Dark Aeons, Penance etc.

    Basically pay him a decent amount, nothing too extravagant (maybe 10k?) against normal enemies for some time and make sure he doesn't get hit or use his dog buddy. His relationship goes up for the kills and as long as he doesn't do either of the two points mentioned it won't drop down again. Doing this isn't some long drawn out process thankfully, I didn't think I'd used Yojimbo much at all on my adventure but by the time I got to the Dark Aeons he was using trusty Zanmato on all but a couple of occasions which just let me to reload from the last save point. I really didn't take that long to get his relationship up and he was using Zanmato at the expense of just one gil per fight.

  17. #17
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Yojimbo Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Yojimbo

    I didn't mind Yojimbo. I actually liked paying him to attack. While it was rare for him to use Zanmato, sometimes I'd give him all my Gil to see what it looked like. I could always just reset, so every time I wanted to see Zanmato I'd do just that.

    The only difference between him and Odin is that Zanmato ALWAYS works. Zantetzuken doesn't.
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  18. #18
    Consistently Average Yojimbo Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Yojimbo

    @ Joyful Blue... thanks ill try that those Dark Aeons have been a real pain in the 'you know what'. Like you said theres been so many theories in how to get him to use Zanmato you cant really divide the truths from the, well, less true ones. Zanmato's handy but my Yojimbo's srong enough to kill most normal fiends with Wakizashi but those Dark Aeons and Penance are a different story.

  19. #19
    Everyone needs a savior Yojimbo the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Yojimbo

    i hate him never did any good for me i just used bahamut shiva and the magus sisters most of the time
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  20. #20

    Re: Yojimbo

    Pay him enough cash and he will use Zanmato. I defeated Penance with Zanmato (I do intend to defeat him without Zanmato some time but not sure when) if you look on the internet or the official guide you can get more details on how Yojimbo works and how you can get him to use Zanmato more often.

  21. #21
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Yojimbo nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Yojimbo

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya
    Am I the only one who got him to do Zanmato often? O.o I had no problem to do it. Of course it always depends on the boss, so the Dark Aeons would've been very very expensive (I beat Valefor and Shiva with Zanmato, actually, because I wanted Anima so bad XD"). But for minor bosses it was quite useful, of course only if you levelled in the ruins of Omega before going to defeat the boss. (There is a trick to get money quite fast ^^)
    I got Zanmato almost everytime with the Gil trick you mention. Basically all you have to do is have the Gillionaire ability, fight Mimics in the Omega Dungeons and they drop 100,000 Gil. Then you build it up to 1,000,000 Gil and have Yuna use Grand Summon and pay him the million Gil. This is the universally accepted way of an almost ALWAYS guaranteed Zanmato.

    This method is the easiest way to kill all the Dark Aeons, took me something like one session to gain the 8 million Gil to kill all the Aeons.

  22. #22
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Yojimbo The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Yojimbo

    I was able to get him to use it a couple of times, but after wasting so much gil I eventually got tired of trying, and never used him much afterwards.
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