Exactly the same as mine...
Ashe lost everything, her country, father, husband...at one point she had opportunity to solve everything, to take her revenge, she refused knowing that Sun Cryst may harm the innocent. Her nations wellbeing is more important to her than her selfish motives, just shows what kind of leader she is.
Balthier was important character, he had more at stake than some are willing to admit, after all he fought against his own nation, against his own father, he was prepared to sacrifice his own life, all for greater cause, just shows what kind of determination he has.
Vaan is someone you can easily identify with, personality wise, more or less, rather what he represents, and the way he looks at world of Ivalice. He's a regular fellow after all.
Basch went through hell of war, and torture, as Balthier he had to face some hard decisions, nevertheless he stayed loyal to his country, loyal to lady Ashe.
As in any other entry there are characters who had small to none impact on the story, in this case that would be Fran, and Penelo, though Fran did have impact on me, she's smoking hot =).