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Thread: Why people hate Kimahri?

  1. #31
    Registered User Why people hate Kimahri? tetsu346's Avatar
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    Re: Why people hate Kimahri?

    i don't hate khimari,it was just that i didnt find him useful . He was really good at the beginning of the game but after Luca?(forgot some of the cities names) he wasnt that useful to me

  2. #32

    Re: Why people hate Kimahri?

    I didn't mind his character, and he did have a decent back story. I think my main problem with him was that all other characters specalised in a paticular area that was well defined, whilst Kimahri was a blue mage but that role just wasn't usefull enoughin the game.

    At he start he was usefull as a tank, but by the time you get even half way through the game Wakka and Auron are a lot better in that role. Even if you try to use him as a mage Lulu and Yuna are much better.

    I think that if he was able to use his blue magic normally during battle rather then as his overdrive he would be more usefull. If he also had his own path on the sphere grid I think I would of used him more, rather then just viewing him as a poor second choice to another character.

  3. #33
    The Collector Why people hate Kimahri? Kyster's Avatar
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    Re: Why people hate Kimahri?

    He is my favorite!
    I liked his story, yet it was so sad. He is silent, but he has the reason for it.
    He can be really powerful, and USEFUL if you care about him through the game.
    The most annoying thing I always read about: "He is not useful!" What is this crap? Since everybody can learn everything in FFX, it's up to you. If you don't care about him, of course he won't be useful...
    But if you do, you won't regret it. Nova rocks.
    Games beaten:
    I [NES], X [NTSC], VII, IX, CC:FFVII, XII, Dissidia
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  4. #34
    Registered User Why people hate Kimahri? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Why people hate Kimahri?

    Kimahri, personality wise never did much side from when he was the character in focus. And battle wise... he's your go to guy until you get Auron who becomes the stronger character for physical attacks.

    There's nothing wrong with Kimahri, and I feel bad for not using him as much as everyone else, but if we could make his Overdrives a little more accessible, maybe he could take some well deserved attention away from the other characters.

    Who didn't use Auron the most?

  5. #35

    Re: Why people hate Kimahri?

    yeah i loved kimahri but hated using him in the game

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