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Thread: Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?

  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Why did you hate or like the Main Characters? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?

    I have seen many people complain that Tidus was horrible in character.
    I didn't see anything wrong with him.
    Why do you hate the characters, or like the characters?

    I mean, I don't remember him crying, other than the final boss or in the cutscenes about his past.

    I mean...
    All the characters had faults in sense but I don't think they were as forced as say Squalls depression and social anxiety.

    Wakka, nothing particularly wrong with him. Never used him but I think they obviously went with an islander appeal taking on his accent and all.

    Lulu was kinda random. I mean... In design and personality she was random but that can be because of her last 3 guardianettes(neologism) died or something like that. As dark mage as one can be as a girl without wearing a hat. o.o

    Auron was awesome, and most people will agree with me. Nothing really more I can say, he basically was just badass. Why? Idk, he just was ^-^

    Rikku to me falls in the category of Yuffie, Selphie and MAYBE Eiko, Vanille.
    I call them the dipsy cheerleaders. All hyper, random to the story in terms of attitude(why was she hyper again?) and they all were small in figure with "cute" faces.

    Kimahri was a weird one. He had little to do with the story as in major roles. He could have been awesome but he just, didn't really have anything that set him different albeit his appeal.

    Yuna was cute in a way. She was really modest, but kinda fell for Tidus quickly. I don't know the length span of the story but, I think it was like a week or so(new question Idea). Her attitude was just cute, nothing more for me to say... *ahem*

    I think that's all... >.<

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  2. #2
    Registered User Why did you hate or like the Main Characters? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?

    Don't think there's anything particularly wrong with any of them, except i didn't really like Seymour afterwards, but while in game mode i liked him, he just didn't leave any good taste like the other villains.
    Tidus and Wakka were ok, didn't dislike them but i didn't use them that much in battle.

    I liked Auron and Yuna the most, probably the only reason i actualy enjoyed this game

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?

    Ok when people say he "cries" a lot, they probably means he whines. Also when he was younger, all he did was cry.

    I don't mind any characters. Wakka is aight, Rikku is just the annoying young one. LuLu was cool, Yuna was aight. Auron and Kimarhi are just straight up badass. Tidus is cool. Seymour is a ****, so his role was spot on.
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  4. #4
    Registered User Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?
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    Re: Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?

    I pretty much liked them overall, and they had a good camaraderie going on. It was one of the few games in the series where everyone seemed to have a place, and no one was really just shoved in, imo. My favorite was definitely Auron though. Strong, (fairly) silent, and kicks a lot of ass.

    There are a few hiccups to me here and there though, mainly just in regards to Yuna. Not so much about her character, mostly just her voice actress. People talk that Tidus' voice was grating to them, was Yuna's for me. She didn't carry a lot of emotional punch in her lines, and when she did, it me.
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  5. #5
    Consistently Average Why did you hate or like the Main Characters? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?

    I liked all of them. They all contrasted with each other personality and costume-wise, i'll admit there were a few moments where Tidus's voice acting was a little off but you cant blame him for that, it was something to do with how they matched up the voice acting to the characters actions.

    Regarding voices, any other issues were amusing, not irritating, like when Kimahri shouts "run, protect Yuna!" he kinda sounds like old Arnie.

    Auron, i liked, he was kinda the glue that held the party together.

    Kimahri had his place as Yuna's loyal guardian

    Wakka was the comic releif, i mean who didnt laugh when they saw his quiff?

    Lulu was your guide to all things Yevon

    Rikku added a bit of cultral diversity

    I didnt mind Tidus, he did have his moments but they can all be fully justified

    and lastly Yuna, i 've actually run out of things to say. i guess i liked her too
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  6. #6

    Re: Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?

    There weren't any characters in X I hated. Maybe I disliked a few, but... hated? No. Not really.

    Tidus didn't whine a lot, if you ask me. Maybe he did so when he was younger, but if YOU lost your father (to Spira), wouldn't you cry as well? (Come on, even guys sometimes cry - they just don't show it. ^^") Also, particularly when it came to the end, Tidus proved that he was really tough. He knew he...
    was going to disappear, as he was just a dream of the Fayth.

    Did he give up? NO! He moved on.
    And that's particularly why I liked Tidus. (I, personally... so that's just my two cents. You may dislike him ^^")

    Auron... I don't really have to talk about him, AGAIN, do I? He's loyal, strong and he isn't as naive as most of the party. I like how he joined Yuna as a guardian, though he knew what was going to happen. PLUS he was so loyal towards Braska that he looked after Yuna just as he promised. No spoilers here.

    Wakka was a bit annoying and I really didn't like the way he talked. But I wouldn't say I hated him. He was good the way he was. Though I really hated Blitzball... but well. He was some kind of religious fanatic, but that was okay as well. That way, he had a reason to make me dislike him - and I like to experience real emotions while playing a game. :> When I think of it, he really was okay. But just okay. ^^"

    Lulu was one of my favorite characters in my first playthrough. I liked her outfit and I like Black Mages in general. (That's probably why I liked Vivi in IX as well XD) After a while, I liked her because she didn't talk as much as Wakka and I liked the way she treated Wakka. Most of the times, she told him what he had to do and what he should and shouldn't say. That was perfect. :> Plus, she was a good friend for Yuna, she was always there when Yuna needed a woman's advice and help. :>

    Yuna... hm. In X-2 I really hated her. (^^") But in X she was okay. I just tend to forget how she acted in X. I liked her quiet and shy way, and the way she was too naive to see what fate her journey led her to. But that was okay. She always tried to cheer up the group and never gave up. Though I really wondered why she did what Seymour told her to do... but okay. Oh and I didn't like her speech at the end. <3"

    Kimarhi was always so silent and he never did anything that captured me. I really didn't notice him most of the time. ^^" So probably, Kimarhi is a character I like (and use) but whose personality isn't so important to me. At least I wasn't interested in his story at all. ^^"" It's not that I disliked him... I just didn't... reach him, in a way.

    Rikku was okay again, though I didn't like her when I played the game. She was way too loud and jumped around all the time. In X-2, I liked her best. Maybe because she didn't change at all and didn't try to be someone she isn't - at ALL. Oh and I think she's cute. <3" And I like her outfit. And how she's afraid of thunder. So cute. <3""

    All in all, they all were useful to the story - and at least they all had a reason to stay with Yuna. ^^"

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  7. #7
    Registered User Why did you hate or like the Main Characters? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Why did you hate or like the Main Characters?

    I actually LOVED the main characters in this one. I'd rank them probably behind 6, and 7's characters, but I'm not sure there is another game I'd put above them.

    Auron was just super badass and cool. I loved his voice actor, his backstory was awesome, he's a legend within Spira. Just an all time all-star quality FF character. If I had to pick a top 6 ever, he's definately in it.

    Yuna was classic. A great heroine, who grew stronger, but was weighted with a heavy burden that outweighs possibly any other character in the series outside of Aerieth.

    Kimari was cool in his stoic pride, Wakka, and Lulu were solid, and I loved the NPC's for the most part too. The old wise man, the enemies. All great stuff.

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