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Thread: Who was in your main party?

  1. #1
    O Rly? Who was in your main party? Arch's Avatar
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    Who was in your main party?

    I am currently playing XII for the first time soo no spoilers

    im having trouble who i want in my Main Party

    Ashe-I like her alot i think shes pretty strong and good with magic she HEALS alot of the time so thats why i like her

    Basch- My other favorite character mainly because right now he has the highest attack power so i usually keep him

    Balthier- I wanted originally in my main party but i havent found him a good gun and i want him with a gun soo hes ok right now

    Fran- I have made her my black mage, good with offensive magic but is also strong with physical attacks, you have to understand why i like her in my party
    and penelo- I have her equipped with a strong bow so she does alot of damge and keeps away from close up battle

    please tell me who you picked for your main party please im having trouble picking mine

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  2. #2
    Registered User Who was in your main party?
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    Once I got all the characters to join in on the quest, I usually stick to these three characters.

    Basch- He is my party leader, and also my close range combatant. He knows some white magic and black magic as well.

    Fran- My mage of the group. I gave her a bow, so she is a long range fighter, and she stays out of harms way (mostly).

    Balthier- I alternate between using him as a close range fighter and a long range fighter, and if you can get one, I suggest a cross bow for Balthier. I also let him learn a few magic spells, so if Fran is busy or is wiped out, then Balthier can take over.

    I agree that it can be hard to pick out a party, but once you level up your main team enough, and get plenty of licenses, then whoever you decide to pick will be good enough. It's really up to you to decide how you would like to play the game.
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  3. #3
    O Rly? Who was in your main party? Arch's Avatar
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    I think that is gonna be my main party group and its weird because thats exactly who is in my party now ,this very second, and i think i just might switch out fran and ashe every once in awhile,idk y but i want ashe to be apart of the action lol

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  4. #4
    Tsuna Feesh Who was in your main party? Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I use Vaan, Ashe, and Penelo in my main party, mostly because I like more than the other three.

    Vaan: He has a very nice attack, easily being able to deal 9,999 before maximizing levels and such. He's also not that bad at magic, either, dealing around 6,000-7,000 damage with Scathe without me equipping any boosts to him. I think as long as he has the Faith status on, he heals 9,999 HP with Curaja as well.

    Ashe: She is decent at both attacking and casting magic. I would say she's very balanced, since she can deal almost maximum damage with a weapon as well as with magic. Well, she does for me, at least.

    Penelo: I would say she's the one with the best magic. At low levels, she dealt the most damage with spells for me. At higher levels, her magics always dealt maximum damage for me. She can also deal 9,999 damage with Bravery on.

    I actually think that any three characters would be fine. If they are all given Bravery and Faith, they can always do 9,999 damage with attacks and powerful magics. I don't really find skills ans abilities important in this game as much as favoritism.

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  5. #5
    O Rly? Who was in your main party? Arch's Avatar
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    what is bravery and faith?? is that a special Technik??
    or do u mean just metaphorically?

    Arch, Pronounced Ark

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  6. #6
    Tsuna Feesh Who was in your main party? Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    No, not metaphorically. Bravery and Faith are status enhancements that you can give your characters to increase their physical damage and magical damage output, respectively. I believe that all the characters will have their physical strength and magical strength maxed out by having these two status enhancements on. I find that without Faith, Vaan only heals around 7,000 HP with Curaja, but with Faith, he easily heals 9,999 HP. I really think all the characters can deal 9,999 damage with them.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

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  7. #7
    O Rly? Who was in your main party? Arch's Avatar
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    when do you get these status enhancements?

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  8. #8
    Registered User Who was in your main party? Yesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_W View Post
    when do you get these status enhancements?

    By.. availing Magicks (Faith and Bravery)! You can get them Later in the game.. then to use them, you shouLd go to the License menu.. and use LP for them.. then cast that magicks to them to enhance their status, it's aLso Like, bubbLe (making 2x of your health).. Mmm.. about the topic, I made..

    Vaan as the party Leader.. Basch and BaLthier..

    I didn't had the probLem casting magicks 'coz, of course aLL of them know the magicks I bought.. making them avaiLabLe on the License menu..

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  9. #9
    The Leading Man Who was in your main party? -Balthier-'s Avatar
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    In my airship
    In my party I used Ashe,Balthier and Basch.I have all their quickenings

  10. #10
    Registered User Who was in your main party? HUNK's Avatar
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    I mostly use Balthier(Leader of my party, uses Fomahaut,Possilbe spelling error but its his best gun), Fran(Got sagitarius arrows but not bow) and Basch( I switch between Ragnarok and Excalibur).

    Normally I just have basch and balthier buffed up with stats and control fran for real tough battles.( i.e. Fafnir )

  11. #11
    Guenhwyvar Who was in your main party? imapanther's Avatar
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    well, i don't necessarily have a "main party" because i make sure to level every person equally, but if i had to pick, it would be Vaan (uses bows), Fran (uses swords), and Ashe (uses Rods) since they deal out the most damage, and i can use Fran to take alot of damage by using "Decoy" on her

  12. #12
    Protecter of the Crystals Who was in your main party? rydia123's Avatar
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    i used




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  13. #13
    Registered User Who was in your main party? Toxo's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Most of the time I use every character equally and level them at the same time. I usually like to use all-girls-party, since I always teach all of them magic. Ashe's like a Paladin, she rivals Basch in offensive and Penelo in healing. I don't even know how I make her that awesome. I always fail horribly when trying to do the same for any other character. Poor Fran always has the lowest stats even when I really try to make her better. I guess I try to make her do too many things at the same time. Penelo usually uses only magic, but in some saves I gave her greatswords. But why should I bother giving her that when Basch can do twice the damage with the same weapon.

    Vaan usually attacks with daggers, ninja swords or crossbows and uses white magic while Balthier concentrates on spears and ranged. Basch never knows any magic.

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  14. #14

    Re: Who was in your main party?

    My main party is
    Ashe (party leader)

  15. #15
    Who was in your main party? Ragtime's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Vaan (or Basch)

  16. #16

    Re: Who was in your main party?

    I wouldn't call them my "main party", as all of them were my main party. (I levelled them ALL. ^^")
    My teams:
    1. Basch (Berserker most of the time XD), Fran (beating the crap out of enemies), Penelo (healing)
    2. Vaan (Berserker), Balthier (beating), Ashe (healing)

    I liked the first group better. Must be due to the fact that they're my favorite characters xP

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  17. #17
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    I used everybody equally. When one person leveled, they got swapped.

    Vaan swapped with Fran
    Basch swapped with Balthier
    Ashe swapped Pinelo

    Then I got bored, did some things. Now it's Vaan and Basch, Balthier and Fran and while Pinelo has had her role changed so she doesn't do what Ashe does, I still swap them out.
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  18. #18

    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Vann, Balthier, and usually Basch or Ashe. I alternate between the two. I keep everyones level up when I train or go loot hunting, but I really don't use Panelo or Fran as often...Just during hunts if I have to.

    I like to keep Vann Or Baltheir as the party leader. Vann because he feels the the typical protagonist....eventhouh it could be Ashe too, But since thats who the story started with, thats who I use.

    Balthier because he's my favorite.

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  19. #19
    Registered User Who was in your main party? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Ashe,Basch and Fran usually my main party.
    But i switch Penelo in if i need another mage.

  20. #20

    Re: Who was in your main party?

    I usually use Basch for Physical Hitter/Tank, Ashe as a White Mage(Black Magic sucks in FFXII, so i don't use that a lot) and Balthier as a Ranged Fighter with a gun.

    You do know that Guns ignore defense, right? So the ultimate Gun, Fomalhaut, with an attack of 50 can deal a lot more damage than the ultimate weapon, Zodiac Spear with an attack power of 250.

  21. #21
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Quote Originally Posted by uppfinnarn View Post
    I usually use Basch for Physical Hitter/Tank, Ashe as a White Mage(Black Magic sucks in FFXII, so i don't use that a lot) and Balthier as a Ranged Fighter with a gun.

    You do know that Guns ignore defense, right? So the ultimate Gun, Fomalhaut, with an attack of 50 can deal a lot more damage than the ultimate weapon, Zodiac Spear with an attack power of 250.
    Black Magic is amazing in FFXII (like I just said in the rep) Scourge is by far the best spell in the game.

    Also my Zodiac Spear will be doing more damage then the Fomalhaut when it hits 2 more times then the Gun. Gun is just to slow to have over someone with the Spear that is way faster.
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  22. #22
    Dragoon Who was in your main party? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Haven't got the Zodiac spear as of yet, but the Fomalhaut I got on my most recent run through really early in the game and that really helps.

    Personally I like to keep these in my main party: Balthier, Basch and Penelo.

    Basch for hitting stuff, Balthier for shooting stuff and not getting hit by stuff and Penelo for hitting stuff, dodging stuff and pyrotechniks... Nuff, stuff said!

  23. #23
    Registered User Who was in your main party? TheLastAdventAuron's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Vaan Balthier and Fran just because they were in order. But the weapons they carried (in order) were (1st time through) Tournesol Excalibur and Ultima Blade
    (2nd time through) Zodiac Spear Tournesol and Excalibur

  24. #24
    Elloewen Who was in your main party? ultimatekupo's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    basche- why does everyone like him? I don't get it. I HATE him. Most useless character ever (besides that horrible worthless character in ffiv .. the blondie music guy. Im bad with names and its been a while) Basche would make SURE my party died. I don't know why. Even with the same gambits as the rest. Worthless character. I have fun watching him die now.
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  25. #25
    Registered User Who was in your main party? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    i haven't replied to this thread yet? blasphemy i tell ya

    i like to keep everyone about even level wise. so i'll switch them out when one of the characters levels up to give the others an opportunity to do so too.

    balthier --> basch
    fran --> ashe
    penelo --> vaan

    on occasion i'll change it up a bit. right now ive got everyone but balthier equipped with embroidered tippet. i'll still switch them out when one of them levels. i equipped balthier with the thieves cuffs (because it seems fitting) and the zodiac spear and keep him in. usually they all eventually balance out level wise.

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  26. #26
    Registered User Who was in your main party? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    I kept my entire party equally powered through the game both times I played. But I prefer to use Vaan, Ashe, And Balthier.

    I use Vaan because he is the main character and I refuse not to do so. That's the story!
    I use Ashe as a healer mostly, but she turned out to be a pretty good attacker too in my most recent game.
    And Balthier, because is the real main character and he refuses to lose.

    I won't get the Zodiac Spear simply because it's ridiculous to attempt to get. There is no way you could know which chests not to open without some kind of pre-knowledge of it. Ridiculous I say!

  27. #27
    Crash Boom Bang Who was in your main party? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Penelo, Vaan and Basch, just the way it always seemed to work out, though my 2nd playthrough I varied it abit more, kept Balthier and Fran as ranged and just swapped 2 folk out for them as and when I needed them and neglected Ashe completely

  28. #28

    Re: Who was in your main party?

    Balthier, Fran or Vaan..
    None the less i dont actually care, makes no diffrence rly..
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  29. #29
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Who was in your main party? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Who was in your main party?

    I use these characters and only them, I didn't bother with the rest as I don't have patience to train them all on my first playthrough, not to mention that it's a little bit late now as the level gap between my main team and rest of them simply too huge. I tend to develop them in the same matter, all three have similar stats with Vaan being the only one who has huge advantage in speed and magic department. Right now all three use an axe, they do massive damage but rarely hit more than once. So far I haven't encountered any problems, there were few challenges but nothing extreme.

    Vaan - Healer/Fighter

    Balthier - Fighter/Support Magic

    Basch - Fighter/Party leader

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  30. #30

    Re: Who was in your main party?

    In my main party I have :
    Ashe as party leader then Vann and Basch

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