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Thread: What did you like LEAST about this game?

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    What did you like LEAST about this game?

    So, opposite of the other "What did you like most" thread about FFXII, I thought I'd make this thread.

    I mean, I love FFXII, but there were a few things that they could've added to make it better. For example:

    -Add some fun to it. I mean, the game was fun, yes, but here, I mean like "game fun." FFVII had the Gold Saucer and Chocobo Races. FFIX had Chocobo Hot & Cold. I think they should've added something like that to this game. Perhaps just chocobo racing would've been good.

    -They REALLY could've come up with a better story. Two whole playthroughs of the game and still I can't even tell you exactly how the story goes. I'm clueless.

    -The main antagonist could've been better. What happened to guys like Golbez, Kefka, Sephiroth and Kuja? Vayne = possibly most boring main antagonist in the series.

    -This one's nothing big, as in I could easily do without, but I wish they would've had the classic job classes, especially the classic black and white mages.

    -Two better characters to replace Vaan and Penelo. These two (especially Vaan) are the two most mentioned characters when people are listing their least favorite. Rasler looked like he would've been a cool character. Could've had him instead of Vaan. Not necessarily his position in the game (King or Lord...whatever) since that would change the whole way the story starts out, but perhaps they could've simply had him be an ordinary knight while the King was played by someone else.

    -They could've had the classic romance between two characters in the game. They did it perfectly in FFIX with Zidane and Garnet. But this one's not a big deal.
    Last edited by Cereal~Killer; 08-09-2011 at 06:48 AM.
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