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Thread: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

  1. #1
    The Brave What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?
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    Arrow What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Hello, I have to say that the Blitzball in FFX is rather neat, and there are many great players that you can recruit in your team. My question is as follows: What is the best player on your current Blitzball lineup? Please notify me if there is a thread like this already on this forum, I would appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Usually Brother because his stats for starting off are great if you don't play Blitzball till you get him. I just used him to much to the point where he is lvl70 while everyone else in Blitzball is around lvl20.
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  3. #3

    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    I don't have one anymore, everyone is pretty good, that I have signed since I play too much

    I have:
    Tidus ( really good shooter, really good EN but sucks at attacking)
    Berrik (becoming and okay shooter, Good EN, Amazing attacker)
    Mifurey (Good attacker, amazing shooter, ok on speed)
    Nimrook ( okay all around, but amazing Goalie)
    Blappa ( good all around)
    Nedus (awsome shooter, godly speed, crap attack)
    Kyou (he's my "meh" guy, but he's getting much better with High Risk on)

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  4. #4
    The Lone Dagger What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    I gotta say that I like my entire team but Tidus or Brother would have to be my best player.

    Tidus (great attacker all around and awesome with Jecht Shot 2 and Sphere Shot)
    Datto (one of two Aurochs that I kept, he can get Invisible Shot and Sphere Shot and he's a blur in the water)
    Brother (one of the best midfielders to me, very fast, high pass, high attack, high endurance and a decent shot)
    Nadia (I think she is a great pick up, really high attack and can make long passes)
    Kyou (pretty much a carbon copy of Nadia haha)
    Keepa (he excels at the one thing I need him to, being a great goalie)

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  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Keepa is a hardass on mine. I haven't had a goal scored on me in years.

    Tidus would be a close second. He is able to shake defenders with his Jeacht Shot which definitely comes in handy.

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  6. #6

    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Brother and Tidus.

  7. #7

    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Tidus is my best forward and Jassu is my best defenseman. Those are the only two Aurochs that i have left.

  8. #8
    Registered User What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Tidus, followed by Nimrook. I always like keeping Jassu as well.

  9. #9

    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    My best player is Tidus all my other are the original Aurochs (except for Wakka) and they are not too bad either later in the game I don't concede any goals whatsoever but I score at least 6 per game sometimes more!!!

  10. #10
    Consistently Average What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Brother, no contest

  11. #11

    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    I like to have linna becuase she is a great player

  12. #12

    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    My team is:

    Tidus (My in surance shooter if I absolutely need a goal I use him)
    Datto (My main shooter, I use his speed to loose defenders then sleep shot)
    Letty (He has great pass I use him to get the ball where it needs to go)
    Kyou (His attack and moves are great, kinda slow but its not needed when I always have the ball)
    Jassu (I don't have to rely on defense to much, his attack is good and hes faster then kyou when defense is needed)
    Myuu (sp?) (I got fed up with Keepa fast, Myuu has good abilities and is just good at defending the net)

    I modeled my team early on and it seems to work out fine, I typically get around a 10+-0 game when I want to win and get lower scores when I just toss the ball around for experience.

    I also have fun sometimes after I put the enemy goalie to sleep and get people like Jassu or Letty score goals.
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  13. #13
    The Collector What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Kyster's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Brother is my best player, very skilled. I get goalkeeper Nimrook too, he only got one goal only in the whole walkthrough if I remember well.

  14. #14
    TFF's Resident Messenger What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    I don't really like doing the recruiting in the game, so my team has always been the five Aurochs and Tidus. My best players are Datto (for shooting and speed) and Botta (for attacking). Tidus is a good shooter, but I usually take the ball from him and pass it to Datto, because Datto usually has a clear shot to the goal.
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  15. #15
    Registered User What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Probably like most other's choices, Brother, he's about level 32 at this point but he seems to be awesome everywhere (except goal maybe, haven't tried that) defending, midfield, attack.

  16. #16

    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Does nobody here use Wedge as a midfielder. By far best guy in the game. His name should be Kicksmucha$$ instead of wedge. Oh, and yea, Nimrook is the best goal keeper. Eat blitzball miyu, and nizarut, and jamal.

  17. #17
    Oh Boy! What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Lavos's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Either Keepa or Datto

    Keepa for obvious reasons

    Datto sucked at first, but for a while I completely ignored Tidus and went all Datto scoring. He is now almost better than Tidus.


  18. #18
    Dalmascan princess What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    brother, if you are tolerent enough to level him up. tidus, of course. oh and when the al bheds get rid of their gaolie, get him quick, cuz even though his a lower level than keeper (like mine is) he has higher catch

  19. #19
    All is One.One is All. What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Brother and Tidus for me :]
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  20. #20
    Passing fair judgement What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Tidus no contest, he is the best and always will be.
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  21. #21
    Registered User What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team? Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: What is the best Blitzball player that you have in your team?

    Brother is my best overall. He swims ultra fast and really hordes the experience! Tidus, of course, is my second. And Nimrook is third, amazing goalie. Naida from the shop in the calm lands is excellent for defence, too

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