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Thread: Wait... it *could* work!

  1. #1

    Wait... it *could* work!

    This thread contains massive spoilers for both FFX and FFX-2.

    Okay, when I first beat FFX-2 perfectly and got Tidus back, I was in complete disbelief that this could happen in the world which FFX left. I thought to myself that if Tidus could come back, then so could Sin and all the Aeons, thus totally nullifying all which had taken place in FFX. The more I thought about it, the more it came to make sense that there was a logical way for Tidus to come back without throwing away the facts pressented in FFX. First we have to start with the relation that everything has to everything - ie: Sin.

    What is Sin?
    Sin is the armor Yu Yevon wears to bring its chaos. SIn itself is the mutated form of the Final Aeon Summoned at the final battle between Sin and a Summoner. The Final Aeon is not an Aeon of the Fayth, but an Aeon created out of devotion to a Summoner. It is another person sacrificed out of love/friendship.

    What is Yu Yevon?
    Yevon was the govoner of Zanarkand 1000 years before FFX took place. He was Yunaleska's father. He was also a Summoner, as was Yunaleska. (This is why I think they named Yuna after Yunaleska because she too followed in her father's footsteps as a Summoner). Zanarkand was the city of summoners back when Yevon ruled it (so it is said). Yevon would have rather destroyed Zanarkand himself then let Bevelle destroy it, so he did. He then turned the populace of Zanarkand into Fayth. He used his Aeons to create the armor that is Sin. The only method that could defeat Sin was the Summoning the Final Aeons.

    Why was Sin there?
    The games tells you it is punishment for Spira's "sins". This isn't true. By taking control of the Fayth's Final Aeon, Yu Yevon forces Zanarkand to be recreated in a dream the way it was when he destroyed. Hence why, at the end of FF you see Jecht in what appears to be Zanarkand. When the Final Summoning occurs, this dream of Zanarkand is destroyed, which is why Yu Yevon in turn takes control of the Final Aeon so he will be reborn again, and continue his dream of Zanarkand.

    Why do the Fayth need Sin to be destroyed in order to sleep?
    By now this should be obvious. Yu Yevon is forcing the Fayth to dream his dream of Zanarkand each time he takes hold of another Aeon. Once all the Aeons are gone, Yu Yevon will have no hold over the Fayth, and therefore, the Fayth can sleep.

    What does this have to do with Tidus?
    Tidus is a Dream of the Fayth; he is a being of the dream that Yu Yevon is forcing the Fayth to dream (Zanarkand). Because they wanted to rest, he dissapeared, leaving Spira and Yuna at the end of FFX.

    How did Tidus get to SPira from the "dream"?
    Sin can't control this dream since it is forcing the Fayth to dream it. My interpretation is that the Fayth were waiting until they could find the dream that would end all of their dreams. It started with Jecht and ended with Tidus. Jecht used Auron, an unsent, to go between Spira and the dream.

    If the Fayth sleep, how come Aeons came back in FFX-2?
    I believe this lies in the connection Vegnegun had with the Fayth and the Pyreflies reaction to Yuna's memories. The Fayth can't sleep as long as Vegengun is awake. Therefore, a butchered reincarnation of the Aeons is possible through the connection Vegnegun has with the Aeon's Fayth, and the connection Yuna's memories have with the Pyreflies. Yuna and friends are the only ones to see the Aeons, so this theory is supported by the Farplane facts. Other's memories are visable to others while they are there. The memories made real by the Fayth who are now awake, and controled by Vegnegun who wont let them sleep. That's my take on it anywho =3

    So... Tidus can come back... how?
    The Fayth are mearly sleeping, they are not gone nor dead. Tidus is their reward to Yuna for saving their butts, AGAIN (at least I think). Like Tidus said, the Fayth gathered up his thoughts to recreate him. He exists again becuase of the bond Yuna and him share. As long as this bond is never broken, Tidus will remain by her side... or so he thinks (Tidus isn't too good with for sures).

    So, since Yu Yevon is gone, Sin can never return. And even though the Fayth sleep, Tidus's memories of himself and thoughts create him, as well as Yuna's bond to him. Stranger things in FF's have happened, so I guess this I can buy. At least Yuna had to work REALLY hard to get her man back XD;

    But yeah, that's just my take on the whole thing. You don't have to aggree with me, but after lots and lots of thought, that's how I think it could work out after examining all the facts from FFX. It's the only plausable explanation, ^^;

    I'll stop blabbering now with my insane FFX fandom x_X;;

  2. #2


    I am sorry but i believe that you are reading too much into this, as i believe that you should just enjoy the game, and just follow its polt, as i don't think that there are any inconsistancies with the game although i have to say that i am only on my first play through it so that may not be a valid opinion but hell, just lighten up.

    P.S. you must have had a lot of spare time to think about that!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuna
    This thread contains massive spoilers for both FFX and FFX-2.

    Okay, when I first beat FFX-2 perfectly and got Tidus back, I was in complete disbelief that this could happen in the world which FFX left. I thought to myself that if Tidus could come back, then so could Sin and all the Aeons, thus totally nullifying all which had taken place in FFX. The more I thought about it, the more it came to make sense that there was a logical way for Tidus to come back without throwing away the facts pressented in FFX. First we have to start with the relation that everything has to everything - ie: Sin.

    What is Sin?
    Sin is the armor Yu Yevon wears to bring its chaos. SIn itself is the mutated form of the Final Aeon Summoned at the final battle between Sin and a Summoner. The Final Aeon is not an Aeon of the Fayth, but an Aeon created out of devotion to a Summoner. It is another person sacrificed out of love/friendship.

    What is Yu Yevon?
    Yevon was the govoner of Zanarkand 1000 years before FFX took place. He was Yunaleska's father. He was also a Summoner, as was Yunaleska. (This is why I think they named Yuna after Yunaleska because she too followed in her father's footsteps as a Summoner). Zanarkand was the city of summoners back when Yevon ruled it (so it is said). Yevon would have rather destroyed Zanarkand himself then let Bevelle destroy it, so he did. He then turned the populace of Zanarkand into Fayth. He used his Aeons to create the armor that is Sin. The only method that could defeat Sin was the Summoning the Final Aeons.

    Why was Sin there?
    The games tells you it is punishment for Spira's "sins". This isn't true. By taking control of the Fayth's Final Aeon, Yu Yevon forces Zanarkand to be recreated in a dream the way it was when he destroyed. Hence why, at the end of FF you see Jecht in what appears to be Zanarkand. When the Final Summoning occurs, this dream of Zanarkand is destroyed, which is why Yu Yevon in turn takes control of the Final Aeon so he will be reborn again, and continue his dream of Zanarkand.

    Why do the Fayth need Sin to be destroyed in order to sleep?
    By now this should be obvious. Yu Yevon is forcing the Fayth to dream his dream of Zanarkand each time he takes hold of another Aeon. Once all the Aeons are gone, Yu Yevon will have no hold over the Fayth, and therefore, the Fayth can sleep.

    What does this have to do with Tidus?
    Tidus is a Dream of the Fayth; he is a being of the dream that Yu Yevon is forcing the Fayth to dream (Zanarkand). Because they wanted to rest, he dissapeared, leaving Spira and Yuna at the end of FFX.

    How did Tidus get to SPira from the "dream"?
    Sin can't control this dream since it is forcing the Fayth to dream it. My interpretation is that the Fayth were waiting until they could find the dream that would end all of their dreams. It started with Jecht and ended with Tidus. Jecht used Auron, an unsent, to go between Spira and the dream.

    If the Fayth sleep, how come Aeons came back in FFX-2?
    I believe this lies in the connection Vegnegun had with the Fayth and the Pyreflies reaction to Yuna's memories. The Fayth can't sleep as long as Vegengun is awake. Therefore, a butchered reincarnation of the Aeons is possible through the connection Vegnegun has with the Aeon's Fayth, and the connection Yuna's memories have with the Pyreflies. Yuna and friends are the only ones to see the Aeons, so this theory is supported by the Farplane facts. Other's memories are visable to others while they are there. The memories made real by the Fayth who are now awake, and controled by Vegnegun who wont let them sleep. That's my take on it anywho =3

    So... Tidus can come back... how?
    The Fayth are mearly sleeping, they are not gone nor dead. Tidus is their reward to Yuna for saving their butts, AGAIN (at least I think). Like Tidus said, the Fayth gathered up his thoughts to recreate him. He exists again becuase of the bond Yuna and him share. As long as this bond is never broken, Tidus will remain by her side... or so he thinks (Tidus isn't too good with for sures).

    So, since Yu Yevon is gone, Sin can never return. And even though the Fayth sleep, Tidus's memories of himself and thoughts create him, as well as Yuna's bond to him. Stranger things in FF's have happened, so I guess this I can buy. At least Yuna had to work REALLY hard to get her man back XD;

    But yeah, that's just my take on the whole thing. You don't have to aggree with me, but after lots and lots of thought, that's how I think it could work out after examining all the facts from FFX. It's the only plausable explanation, ^^;

    I'll stop blabbering now with my insane FFX fandom x_X;;

  3. #3
    Hmmmm... I'm sorry my fandom upsets you so much! Would you like a cookie?

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus Wait... it *could* work! Victoria's Avatar
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    Oi, don't diss Auntie Yunie-chan!
    She is the coolie ^_^
    I completely agree with her thoughts on this. and since my gf is doing a project connecting ALL of the FF's, this would go good with it. thanks yunie-chan! XD

    but yes, who cares if we read too much into a game, that's what's fun about a game, it stirs up the imagination! xD

  5. #5
    Wait... it *could* work! Craig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Otenaki

    but yes, who cares if we read too much into a game, that's what's fun about a game, it stirs up the imagination! xD
    I 2nd that.

  6. #6
    I agree Ronin. The fun in the game matters most.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CID
    I agree Ronin. The fun in the game matters most.
    Is there any place in this thread where I am stateing otherwise?

  8. #8
    Summoner Yuna
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuna
    Hmmmm... I'm sorry my fandom upsets you so much! Would you like a cookie?

    ....If He doesn't want that cookie could I have it?


    You raise some very good points (Most of which I agree with).

    Hmn... I've always wondered what it would take to break the bond that Tidus and Yuna share? Or is it unbreakable?

  9. #9
    I have two cookies =3

    There is something indesputable in the bond between Yuna and Tidus... it's more then just coincedense that both Tidus and his father has some sort of connection to Yuna. But that all leads into specualtion, more on the subject of Sin and Jecht being one... which wasn't explained very well.

  10. #10
    Summoner Yuna
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuna
    I have two cookies =3

    There is something indesputable in the bond between Yuna and Tidus... it's more then just coincedense that both Tidus and his father has some sort of connection to Yuna. But that all leads into specualtion, more on the subject of Sin and Jecht being one... which wasn't explained very well.

    Oo! Can I trade you a glass of milk for one!! Cookies are so great! I swear... The food of GODS i say... (But I say that about alot of food...)

    See that was kinda my view on it... I think it would take alot to break that bond. I'm not even sure death could break it... (or rather didn't...)

    I wish they'd do like a Final Fantasy X-0... Where you could get more of a backstory on Braska, Jecht, Auron... and Little Yuna.... just because I think young Yuna would be super duper cute. Ahem.

  11. #11
    I honestly wish that they had focased a little more on Yuna's reaction and subsequent life after her mother's death. She obviously has a numb, unreactive approch to death, and I would love to know why. But all I can do is specualte.

    ^ dork

  12. #12
    Summoner Yuna
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuna
    I honestly wish that they had focased a little more on Yuna's reaction and subsequent life after her mother's death. She obviously has a numb, unreactive approch to death, and I would love to know why. But all I can do is specualte.

    ^ dork
    Bah! I'm as much of a dork as you are!

    Hmmn... I've always thought it's because of the way she was raised... I mean Summoners have to be unresponsive to death because in the end... death it the destiny they have to accept. An "Accept it now or be consumed by death" kind of thing. I personally thing Seymour was consumed by death which would explain why he did the things he did... that and the Guado was just screwed up beyond repair... I mean... COME ON... Mummy died for you and you're still going to be a little prig... that's just... grrrr... Ahem. But yes.

    I don't think Yuna was completely unresponsive to death... I mean I'm sure she mourned her father (I just bet she didn't do it in front of others)... She did cry while doing the sending in Kilika too... I think she was just really good at masking her emotions.

  13. #13
    Wait... it *could* work! Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Summoner Yuna
    Oo! Can I trade you a glass of milk for one!! Cookies are so great! I swear... The food of GODS i say... (But I say that about alot of food...)

    See that was kinda my view on it... I think it would take alot to break that bond. I'm not even sure death could break it... (or rather didn't...)

    I wish they'd do like a Final Fantasy X-0... Where you could get more of a backstory on Braska, Jecht, Auron... and Little Yuna.... just because I think young Yuna would be super duper cute. Ahem.
    I did say stuff about a prequal to FFX: Braska's Journey would do so well!!! *brings box of cookies and a gallon of milk* They just need to come up with a good battle system (or keep the same as X) and look at some of the storyline and follow it well. It would be a good change. FFX-2 All women. the prequal-all men. ITS ALL GOOD! hmmm...a clever name...How 'bout FFX: Braska's Journey? Or FFX-P.

    Not True, Yuna did mention crying a lot about her dad in FFX, in front of Kimhari remember?

  14. #14
    Summoner Yuna
    Quote Originally Posted by Rinoa.Heartilly
    I did say stuff about a prequal to FFX: Braska's Journey would do so well!!! *brings box of cookies and a gallon of milk* They just need to come up with a good battle system (or keep the same as X) and look at some of the storyline and follow it well. It would be a good change. FFX-2 All women. the prequal-all men. ITS ALL GOOD! hmmm...a clever name...How 'bout FFX: Braska's Journey? Or FFX-P.

    Not True, Yuna did mention crying a lot about her dad in FFX, in front of Kimhari remember?

    I think the same Battle system as X would be lovely... I loved that battle system.

    I guess she did. Mmn. That was mentioned at several points in the game wasn't it. At the moonflow and someplace else... Hmmn. I don't remember where though.

  15. #15
    I thank you all for making me actually stop my sidequest madness of both x and x-2 and actually think about the story, you all hold a special place in my heart for bringing this information to light.
    P.S. I like cookies, especially those soft ones<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Fat Man 4' border=0></a>

  16. #16
    Can I have a Cookie?

  17. #17
    Can I Have One To

  18. #18
    The Old Skool Warrior Wait... it *could* work! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Spam much?

    I dunno... I was iffy on the whole Tidus thing in the first place. I'm not saying that I disagree with your theory, because it makes a ton of sense to me and did before I even bothered reading it. I'd thought pretty much the same thing myself, and the whole situation is self-explanitory to anyone who actually bothered to beat FFX before playing FFX-2. But the fact that they actually did it was what bothered me... I thought it was too cliche for them to really bring him back. Where's the pain? I was hoping it would do something original by steering clear of the fairytale ending.


    (I initially came in just to harass the spammers, but then I opted to add my insight.)

    Anywho, yay for Tidus, the epitome of bad programming and douchedom!

    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  19. #19
    Warlord of Your Mom Wait... it *could* work! ultima_trev's Avatar
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    If they made a prequel to FFX while retaining the same battle system, they need to make one change: Break HP, MP, and Damage Limits should be thrown out the windows. Instead, you should be able to get over 9,999 HP / Damage or 999 MP without using any powerups.

    Undisputed masters of all creation since 2004.11.11.

  20. #20
    so yu yevon was the bastard who turned jecht into sin? right?

  21. #21
    The Old Skool Warrior Wait... it *could* work! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Umm, technically, yes. Yu Yevon is the bastard that turned all of the final summons into the next Sin.
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  22. #22
    While it may have been a cliche, I would have felt like I'd been raped and dumped at the side of the road if Tidus hadn't come back. After taking the time nessissary to get through this game I would have been truly pissed off by -Flash to Yuna, 20 years later, "I'm still looking for you. I hope you get this" *puts story of entire game into a bottle and throws it into the ocean*-. It just wouldn't have worked. Sometimes you just have to tell a fairy tale.

    I do agree that Tidus sucked, though. I have no idea what Yuna saw in him.

  23. #23
    ... May I, too, have a cookie?...

    Anyways! I'd a been pi$$ed off if Tidus didn't come back. I very much agree with Priority7! All that hard work and ENDLESS sidequests *curses out the stupid sidequests*

    And, Priority7? I think I know what Yuna saw in him, even though I think of him as a big *****-WUSS... He's caring, gentle, and -shoot me if this sounds weird- sexy.


  24. #24
    Eh, that was a badly thought out comment. I was in a hurry. In retrospect, I can see it quite easily, except for the sexy part.

    I always have problems with main characters whose personalities clash with my own, and let's face it, If I met Tidus in real life I would probably hate him. At least, at first. I have a weird habit of befriending everyone who I instantly dislike or insult.

  25. #25
    I've only played X-2 through the first three chapters... mainly because my stooopid ps2 blew up on me. But I think it would have been a major bummer had Tidus not come back, as I understand.

    Can I have that cookie, please?

  26. #26
    Wait... it *could* work! Angel of Death's Avatar
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    Up In the double you eye.

    Oh my god

    I just made an extreme breakthrough!!!!!!!!
    i'm going to relate cookies to slayer, using final fantasy 10 and 10-2

    AKA (delicious to hardcore)

    cookies are delicious (crunchy ones are better)
    Rikku is also delicious (deliciously hot, that is)
    Rikku saved the world
    Auron helped too (he's so awesome)
    His swords were called blades (super awesome)
    In 10-2, Rikku uses blades in the samurai and dark knight dresspheres
    Rikku kills people
    Rikku is awesome
    Slayer is also awesome

    That was too easy
    Hey! I'm a poet, except I don't rhyme or anything.
    Rhyming is for sissies.
    Except Slayer
    And Megadeth

    *Lists bands for 5 hours*

    I am so off topic
    My love of cookies propelled me to insanity
    sweet sweet insanity
    ummmmmmmm.........Hey, I'm listening to Korn!
    I'm listening to a burned CD
    Too much typing
    Thinking about punching the cat
    Damn cat
    You always thwart my plans!
    Of world domination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. #27
    Um... Congratulations on that... "extreme breakthrough"...

    Anyways... Whoever offered up those cookies, bring 'em on out! With a couple extra gallons of milk as well...

    ... I love cookies... *drools and holds up sign*

  28. #28
    Wait... it *could* work! Angel of Death's Avatar
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    You said that sarcastically! That's not nice!!! Now I'm listening to Slayer, so I'm very calm.......... and filled with rage. Lots of rage. Any way, get the cookies, and i'll bring the milk!!!!!! Lot's of milk!!!!!

  29. #29
    My apologies on my rude behavior. Do you need help carrying the milk in?


  30. #30
    Wait... it *could* work! Angel of Death's Avatar
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    No man, I'm strong like a beast. *kisses his muscle*
    How much do i bring though? How many people want milk?????

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