Is it just me or do a lot of people dislike this game?
Its not my fav by a long shot but still its a good game.
Is it just me or do a lot of people dislike this game?
Its not my fav by a long shot but still its a good game.
As a game itself it's not bad. I would give it an 8.5 maybe 9. The fact that it had any connection to X is why it's terrible. The story is horrendous in relation to FFX and ruined the already established story. X did not need a sequel.
It's true, a lot of people don't like this game, and for a good reason if you ask me.
No it isn't.Its not my fav by a long shot but still its a good game.
The only thing this game has going for it is it's gameplay and the fact that it's less linear than Final Fantasy X which is not really an accomplishment, everything else is goddamn awful to say the least. Most annoying cast, including NPC-s, I have ever seen in a game. A story that had potential, but was ruined by boring search for spheres and trivial little tasks in between like choosing which dress Yuna should wear or going on a cheesy pop concert, and conflict by two political/religious sides that looks silly rather than having any serious impact on Spira.
Not to mention the horrible voice acting, and that it's not nearly as fun, and epic as it's predecessor. What's even more frightening is that this game got actually good scores. Final Fantasy X-2 is a bad game, not just compared to X.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I've never really felt that [B]any[B] Final Fantasy needed a remake.
X-2 was fine,but so far below FF's standards it just seems like it was a piece of crap.
Storyline was redonkulous and the dressphere system was perverted.(And I should know,heh,heh.)
I just turned the Dressphere sequence to short...after a while.
even short was way to long lol
i have tried playing it again just now got to chapter 3 and though nope i will keep playing 10
Never played it, but I still am constantly entrances by the Promotional imaged of Yuna.
I honestly liked it.
As a sequel, I didn't mind it. It just expanded on the final scene of X.
The music was good (Koda Kumi and Nobou Uematsu ♥) also the character's design.
I didn't really like the "extra" ending.
I agree with you, I had fun playing the game and thats the main thing that matters to me. It wasn't the best Final Fantasy game ever made but it was ejoyable.
There was enough to do in the game to keep me busy and the introduction of new game + and a completion percentage added to the replay value for me.![]()
I've never seen this scene where Tidus re-appears, it might have made a bit more sense had I known about it before playing X-2.
As for the game itself, I couldn't give a damn about the story, the only thing i'm interested in is the Dressphere system. I love being able to change my characters jobs and abilities, and X-2 does a good job at allowing me to do so. It's not as complex as other titles in terms of changing or leveling up jobs, but this isn't a complex game (finding spheres, woo).
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I've never played this, but watching Part 1 of the walkthrough, it seems really cute and fun.
In more serious terms, I think X-2 has value because it's pretty much the only game to portray what happens after the destruction of the Empire and its self-perpetuating bureaucracy; on the other hand, there's a whole slew of fiction regarding the actual insurrection, such as Star Wars, LOTR, and Every FF Game Ever. Plus, if you look closely, it explores most of the same themes as the original game, i.e. the decline of the Cold War garrison state and the specter of nuclear holocaust.
Last edited by zarus; 02-12-2012 at 05:51 PM.
You have to look at it objectively. There are unique portions of the game that make it memorable, but most of it is in reference to the battle system. I had an insane amount of fun battling through and mastering each dress sphere. The story seemed a little shallow compared to FFX, but I don't mind it so much. It attempted to expand upon what was a great game, and in the end, they settled for a good game. That's all I care about it. Plus, the character designs for the main characters was awesome... but keep Nooj and the other boy squad captains away from me. Nooj was just gross.
I loved the game-play to death (ooh those huge Tonberrys. drool.) But when I finished it, I looked back on all the garbage I had to endure in order to get there:
My chief complaint was that the guy characters could have looked and acted a tad more...masculine? I found it difficult to have to endure the bouncy, girlish way that Yuna walks around. Rikku's dance-like movements have always given me tummy-aches. (the only sensible one is Paine, but then, I realized, if she had sense, would she be hanging out with those two mindless vegetables?) And those pointless agonizing cut-scenes? I shudder to this day. But, over-all, it was worth it. I had a lot of fun and learned to doze during most of the story. Good game. The end.
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It had a variation of the job class system, which has been my favorite. Other than that, the game was too peppy for me. I need a little more depth to my RPG stories. I liked Rikku's new look, didn't care for Yuna's, and Payne...meh.
However, this game did as it was intended to. Female gamers came out and purchased this game. This game was made to bring more females to become gamers and play the FF series. Many male gamers as well as hardcore RPGamers were turned off.
Chill the body, freeze the soul. ~ Maya, Legaia 2
I liked it. The dress-spheres were kinda wonky, but I liked the game. And I loved Paine. The full ending to the game was good too.
X-2 was alright,just not up there in the 'list of games to replay' for me. For one the amount of percentage you had to get in order to see a certain ending ticked me off. I loved the gameplay especially the ability to switch out dresspheres and the such. The story didn't keep my attention all that good ( believe me,I played the game for maybe a week or two and didn't pick it back up until like another month after that). FFX,as many other people are saying,really didn't need a sequel. Anyways,X-2 wasn't absolutely was just...,I guess you could say,annoying/irratating/boring/etc.
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***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
Yeah a great many people slag this game off I have not played it but have seen my missus play it numerous times she really likes it. Hate is a bit too strong a word for me when it comes to games I would say "I don't like this game." but hate no.
I love the game its different from ffx like you have no sphere grid to fill in don't get me wrong i love fillin in the sphere grid in ffx because it gets you stronger. but i love ffx-2 because its my second favourite game. ffx is my first favourite followed by ffx-2. in ffx-2 i love doing everything in that game like the den of woe i have three iron dukes to make them a bit strong till you power up abit. so i don't have any hates of the game like some people on here. but everyone is allowed their opinions on what they think of the game. im just saying i'm the only one who loves this game end of.
*Contains Spoilers*
Your not the only one Joliene. I adore FFX-2. It's light hearted fun. Some of The funniest FF moments are found in that game. Brother is ace, so is Shinra. Yuna and Rikku are hilarious as a double act and Paines torment at trying to control them is brilliant. The decision of who to side with, New Yevon or the youth league was a cool addition. The battle system was probably the best in any FF game imo. The flexiblity that dresspheres gave was great.
One of the biggest criticisms is just how much Yuna changed. But i loved it. In FFX she was very insecure and somber because she had so much preassure on her shoulders.Can anyone blame her for letting her hair down and acting like a girl her age should in FFX-2?
Spoiler: Sin was destroying Spira and it was her job to stop it knowing that doing so meant her certain death... That was avoided. I'm pretty sure i'd be a happier person too, lol
Spoiler: In fact i always saw FFX as quite a dark game. A story based on a tragic spiral of death which could only end with more death. When it became aparant that their was a way to defeat Sin without the final aeon therefore saving the summoners life, Yuna is hit with the bombshell that the guy she has fallen head over heals in love with is nothing but a glorified Aeon himself... A dream of the faith and he will cease to exist when Yu Yevon is dead and the faith are allowed to rest.
So when she finds the sphere that hints her love might still be alive she is driven to find the truth. I thought it was a cool story and it completed FFX perfectly. Never understood the hate for this light hearted Gem of a game.
It was just so off the wall,... nobody knew what to expect.
I think FFX is the hardest game to ever make a sequel to. It was just so perfect that no sequel would ever match or exceed it. People maybe expected the same vibe as the first one, but of course it wasn't.
However I do like the game. It's hard not to try and compare it while playing.... agreed there is some seriously cheesy parts, and it did become a bit of a drag at times, but all in all its a bit of fun, and a decent spin off.
But FFX remains absolutely godly compared to it.
To me FFX-2 is an incomplete game without Last Mission. All of us that got screwed out of the "real" ending to the FFX series do have something to gripe about. The characters feel a lot more real in that then they ever did in the second game. I mean, I had fun playing FFX-2 but Yuna just felt like a different character. After watching Last Mission recently, I finally figured it out. I won't spoil it for those that most likely never saw it. So if you haven't gotten the hint yet, if you couldn't play the international + last mission version of the game because of Japanese favoritism and you've played FFX-2, do yourself a favor and watch it on YouTube while it's still available.![]()
OMG Merlin... You mean there are different versions of X-2? would that mean...
Spoiler: That the majority of people who rage about X-2 being a terrible game never got to see Yuna and Tidus's emotional reunion?Because that's kinda the whole point of the game!!! Will she or won't she find her lost love. If SE left that out of some versions no wonder people hated it!!! If i played it without that closure then i wouldn't be very happy either. But all together, Gameplay, Light hearted feel, Cool let your hair down yuna, Super Cute Rikku, Hillarious Brother, the New Yevon/Youth League/Machine Faction thing, the whole mission based gullwing vibe AND the right ending... FFX-2 was a great, uplifting game
Not hardly. Sure, she dressed like one, and...
Spoiler: ...there was that scene at the hot springs of Mt. Gagazet...
...y'know, the one with the Hypellos, yesh? I didn't see her sleep with anyone at all, though. And it certainly wasn't implied. So, I don't think her character changes in FFX-2 match up with slut, more... 19-year-old who's in love (and one who can finally have a little fun). I mean, I get it. I was a soldier stuck in BDUs from eighteen to twenty-one pretty much. After I got out, I went a little over the top. I'm sure that by the time she hits my age (26), she would have mellowed out and not been so scantilly dressed.
For all you ffx-2 haters. If you all hate ffx-2 so much then why do you think that Square-Enix is making a remastered ffx-2 in HD? In my opinion I love ffx-2 I don't care what anyone says about it I know everyone is allowed there opinion but in my eyes I know its a good game.
As long as every scene that has Brother speaking (more like screeching) can be skipped then I can tolerate this game.
I really don't like him in X-2 and I'm not sure why. He wasn't too bad in X and was probably the best Blitzballer you could get, but for some reason whenever he opens his mouth in X-2 he has to flap his arms and screech like a seagull. Maybe that's why they're called the Gullwings.
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I honestly never gave this game a chance to stand on its own, because I came in heavily expecting another FFX (which this was not in terms of gameplay etc) and that killed it for me at the time.
I am hoping to come back into it fresh and give it its own chance to be its OWN FF game, considering how much I have enjoyed other FF's that have taken different approaches I am eager this time round to see how i feel about it.
"Evil spelled backwards is Live, and we all want to do that now don't we?"
I really liked X-2. It's not one of my favourite FF games, but I still really enjoyed it. The only fault I had was that I didn't like the way they changed Yuna's personality.
"Everyone was so happy. 'Great job. You did it. You saved us... all.' There were too many smiles to count.
But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
The ones who should be smiling with me aren't here."