You actually like the sphere grid?
But I think it's just a shortcut way. Or something. They go back to where the grid have been filled in I think it's just a starting point on the grid that's all.
hey everyone i have a question for all you ffx fans out there. i love doing the sphere grid like powering up and changing the nodes and getting stronger but what i don't get is why do the charicters change direction when you move you people. Is it because they go were they have filled in the line and its a short cut for them and they dont go were the lines have not been filled. I just dont get it why do the go were the lines have been filled in. Can eneyone please let me know a.s.a.p please.
Last edited by joleine taylor; 06-21-2011 at 03:34 AM. Reason: wrote about it more thorough
You actually like the sphere grid?
But I think it's just a shortcut way. Or something. They go back to where the grid have been filled in I think it's just a starting point on the grid that's all.
well its mechanincs really they do that b/c it saves you Sphere Lvls b/c if u have noticed then when ever u go 5 spaces over where u have gone before it takes maybe 2 SLvls but when u go 5 spaces where u havent gone before it takes 5 SLvls
I like the sphere grid... it had a certain quality to it that meant you can really customize how your characters perform.
People always give the SG a bad time, but I think its unique and interesting.
And I'm not sure what you mean Joleine, ?
The only good Sphere Grid is the International Version of FFX. The Sphere Grid is just a way to level your characters differently in FFX, each path is a certain "type" of character basically. You would have to spend a lot of time getting some of the locks at the times you want to change over to other paths.
In the international version everyone begins at Kimahri's starting point I believe. Letting you actually use the sphere grid in a more customize able path.
I know that once you complete path you can then go to another path but that is way way late in the game.
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I'm not sure what you mean here. Whenever you switch to a new character, it's like starting with a clean slate. Nothing that a previous character has completed effects what the next character still needs to do. If a character can't move to a specific spot, you may have either run out of spheres or you might be missing something...or lacking points. What I usually do is actually move with the left analog stick and place it where I want it to go. If this isn't what you're looking for here.
I hope this helps anyway
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I agree on this point. I think the Sphere Grid was an awesome levelling feature ... much more exciting and in-depth than gaining experience and randomly acquiring an ability at a level-up.Originally Posted by seanb
I thought the Crystarium in XIII was amazing too. Well, actually it wasn't "amazing"'s more a case of, if it wasn't a direct and linear path, then it WOULD be amazing![]()
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