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Thread: Linearity?

  1. #1
    Registered User Linearity? Alex's Avatar
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    Hi, everyone!
    We all know that FFXIII was linear, and it got heavily criticized for it.
    But this game, FFX, was *for me* quite linear also. And I've heard only but praise to this game.
    Don't misjudge me, I love these two games!
    I just wanted this explained ...
    Does anyone think FFX was linear?

  2. #2
    Registered User Linearity?
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    Re: Linearity?

    Yeah, FF X was quite linear, but there were also times where the player was allowed a "mental break" from the story to goof off with some Blitzball (if you liked that sort of thing), or interact with NPCs. FF XIII's story, for me, was told at such a break-neck speed and with so much info thrown at the player that it was kind of overwhelming at times, not to mention there really isn't all that much to do other than fight monsters.

    I still enjoyed FF XIII well enough though, and I started another playthrough not too long ago. ^^
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  3. #3
    Registered User Linearity? Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Linearity?

    Yeah you're right, blitzball was fun, though I sucked at it ...
    But your explanation was really good, have fun during your second playthrough!

  4. #4
    is not a douche Linearity? Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Linearity?

    FFX in a nutshell.

    Point A ---------INSERT BATTLE HERE--------Point B--------INSERT CUTSCENE HERE-------Point C--------INSERT BATTLE HERE-------AND SO ON.....................

  5. #5
    Registered User Linearity? Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Re: Linearity?

    I do agree tho with Dodie16 with the same idea i had. Well all i can say is that they are still great games and i really enjoyed both of them.
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  6. #6
    Passing fair judgement Linearity? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Linearity?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bubble Boy View Post
    FFX in a nutshell.

    Point A ---------INSERT BATTLE HERE--------Point B--------INSERT CUTSCENE HERE-------Point C--------INSERT BATTLE HERE-------AND SO ON.....................
    Couldn't have said it better myself.
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  7. #7
    I will save the world Linearity? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Linearity?

    FFX is linear, I will give you that, but it still had an awesome story/battles/character twists/music to it. I personally don't mind the linearity of a game, though I do agree the game was mapped out according to Yuna's pilgrimage, instead of being able to roam around freely.

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  8. #8

    Re: Linearity?

    A significant portion of the game was a bit too linear for my liking, but Square was smart to add in a bunch of mini-games and the like to lessen the feel of the linearity. Of course, once you hit the Calm Lands, you can say hello to freedom! xD
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  9. #9
    TFF's Resident Messenger Linearity? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Linearity?

    I know that it has been said that FFX was linear, and I agree. But for this game, it was needed. They makers had a set of goals they wanted players to accomplish, so they made the game that way. And remember, this was also the first game they made on the PS2, so they went back to basics in a way. They didn't want the game to be too complex, in that it would bog the system down or something.

    The same could be said for XIII. It was also the first on the PS3, so they went linear to keep it basic.
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  10. #10
    Gamer Girl Linearity? Sakaea's Avatar
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    Re: Linearity?

    FFXIII was in part linear due to Microsoft butting in where they weren't wanted.

    I didn't feel FFX was linear, mostly cus I would go off and do whatever I wanted. I loved blitzball, and I was good at it. I loved the sphere grid, and I found level grinding to be addictive in this game, especially once you got to Omega Ruins. Also, there's the quests to find everyone's Ultimate Weapons, and the secret Aeons, and the Battle Arena. So no, I did not get a linear feel off the game at all.

  11. #11
    Registered User Linearity? Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: Linearity?

    I feel like something that helped in FFX that you didn't have too much of in XIII was the ability to go back and visit ANY area that you had previously been to. Especially after you have access to the airship. I feel that if I had more freedom to roam in XIII I would've been a bit happier with it. Both great games though.


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