Angry? Not really. Don't let my posts fool you, I enjoy a good debate, and there was nothing you wrote that would make me angry.
Everything I said so far was either featured in actual game or has been already pointed in multiple reviews, if my statements are worthless, or by any chance wrong, that means the game itself is deceiving, and those who reviewed it are far from professionals.
Music from 8 bit era and onwards can't be compared to what Final Fantasy XII offers, that's true indeed, but with remakes, and actual soundtracks on sale music of those game improved greatly, thus technicality barrier is no longer there, despite of it, music of several games in franchise has yet to achieve the same praise as the one from Final Fantasy XII. Music of Final Fantasy XII is highly praised, fact that it's not your cup of tea is another thing entirely.Music: Music in a technical sense could not have been as technically superior in the 8-bit era than FF12's. But the lack of set themes and lack of forced themes makes certain areas of the game less symbolic. Plus the lack of mutual harmonies kinda screws certain potentially great sounding "themes" off, but that's an opinion.
As you wish. Events of earlier titles are set in areas where images are used as a background, it gives you feel of depth, in reality you're restricted to move in one linear path with little to no freedom. World Map offers you limited amount of freedom, limited, as you can't move from location to location if certain requirements aren't fulfilled.World: Hmm, well that can be argued a sense of opinion and personal taste but, being open and non-linear, most FF games are. Care to elaborate on that?
Endurance challenge, challenge nevertheless. If Omega Weapon, ElderWyrm, Zodiark, Famfrit were challenging at some degree, if you rely on phoenix down's as much as you say what does that tell you about game's difficulty. As for the final battle, I have yet to see a final boss that was somewhat challenging, some mention Ultimecia, but both her, and Omega Weapon were laughable to those who knew how to exploit the junction system, rather easy thing to do.Difficulty: Yes I know who the heck yazmat is. He was not difficult, more of an endurance challenge. If you mean the last 1/3 of his HP when his lv increases to 140 something, still, not much of a challenge. Did I die? No.Enemies like Zodiark, Elder Wyrm, Famfrit, and omega gave me challenge before hand cause I underestimated them for wiping out the normal enemies before hand. However Yazmat I expected a challenge, and guess what, I only used 4 of 6 characters to win. Am I master of the game? Damn right, I went a solo run with basch and did a 122333 challenge as well so I'm not a troll when it comes to the game. Not mentioning a redundant final battle that showed little difficulty.
In which Final Fantasy can you encounter an opponent at the very beginning of the game, capable of pawning you even later on higher levels. Not just one opponent, some you can't even scratch the first time you encounter them, and even later they prove to be somewhat difficult. Since Final Fantasy XII is far from challenging game, please do tell which Final Fantasy is, and why.
Balthier knew what he was heading into the first time he saw Ashe, if he was to aid the rebellion army in any way whatsoever, it would mean he would actually need to work against his own nation. There was a chance that he may actually encounter his own father, Cidolfus Demen Bunansa, if he was to follow Ashe. Helping rebellion to stand against Arcadian empire was opportunity to solve his own problems as well, you see, his motives were there, and were rather clear from the very start of Final Fantasy XII.*laughs* Well, squall had a reason to be in the party at all times. His overall final mission was found out later. Unlike Balthier, who what, wanted to steal something, then got dragged until Arcadia? Or Bur omisace at least.
Balthier acted on his own, he made his own decisions, his motives where there from the very beginning, Squall on the other hand acted not because he wanted to, but because he was ordered to. For major part of the game he was like a puppet on strings, to quote the character itself "Give me an order, and I shall act". He didn't have motives or reason to fight, he didn't care to begin with, which was more than perfectly shown through major part of the game. The very thing you were complaining about, yet you wish to keep a blind eye.
Please do once again read what I wrote in my earlier post, would you kindly.That thing you said, about not having my characters set up like grinding beasts was a little... dunce lol. What else is the battle system used for? You put attack, heal, revive, use set magic and bleh. If you have a good overall strategy, than you=win.
Here's explanation if help is needed. If my memories serves me well, you complained about lack of control over the characters in midst of battle. On which scale will you control the characters is entirely up to you, a mean to accomplish that are gambits. If gambits are set so characters will preform battle commands themselves, game itself can't be blamed, after all the player is the one who set the gambits, to blame someone else for your actions is stupid at best.
I'm far from expert on that field, but I do know someone who is. Apparently Final Fantasy XII looks smoother, more fluid, more polygons are used for characters, and monsters, thus in some aspects it's more detailed. I have no reason not to believe his words as he has yet to let me down, thus I stick to my original statement.They used a different graphics system so don't laugh if you don't understand. Why? People who know what I am talking about in a technical standpoint will laugh at you. FF12 used more smoothing than pinned detailing of FFX. So, unless you like smoother graphics and a palette that's based on orange and blue, which also helps the blur effect, than you have bad eyes, or just don't care to compare, or a FF12 fanboy lol
In your last post you were complaining about lack of emotions, suddenly emotions are featured, but apparently are bad, think you can decide which one? For someone who apparently knows psychology I would expect to know more about characters, or at least to understand them more, yet you seeked help to understand Vayne more in one of the threads? Where do difficulties to understand Balthier's struggle, and motives come from, how come you don't understand what Vaan represents? I'm sure you're into psychology, but I highly doubt you're good at it, no offense whatsoever.And coming into emotions... I know ALOT about emotions, trust me. I am currently into the psychology of fear, but have studied in Emotions and Beauty. That game had horrible emotional IQ, why did they overreact in comparative to the certain situation or not in others? Bad reasoning skills and everything tho that could have just been due to the writers EIQ's or something Idk lol.
Since you're fairly sure there's something wrong with the overall sound, I'll have to ask what exactly, and a link that proves your claim.Voice acting: There is another technical flaw of yours. There are reasons why it sounds muted, but I forgot the reasons. If you cannot hear the mute sounds of the voicing, then damn lol. But really, it has something to do with the panning of voice and wear they voice recorded. THey reduced the BG sound and increased the Voice acting and with the horrible recording, muted the tones of the characters making them sound... like they have cotton balls in their throat. Look up on it before you make anymore... Dunce "opinions."
Funny how no one noticed an issue of such caliber, especially in hit game as Final Fantasy XII, except for you it seems, guess not all of us have inhuman hearing.
And where exactly did I mention that we can relate to his personality? What he represents, and the way he looks at the world of Ivalice, that we can relate to.Again you put your opinions in others mouths. We can relate too? No no no no no. People relate to those with similar personalities. Unless your personality is abnormal. Or extremely abstract then... And actually, what sounds cooler in all reality. A character with a cool sword, and current generations dogma of "cool," or a random character that most would walk by in real life.
You're quite amusing fella you know, you claim to be expert in categories where opposition has pined you down hard, yet you fail to back your words with concrete facts, and proof if opposition asks one, mighty fine expert.