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Thread: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

  1. #31
    Registered User Final Fantasy X Prequel? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    If you did the Jecht storyline, I feel like a different main character would be beneficial. A second summoning party that failed alongside Braska's journey. You'd still see all the great stuff about Jecht, Braska, and Auron, but you'd be free to have a story that is unknown for the time period. It'd be a lot more opening.

  2. #32
    The Mad God Final Fantasy X Prequel? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    I think they could do alot with a story centered on Braska's pilgrimage. There's alot about it we don't know. How jecht got to Spira, how he ended up in Bevelle to meet Auron and braska to begin with, what he did during the time it took him to get there, and so on. There's alot about jecht that we never learned. That goes for Auron too, his past is mentioned alot, like he was an old friend of Maester Kinoc, though this friendship was never discussed in great detail, maybe Auron was a warrior monk or something. And we know almost nothing about Braska even during his pilgrimage, let alone before it.

    Also as for the story being known iin advance, that's not nescessarily true. They might have looked into other options for killing Sin too. They may have visted places we never could in X because we were too busy to do any sightseeing because we were running away from the pissed off temple and pissed off guado and the pissed off Al Bhed, and the pissed off Dead Maesters... really, we were running from someone who wan't happy with us most of the time. Also, defeating Sin wasn't really the end of that chapter of the X story. Auron after the battle went back to confront Yunalesca before dying, God knows what else he did before that. And after. He survived death, and said he used Sin to get to Zanarkand, never really elaborated on how he did that. And between there he fought his way back down the mountain to send Kimarhi to look after Yuna, but after this made it all the way back to run into Rin. So he may have gone on to do alot after the 'final battle' (which by the way would be aweosme to play through, I would love to play through the epic battle between BFA and Sin) And even then, Tidus would've been a little kid when he got to the dream Zanarkand. Could even play through Jecht's transformation into the New Sin. So there's alot of shit we don't know much about during the time before X.

    I'd like to see the world during Shuyin and Lenne's time too, before there was a Sin. The X world is full of shit we never saw that I'd really like to. Anothing thing I often pondered, if Tidus was dreamt up to resemble Shuyin, who was the dream of Jecht made in the image of? Possibly a new character to find in a prequel.
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  3. #33
    Registered User Final Fantasy X Prequel? Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    I don't know. I don't think I'd like to see a prequel. Not of the characters we know at least. Maybe back with Mi'ihen back when he formed the cruisaders or something from further back in the past. We already know most of the stuff about Braska's pilgramage and most of all we know exactly how it ends so I wouldn't want to see that.


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  4. #34
    The King of Blitz & Modding Final Fantasy X Prequel? Jecht's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    Here your answer:


    nah! just kidding XD.

    but at least, i have PRO and COUNTER of that.
    after the come out of the FF7 core blabla, i have see SO MANY SHITS OF ZACK!! i mean, c'mon!! he have more lower protagonist than a shoopuf! (he only come out on a "secret" scene if ya come back) but lower, and i don't were the hell they make him so popular.

    the counter, it could be they make the old trio as that of popular and as we say on some pages "Fansub kill interest". (ignoring the BOOM of yaoi... because i'm sick of see whatever i go of me and Auron, and IN RP to)

    the PRO as many have post, it's know THAT old history, know the middle details and info for any FAN of FFX.

    in any rate... there many on that, but as i know, Nomura don't gonna do it. no matter how many they talk about, he don't gonna do it, for that he do the FFX-2... (what it was a bad move for the fansfans of FFX)

  5. #35
    TFF's Token Imp Final Fantasy X Prequel? Martin's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    Can I ask a counter-question here.. why do you guys always want sequels or prequels to these games? I'm really curious, and let me explain.

    When any RPG is created - be it a Final Fantasy, a Tales game, Persona etc. they are extensively explored storywise. The creative development team decides whether or not there's scope for expansion and they write several stories, before and after the main storyline. If the title is successful then they create additional titles. I don't even agree with this system but they do do it - so why clamour for more? Fan power will not get them to create a prequel for you, only sales. And do you not seek any originality? New titles? Why go back with the old? I just really never get this.

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  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    Can I ask a counter-question here.. why do you guys always want sequels or prequels to these games? I'm really curious, and let me explain.

    When any RPG is created - be it a Final Fantasy, a Tales game, Persona etc. they are extensively explored storywise. The creative development team decides whether or not there's scope for expansion and they write several stories, before and after the main storyline. If the title is successful then they create additional titles. I don't even agree with this system but they do do it - so why clamour for more? Fan power will not get them to create a prequel for you, only sales. And do you not seek any originality? New titles? Why go back with the old? I just really never get this.
    Most likely because final fantasy is one of very few titles that doesn't have a continuation of the story in any way. Unless of course it's stupid popular.

    I'm sure we have all wanted at least one final fantasy game to have a prequel, sequel, or just some kind of other entertainment to give us more information about the world.

    It's like delving so deep into a universe just for the next game to have nothing to do with the previous. It's a little disappointing to be honest.

    It's one of the reasons I dislike and like the final fantasy series. Each time we get a new fresh story.

  7. #37
    TFF's Token Imp Final Fantasy X Prequel? Martin's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    Most likely because final fantasy is one of very few titles that doesn't have a continuation of the story in any way. Unless of course it's stupid popular.

    I'm sure we have all wanted at least one final fantasy game to have a prequel, sequel, or just some kind of other entertainment to give us more information about the world.

    It's like delving so deep into a universe just for the next game to have nothing to do with the previous. It's a little disappointing to be honest.

    It's one of the reasons I dislike and like the final fantasy series. Each time we get a new fresh story.
    I sort of see your point and yet don't at the same time - I don't think FFX was particularly popular to the point that X-2 was in the pipeline from the off. And I know FFXIII received a lot of (well unwarranted) negativity so XIII-2 was a surprise too. And sure, I would be a liar if I said I never wanted any sort of in-depth addition to any games' storyline or anything like that, but I haven't wanted an additional game. From my humble perspective, the change in pace and background makes FF what it is, and also plenty of other RPG series succeed with a similar model.

    That said, I appreciate your answer. No frills and no arguments, thanks.

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  8. #38
    The King Final Fantasy X Prequel? Tydis's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    I would like to see how ject got arrested and young yuna so yeah I would love to see what happened that lead up into final fantasy x

    I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.

  9. #39
    Star of the FF Show Final Fantasy X Prequel? Rising Star's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    Sadly I wouldn't want one, If they did bring out 1 I would still probably buy it but it would just be FFX all over again really and also the ending Story wise it would be quite predictable, we know Braska and Auron Die, Jecht becomes a fayth, auron sends kimarhi to look after Yuna and the actual playing through the game collecting all the summons etc following up to the inevitable deaths of Auron and Braska. I would prefer it to be a CGI Movie, a lot was covered in FFX alone basically we know the beginning of their journey and their ending and for a game that's not enough for me personally.

  10. #40
    The King of Blitz & Modding Final Fantasy X Prequel? Jecht's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy X Prequel?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rising Star View Post
    Sadly I wouldn't want one, If they did bring out 1 I would still probably buy it but it would just be FFX all over again really and also the ending Story wise it would be quite predictable, we know Braska and Auron Die, Jecht becomes a fayth, auron sends kimarhi to look after Yuna and the actual playing through the game collecting all the summons etc following up to the inevitable deaths of Auron and Braska. I would prefer it to be a CGI Movie, a lot was covered in FFX alone basically we know the beginning of their journey and their ending and for a game that's not enough for me personally.
    Actually.. that sound ever more good than a game!
    i like the idea!

    like that shit they do as ova of the FF7? but MOVIE, that would be good, they don't need to make a game, and make a movie.

    sound good anyway, but to know if they gonna do (i see more they gonna do a movie of FF13 for make the noobs buy it lol)

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