A: Crimson Sphere 1- Obtainable in chapter 3. Events in Killika open up events in Djose and Bevelle. Go to Bevelle and head to where Vegnagun was being housed in the underground, and trigger an event and fight a Malboro. The sphere will be lying on the ground after the fight.

Crimson Sphere 2 and 3- Get at the end of chapter 3 during the scenes at Farplane Glen.

Crimson Sphere 4- In chapter 3, go to Guadosalam. Go to the room with a round door and climb up the top ledge. Follow the path all the way to the end to find the treasure chest containing the sphere.

Crimson Sphere 5- Toward the end of chapter 4, after the concert at the Thunder Plains, head back to the Celsius and be told that LeBlanc and her boys are waiting for you in the engine room. You must immeadiately go there as soon as Buddy tells you about her, so avoid talking to Shinra. Make quick haste, or she'll become impatient and see you instead, and you will not get the sphere from her.

Crimson Sphere 6- Go to Bevelle's Via Infinito in chapter 5. In cloister 0, after speaking to the mysterious person, pick up the sphere he dropped.

Crimson Sphere 7- In chapter 2, head for Mushroom Rock Road. Head for the Den of Woe to find Nooj and speak to him. He'll give you the sphere.

Crimson Sphere 8- Head for Bevelle's Via Infinito and make your way to cloister 20. You'll fight an Aranea, who will drop the sphere.

Crimson Sphere 9- Get at chapter 1 in the Den of Woe. After watching the event of Logos and Ormi trying to find spheres to open the door, they'll make a quick retreat and drop the sphere.

Crimson Sphere 10- Head for Guadosalam during chapter 2. After sneaking into LeBlanc's Chateau and finding the secret hallway, head for Logos' room. It's sitting on the bookshelf by his bed.