Steal from Esper Zodiark (qty1)
Reward from Montblanc for getting all 13 Espers (qty1)
Buy it for 19998 gil from Bazaar Goods by trading 2x Serpent Eye, 4x Snake Skin, 1x High Arcana (qty???)
hope this helps
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Steal from Esper Zodiark (qty1)
Reward from Montblanc for getting all 13 Espers (qty1)
Buy it for 19998 gil from Bazaar Goods by trading 2x Serpent Eye, 4x Snake Skin, 1x High Arcana (qty???)
hope this helps
Well hey if you know that then can you tell me how to find Zodiark?
I have tried to find him but if that is the esper that has to do with the geomancer then He only tells me im not strong enough and i was lvl 60 when i asked him.
you have to have almost all of the other summons (with out ultima) before talking to him. you will want to be around lvl 60 before hitting the secret area of the mines
Thanks for the help but how many espers are there?([SPOIL]i have zermoros,zalera,bealis,matues,famfrit,exodos,adram lech,shemihazi,[SPOIL] i think thats all.
looks like your missing a few as stated above there are 13 total
Wait, what? LOL. I'm only in the Palace Sewers right now, and my characters are only at level 5 and 8. I just bought this game recently.
I'm trying to figure out where the "Lever" is that will open the gate, once you're done killing all the Mimic Battery creatures. I looked EVERYWHERE for that lever and it's just NOT there. Every room I went into only brought me FLAN A & FLAN B and some Zombies.
I was SO hacked off. I had reached the end of that game section like 7 times and I CAN'T find the dang lever to open up the gates. All that appeared were more Mimic Battery eaters. :blowtop:
if i remember correctly it should be right there in the middle of the 1st big room that you come into from entereing the sewers via the lower levels of the town.
the cluckatrice is a hunt later in the game
which part of the game are you at, before you get to the palace or after? because i might not be thinking of exactly the spot you are. the only spot i remember having battery mimics is in the Barheim Passage not the Garamsythe
That's EXACTLY where I am. The Barheim Passage. I even made sure that Fran, Balthier, Vaan, and Basche were all MP'd and LP'd up and we all just kinda stood there at the Gate going: "Well, NOW what?" :above:
It says there should be a switch or lever somewhere to operate the gate because it is too heavy to just "lift". I beat all the Mimics, all the Tiny Mimics, all the zombies and flying bats (or whatever they are) and learned to NOT go back in the room with the Fire Bombs balls and the FLAN A & B. But that lever STILL is nowhere to be found. It's driving me bonkers because that's the last thing I need before I level up :above:
there is a gate switch in the op sector 37. you need atleast 30 % power to open the gate. there is a path to the west side of special op sector 3 that leads you to 37 but its in there.
sector 3 should be the 5th area open and 37 should be the 6th area you go to
sorry about the confusion when you said sewer i thought you where talking about the Garamsythe Waterway
Sweet! I'm gonna try it again later today (Wednesday) on my day off from work. THAT was my problem. I FINALLY stayed at around 90% Power and when I got to that gate, I was like: "CRAP! I FINALLY kept the ghosts from coming out and made it "all the way" and now this" :above:
The lever isn't there. I'm thinking I have to actually defeat the FLAN A & FLAN B (The Green Blob Things) and then get into their little square room to find the lever. Otherwise, the lever is just NOWHERE on that level.
I wish someone had a screen shot so they could show me exactly where it is LOL. How do you defeat the flan's easily without them electrocuting you to death??
So I'm in the The Barheim Passage and nobody seems to be able to do ANYTHING except for Fran. Vaan's Magicke's are turned off so I can't use my Cure, Fire, Thunder, etc. His MP is constantly at zero (wtf? How did that happen??) :shake:
Did I push a button accidentally somewhere that makes Vaan's MP stay constantly at zero? And why, when I click on "Magicke's" for Baltier does it show everything blacked out even though his list shows he has Green Magic, White Magic, Black Magic, etc???
What did I do? :lol:
maybe you ****ed up your gambit somehow.
pay attention to that !
***I saw someone mention the "Goddess's Magicite" a while back. Why does Goddess Magicite make your MP do that? I haven't got that far in the game yet so, I dont know what the GM is all about.
***Ohhh, that's what I need. I usually make him equipped with weapons; Vaan with Magicke's and Fran with everything in between. Let me try equipping Balthier with some licenses and see what happens.Quote:
Balthier- Make sure Balthier has the license for whatever magick you want to cast. If he hasn't activated the license, he can't cast.
I hate that accesory as well. I recall it being helpful to getting you to progress further in one part of the game along with it raising your magick defense. Other then that, the Goddess Magicite isn't much of use.Quote:
Originally posted by BabyCosgrove
***I saw someone mention the "Goddess's Magicite" a while back. Why does Goddess Magicite make your MP do that? I haven't got that far in the game yet so, I dont know what the GM is all about.
And you know what? You are exactly right!!. My gambits were ALL screwed up. Now that I figured out how to arrange them correctly, my characters don't die and I can go from level to level a LOT easier. LOL.
So thanx for your post. You guys are really helping me out. I'm a serious NOOB! :lol:
ok i dont know anything about this game i do know a little bit about it from the story line but for the items and stuff i have no clue how and where do you get
turnsol, excalibur, and ribbon?
Umm well first of all, maybe you should actually complete the game first? Because you're saying you barley know the story line, and those three things you want to know about, are very late game items.
But I'll give you a quick rundown.
Ribbon- Random Chest in Creobri Steppe (with Diamond armlet equipped)
Tournesol - Sell 3 gemsteel 3 serpentarius (sorry about spelling) and 3 emerpyrs soul (again sorry about spelling, I dont have my game on atm)
And Excalibur - Rare treasure in the Great Crystal.
i was too vague ive beat the game three times soo but like i said i dont know where half the items/weapons are
LifeCrystal, you know, the one that turns out to be a Crystal BUG, and you have to defeat it before it will turn into a blue "Save" Crystal? It's in the tomb where Ashe is trying to find the Sword Of Kings.
I have tried everything from attacking, Magicke, etc, etc, and nothing takes this bug down. Does anyone know what works in defeating him? Even with the Bangle equipped, I can't see how many HP it has :blowtop:
Edited June 15th 2008 @ 10:19 pm EST:
I finally figured out a way to defeat the Life Crystal....*Spoilers Below*
I used Vaan, Basch, and Balthier. You don't need to use any Magicks at all. Just manually have Vaan and Basch "Attack" it to death and Balthier restore the hit points with Curaga. I didn't even have Balthier attack the Crystal or use any Magicks on the Crystal. All he did was "Curaga". I wiped out that Crystal with in 60 seconds.
Damn, I'm a happy camper right now LOL!!!
Could somebody help me? I need help beating Yiazmat!:blowtop:
Look Firaga this is a question for the HELP THREAD! You can't just go around posting that you need help eveywhere, it has a section already, and you take other posts onto the next page, which can get missed.
BUT my advice to beat Yiazmat. Be at least lv 70 ( I was 73) Have your gambits set up so 2 people have Healing before attacking and have your stongest usually Basch, as your main attacker with gambits to raise before attacking. Keep bubble belts on everyone, making sure haste is always in effect is also a must. What I did was had Basch with a tournesol (40% combo chance) As my main attacker, and while my other 2 characters were in good condition I kept Basch besereked. this allowed major damage and good combo rates, the other to attacked and healed as normal, their weapons were with the Orochi or Fomulhalts equpied with dark shot.
It took me about 4 hours to beat him, there is many cheap ways of killing him, but I wanted to do it the proper way.
Oh you should have seen it, my friend Nick(known as Nemesis 93) Had what we concider to be the highest quickening chain ive ever seen. He chained at least 20(not counting fusion tecknick.).
My question is as follows:In the sidequest to get the meddalion for the guy at old Dalans place. Where is the lady who found it? I found out the lady at the foutain has the meddalion but the when i went back to get it she was gone. Also how can i fight Fafnir(forgive spelling)
You need to go speak to Kytes again, he'll tell you all you need to know, if you need more help, just ask.
And as for fafnir, it is a bugger. I assume you've talked to the woman, so run into the Frozen Brook Then run back up and teleport somewhere then back.
The reason for that is, when you enter the Frozen brook it changes the weather, And when you talk to the woman, it automatically becomes the weather needed to find Faffy, so when you enter the Brook, it changes back, and faffy goes on lunch break.
So go talk to her again and then go rent a chocobo ('cos you have to travel a long way..) Now when you get to Freezing Gorge
DONT GO INTO THE ****ING BROOKInstead, go to the Head Of The Silverflow Then down to Icebound Flow Take the exit going into Karydine Glacier Then go into that little chode bit of Silverflow's End
When should I look for the Zodiak Spear? I ignored the 16 Treasure Chests and went on my way like the gaming guide said to do.
However, I THINK I opened the 4 previous chests in the land before the 16 Treasure Chests. Crap! I don't think I was supposed to do that :above:
But my question is, if by chance I can still get the Spear, where will it show up?
Much Love,
Henne Mines secret area. You need to have 10 espers and the Mindflayer hunt completed to get access to it. Talk to one of the guys in Jahara, possibly the high chief (I don't remember).
Its in the first main zone of the mines, you'll go through a cave structure and into a corridor, after that back into a cave and the chest is on your right in a small secret alcove. The chest is a 10% spawn chance and the Spear has a 10% chance of dropping from it, so it may take a while. Also you need to have a Diamond Armlet equipped to get it. Good luck :)