Just wondering how you guys split up your espers between the characters. I didn't put way too much thought into it myself, except for the visual part most of the time, what felt like it suited the character. I had problems which ones I would give to Penelo and Vaan though. I mean, I just couldn't imagine Penelo summoning something like let's say..Zalera. And Vaan. Well I just really couldn't imagine him commanding anything at all, haha.
I've read more into the espers now and lots of Espers should probably more realistically have gone to different characters than I picked, but heck.
Ok but my Espers went as following;
Belias - Ashe. Ashe being a descendant of the Dynast King himself and all, I felt it would be her..well birthright and all, since he was the treasure of Raithwalls Tomb. I think I have him to Balthier on my first playthrough though, since Ashe did promise him the tomb's treasure after allBut now, he's with Ashe.
Mateus - I gave him to Penelo. I don't know why. I just find him graceful, with his hostage damsell and all. And...Penelo...well...she...dances a little in her quickenings and I guess...dance is..graceful. Ok didn't give that much thought at all.
Adrammelech - This one went to Vaan! He went to Vaan in my first play through too, and to be honest it was just because he didn't look all that epic, which isn't really true, being an immensly strong and led an army of fiends against the gods from the underworld...and all that.
Zalera - Balthier got Zalera. Zalera had a..damsell. Now when I'm making this I realize I didn't put more thought into it than sheer shallowness oh well.
Zeromus - Also went to Ashe. Perhaps he would have suited Balthier more though, being an "ex-judge" of a sort.
Shemhazai - Fran. Sagittarius, need I say more? Fran has always been a wielder of bows in my playthroughs, and Shemhazai just seemed to suit her visually. The whisperer made me think of Fran too for some reason.
Hashmal - Assigned to Balthier, for no real particulare reason at all. I guess it doesn't really suit him though "bringing order to all things" doesn't sound too much like Balthier. Maybe more as something lady Ashe or Basch would command. But then again pretty much every esper seems to suit those two.
Famfrit - Went to Balthier, Famfrit was summoned by Balthier's father after all, so I guess it would have symbolism to it.
Exodus - Went to Fran, since he's resmebling a tree and found after traveling through some Ivalice nature phenomenon. If I recall it correctly, Exodus was also the Totema of the Viera race in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
Chuchulainn - ..Basch needed an Esper, and here he got one. ..they don't resemble eachother too much. Living in a cage for some years I guess he maybe could be relate more to hygiene issues and decay than he others ever could. Ok I fail I really just gave it to him.
Chaos - Basch's second Esper! Didn't seem more than right, Chaos being what's dwelling in the remains of his old hometown. And Basch is just enough man to control something as epic as a being going by the name of "Chaos."
Ultima - I had to do a great deal of thinking before I decided whom would get Ultima. First I thought my obvious choice would be Ashe, but that just..seemed a tad boring. And I couldn't give her to Penelo just because it was some
pretty girl again. Balthier? Nah. Basch. Oh no. Vaan? I barely felt like giving him Adrammelech in the first place! So she went to Fran, Fran being much more into the whole mist thing than anyone else.
Zodiark - I haven't obtained him yet. He'll probably go with Ashe though, because imo she's the main character of this game, despite Balthier's constant claims of being the leading man. He's close though.
I sort of wish the Espers came with some sort of power up to the character they were assigned to though, since they weren't that useful elsewise. (Locke4God already have a Esper/Quickening thread on the board, so let's keep those conversations in there.)