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  1. #1
    Consistently Average Fiends that make you Flee Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Fiends that make you Flee

    Are there any mosters that when they have you in their sights you just hit R2and run?

    When i first got to the Golmore Jungle i entered a pathway and was confronted by a pack of Hellhounds, needless to say they destroyed my entire team and since that moment i excercise extreme caution around them.

    Other recurring beasties that i hate to see when my party are worn down are the various forms of Elementals. Im quite sure i could take them on at my current level but i never want to try

    EDIT: that kind of makes me seem like a whimpy gamer but every other monster i'd happily take on, i just dont like taking unnecisary risks
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  2. #2
    Registered User Fiends that make you Flee
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    Pretty much any fiend in the Subterra of the Pharos of Ridorana... I ventured there with my party, thinking it would be a cool place to earn some experience and whatnot...turns out I was getting my ass handed to me by pretty much everything down there. I barely escaped.

    Also, when I first played the game, I steered clear of the Wild Saurian in the Estersand. I think I'm the only person who didn't try to press their luck by trying to fight it.

    I'm sure there's more, but those are the two things that stick out in my mind the most.
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  3. #3
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Fiends that make you Flee Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    Well, during the game progression no, everytime I seen a monster that was new, I had the urge to attack it.
    But when curiosity kills the cat, i barely survive(what?).

    I remember I had fran ashe and vaan in my party. The salamand Entity in the sandsea.
    Fukin fran hit it with an arrow. I knew it was bad from it's looks.
    "Ohh, a random ominous ball of hidden doom and destruction"
    Boom, Firaga. The only thing that let me live, is te fact that Fran ran after the Entity to attack it. I seen it and turnt away, but she ran after it. Only she died. But the scary thing is, 20 sewconds later, it was still chasing me.

    All entities I run away from other than the one in the watergate, the giruvegan one. Or the random one in the pharos as I am usually hyper powered by then.
    I will conceave defeat with the Elder Wyrm. I think he is the only one I honestly had trouble with.

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  4. #4
    Consistently Average Fiends that make you Flee Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    Haha i remember attacking the wild saurian the first time i saw it, i think anyone whose played the game would know what came next. I returned to the Eastersands the other day and ready to exact my revenge, i bombarded it with Quickenings. Talk about overkill
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  5. #5
    Registered User Fiends that make you Flee RudetheTurk's Avatar
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    The Golmore Hellhounds fo sho, and they're a headache regardless because they don't drop c-pelts. Entites as well.

  6. #6
    Badass Military Agent Fiends that make you Flee Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    Fiends that make you flee....

    Hmm I'm gonna go with the weak monsters that yield less to nothing of experience or anything for me. I fought every monster head on, whether it was the Wild Saurian or one of those crazy mobs from Nebulis. Linus runs from NOTHING!!!! except the weaklings lol, didn't want to waste my time on such small fry.

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  7. #7

    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    I'm fleeing when theres t00 many 0f them surr0unding my party that we can't h0ld it anym0re..and if an elemental were attacking, I would definitely flee..

  8. #8
    Tsuna Feesh Fiends that make you Flee Fate's Avatar
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    I used to flee from anything big, like those flying garuda-looking things and the giant tortoises. xD"

    But I've reached a level of baddassery that nothing can kill me, so I just run from everything...not because I'm scared, but because they're worthless to kill. But if they want to sneak up on me and attack (and deal a whopping 0 damage), meet my vengeful side.


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  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Fiends that make you Flee Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    After being eaten by Saurian I decided to leave friendly monsters alone, those ball entities in particular. They seem to be triggered by magic, quite often I would cast support magic before entering a battle and they would attack me, since they're rather nasty even on higher levels I would usually run away.

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  10. #10

    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    Isn't the first time that i play FFXII, so I know that the Wild Saurion it's a problem. Everytime I have to pass through the Eastersand, I keep a long distance between Vaan and the Saurion, in case that he attack me for something I do.
    But know, I have to flee near the entite(the first time I see it i have panicked and run until I have a goooood distance between my party and that monster) and the Elemental. When I try to defeat the Thunder Elemental, it almost kill all my party. I have no trouble with Tortoises and Flying monsters.

  11. #11

    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    There are some monsters that make me flee in the nabrius deadlands because the monsters there while getting to the zodaic spear are strong

  12. #12
    Consistently Average Fiends that make you Flee Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    i've yet to fully explore the Dreadlands (or is it the Necrol of Nabudis?) as i've stopped playing XII for some reason. I remember walking in and there's the cut scene where they say theres no point exploring it yet and you get attacked by those goblins which then call yet more goblins. I fled pretty quickly.
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  13. #13
    Dalmascan princess Fiends that make you Flee lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: Fiends that make you Flee

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    When i first got to the Golmore Jungle i entered a pathway and was confronted by a pack of Hellhounds, needless to say they destroyed my entire team and since that moment i excercise extreme caution around them.
    just like me then! i thought id explore a bit, levelig up Penlo,Fran and Vaan, who were my lowest levels, and suddenely i came across the amazing hellhound and they were destroyed. they killed Basch and Balthier too, and then i had to use Ashe to run for it

    Ashe and Vaan forever

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