--> Does anyone else find the map frustrating?
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Thread: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

  1. #1
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? smithhanson's Avatar
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    Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    The title mainly says it all, but..

    I find the map system annoying because when you're trying to go somewhere, especially when you're new to the game and can't quite find your way around perfectly, you have to keep bringing up the map to see if you're going the right way. Most of the time you have to turn around several times before you end up going the right direction... I don't find the map very detailed either, which can make things confusing... Is this just me, or does anyone else have this problem?

  2. #2
    I've had no problems with the map. I just yesterday started a brand new game and i'm about 5 hours in. The only thing I hate about it, is it takes for fucking ever to bring it up.

  3. #3
    The map for me wasn't horrible, but I hated when you had to make it on your own by moving around the area, if you didn't buy the map. Either that or it would take decades for be me find the dumb thing and by that time, half the map is already up.

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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by TenseikenSlash View Post
    The map for me wasn't horrible, but I hated when you had to make it on your own by moving around the area, if you didn't buy the map. Either that or it would take decades for be me find the dumb thing and by that time, half the map is already up.
    Same as Tenseikan. And some places don't even have a Moogle to buy from...cheapass Moogles these days.

  5. #5
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I really din't have much problems with the maps. I generally used the compass in the mini map and that gave me my cardinal directions. From that I was able to navigate areas with ease. I generally tried to explore all of the areas before buying a map for an area, it made things more interesting.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Yesha's Avatar
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    Nope.. the map reaLLy heLps me aLot.. and aLso the mini map.. :-) so it's reaLLy hard to pLay without them, since some areas are reaLLy big or too smaLL, and some are Like a maze area.. :-) aLso.. when there's a hunt to catch, the map is a big heLp to find it (the exact pLace/area).. (the red mark)

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  7. #7
    Haha, I don't even remember that I had maps... ^^
    I now that I used the mini map most of the time, I didn't rely on the bigger maps. I found my way through it very easily. (Especially because you were led by that red arrow all the time x3" Was it red? Or was the red arrow in FFX? o.o")
    Buuuut I admit that I found the mini map confusing when I first played the game. I needed... I think 2-3 hours to completely understand the mini map. ^^" After that, it went quite smoothly. ^^

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  8. #8
    Aethan Dor Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Jeordam's Avatar
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    Kinda...but not really?

    Most of the time, I just relyed upon the mini-map to get me around...but here's the fun (or sad...depending on how you look at it) part. I have run around that world enough to where I know where I'm going without the map. In order to help me level up better, I usually make the vow to never use the transport crystal (unless its like getting someplace which needs you to use it). By running all over the place...like making the 45 minute run from one side of the world to the other, you kill enemies & learn about every little feature of the land.

    In other words...the map ends up in your head. Too bad I can't remember to pay my student loan bill on time! *laughs*
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  9. #9
    The map is beyond awesome.
    The problem is the map layout. Many maps are so convoluted or have exits in random places.
    Combined with the minimap being of little help (as almost always in games with one) and you deriving from your path all the time to kill enemies, you can get lost really easily.
    But thank god the main map is so good and you can quickly tell where to go.

  10. #10
    Boredness rules us all Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Midnight Panda's Avatar
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    i liike the maps and they arent that hard to use. other then ya they take a while to load up....
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  11. #11
    True Master of Darkness Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Noctis Lucis Caelum's Avatar
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    its not frustrating to me at all i find quite useful.

  12. #12
    Rabanastran Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Belugn's Avatar
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    I had minor problems with the big map in the beginning, for some reason being struck by sudden northsouthwestandeast dyslexia. But the more I played and explored I just learned all the areas by heart in the end? I found the mini map more annoying actually, when I started playing FFXII I kept looking at the dot running around on the mini map, rather than at Vaan, took me a while to get rid of that habit. (Same went for FFX, but at least in FFX you could remove the freaking little thing.)

  13. #13
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Toxo's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    It took me awhile to find my way around Rabanastre, but I've always been poor at navigating. I even got lost in Clocktown in Zelda: Majora's Mask. ;

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  14. #14
    Rabanastran Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Belugn's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toxo View Post
    It took me awhile to find my way around Rabanastre, but I've always been poor at navigating. I even got lost in Clocktown in Zelda: Majora's Mask. ;
    I'm a horrible navigator as well. There are numerous games I've never finished because I just end up lost all the time. xD
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  15. #15
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Pendulous's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    The only problem I had was if you needed to check a map that you weren't on at the time, you had to go from map to map until you found the one you were looking for.
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  16. #16
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    I thought the map was good enough, i've never had problems with it.
    I just don't rely on it too much because there are a lot of secret places not displayed on the map.

  17. #17
    Elloewen Does anyone else find the map frustrating? ultimatekupo's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    haha that map is heaven compared to FFXI map!
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  18. #18
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    I thought the map was okay but it was boring to press select all the time and wait for it to show up.

  19. #19

    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    I didn't really have a hard time with the map, but once you got to Gran Pulse having to walk everywhere to see where you were going was a bit annoying xD Especially since Gran Pulse was huge.

  20. #20
    Certified tech, come at me! Does anyone else find the map frustrating? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    The map wasn't frustrating to me except for when you had to figure out where to go on your own, like that one crystal place, and the bahamut ship at the end of the game.
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  21. #21
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating?
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    I will have to agree with some of the other posters who say about the only thing really frustrating about the map was that it took a while for it to load onscreen. Other than that, I can't say that I've had any trouble with it. Personally, I rather enjoyed exploring the world that FF XII built up, so after a while, I didn't even have to use it anymore.
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  22. #22
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    Yeah the Gran Pulse had the only annoying map in the game, wasn't much of a map.

  23. #23

    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    I only found it annoying when I thought i had to get to it from the main menu. Yep I actually did that.

  24. #24
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    I'll be the first to admit, I have followed walkthroughs on youtube at least 100x!
    I can't even count how many times i've gotten lost lol
    But at least it isn't linear like in FFXlll but then again, idk which to choose lol
    Bigger map= more fun, more lost
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  25. #25

    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    I do think that the map is very hard to understand becasue it keeps turning and twisting and sometimes disappears. I think that it was time that simeine had that fixed and they have a new one that has an map that anyone can read.

  26. #26

    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    The map is a complete pain in the ass!!! I remember trying to direct my missus to places in the game and then getting lost and then I got blamed for taking her in the wrong direction!!! She wouldn't beleive me when I told her the map was crap!!! But she knows now when I told her to find her own way around!!!

  27. #27
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    I actually liked the map well enough. I thought some of the areas, like phon coast were overly big, but still found the map helpful in any case.

    I guess I still prefer the overworld maps in the pre-FFX games, but 12's map IMO was far preferable to 10's, which I never really used much, and you probably didn't need for the most part anyway.

  28. #28

    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    Same thing as everything else in this game. The maps were boring and overall forgettable. Some areas like that tower of on the edge of the world seemed like an endless drudge of repetitive boring. Going up seemingly endless floors, oooh wait they blocked out your items on this one and your magic on another, too bad its now insanely dull and frustrating.
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  29. #29
    Registered User Does anyone else find the map frustrating? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan558 View Post
    Same thing as everything else in this game. The maps were boring and overall forgettable. Some areas like that tower of on the edge of the world seemed like an endless drudge of repetitive boring. Going up seemingly endless floors, oooh wait they blocked out your items on this one and your magic on another, too bad its now insanely dull and frustrating.
    Oh yeah that level is horrible, especially if you wanna finish it later on.
    It takes so much time to go through it the first time, only to find out there's 50% left, if you are taking side-quests and whatnot.

    Totally agree with you, probably one of the most boring crappy levels i've ever been through in my life. Been there for countless hours overall which is sad xD
    Not a bad game level wise, but that one just has no fun whatsoever.

  30. #30

    Re: Does anyone else find the map frustrating?

    Hey eveyone i'm half way through final fantasy 12 and i would like the zodiac spear for everyone in my party. does any one know how to get it because i would like it for everyone and i think the turnosole is a shit weapon and the zodiac spear is much better then the turnosaole. so if anyone know anythink can you please let me know and if there is a better and quicker way of getting the zodiac spear for everyone.

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