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Thread: chocobos and aeon

  1. #1

    chocobos and aeon

    hey everyone i have a will laugh at me for this but does anyone think that cocobos look like a large version of chickens lol. when my boyfriend mark kinzett you know him. when he first played it i seen it for the first time and i asked him what are thoses. mark said they are chocobos and i said to him they look like chickens and he laugh because i did not know what chocobos were at the about the aeon anima this is funny as well does any one think she looks like a prana fish the same thing happpened as well i asked mark what is was and he said it was an aeon and i said it looks like a pirahna fish and we both laugh at that let me know what you think to this thread. what made my boyfriend laugh was i said that i'm gonna summon the fish thing. lol

  2. #2
    Registered User chocobos and aeon
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    Jul 2009

    Re: chocobos and aeon

    I always thought that the aeon Anima looked more like a mutated Venus Fly Trap or something. And yeah, Chocobos do look like giant chickens.
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  3. #3
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. chocobos and aeon Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: chocobos and aeon

    Ultimecia+ Venus fly trap+ mummy+ fish

    Chocobos look like chick that never turned white.

    And Bahamut looks like a peacock dragon

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  4. #4

    Re: chocobos and aeon

    Some good views there I myself have no idea what the hell Anima is all I need to know though is that she is the best and most awesome Aeon in the game!!! As for Chocobos well what can I say? Cute.

  5. #5
    Dalmascan princess chocobos and aeon lady ashe's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Re: chocobos and aeon

    chocobos do look like chickens, well grown up chicks that never turned white anyways.
    anima does look like some sort of plant, fish, mummy thing

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