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Thread: bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs

  1. #1
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs

    Ok, lets just take a moment and all brag about our blitzball teams, since we have topics to brag about everything else...

    I got a very nice team assembeled, none of the origional Aurochs remain on it, but thats just cuz they suck, for my team I got Tidus and Villucha (Hired at Besaid Village) as my wings... they both have very HIGH shot, high HP and good speed, they own the goal domain. My midfield is Tatts (Hired on the docks of Kilika) And with high pass, block, HP, speed, ok attack hes very good in his area... equip with golden arm, wondeful for setting up goals. Oh, may I mention Villuchas high Block as well, so stealing the ball for a nice goal is very handy dandy. For my defense I have Kyou (A crusader at Djose Temple) and Brother. Kyou is my attacking defense, and Brother is my other assist manager, with high block, high pass, and actually pretty good shot.

    My goalie was my hardest pic, but I eventually took Jumal... hes not to bad, his catch doesnt get very high, but he covers, the teams really dont get many chances to shoot on him, thats always good...

    My team is fairly fast, and racks in about 4-6 goals per game if I feel like sloughter... I am yet to loose with them... they make me so proud, and im well on the way of getting wakkas sigil

    Whats your team plan?
    Member of SOLDIER

  2. #2
    well...I havent lost a single blitzball game..... have tied 2 thou and have well over 50 wins.... still playin with the old Mighty Auroch members... didnt see any point in changeing since they are better than all the other players out there....have most of the techs for Tidus who scores about 18 goals a game...

  3. #3
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    Actually, compared to the free agents, there stats are abysmal, well not abysmal, but there is much better out there
    Member of SOLDIER

  4. #4
    i never let my levels get to high i only play blitzball for wakkas stuff and resetting data is the easiest way but the people i do use are

    lf:tidus (good shot and en and has jecht shot so easier to score)
    rf:wedge (17 shot at level 1 and really high attack he just rocks)
    m:naida (extremley fast and good pass also with some decent tackles her attack stat and wedges mean that hardly anyone can get over the halfway line
    rd:ropp (good pass and tackle)
    lf: jassu (to lavy to look for anyone else)
    gk: jumal (good catch for start)

  5. #5
    I've won 81 games, but Keepa is the only true auroch left. I have all of Wakka's reels, the sigil, and the Jecht Shot 2 for Tidus. I can't remember the last time I lost a game........

  6. #6
    i've only played 78 games but i've won all of the intro where you see the Jecht memorial tournament in FMV i had expected the normal game to have the otherworld music playing in the background which would've kicked a$$.

    anyway i have all my original players....if you stick with them eventually they kick a$$ mine do.

    does anyone agree that blitzball is too easy?.....i've only let it 5 goals in 78 games that i've played.

    ...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust.

    The Brotherhood of Doom: Destroying the Weak since 11-11-2004

  7. #7
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs FFsaiya-jin's Avatar
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    A place far away....
    I have the same as Psychosyd, only that I have Ropp instead of Brother and I have Nimrook(the Al-Bhed goalie) instead of Jumal. I make around 8-10 goals per game, the only thing is that I only shoot with Tidus, Villuchas is there to help on the defense and sometimes to make a goal if Tidus is asleep, or if his shot has been reduced and has been poisoned. But I have played around 150 games and have all Reels and I have the World Champion but somehow that damn Jupiter Sigil doesn't want to appear.
    <img src=>

    <table style=filter:GLOW(color=cyan strength=1<center>"A soul divided in two...</center>
    Torn from both sides of the coin...
    <center>One evil...
    In the vertex of chaos he finds peace...</center>
    <center>...and the source of his power."</center></table>

    <center>~Proud Member of Tantalus~

  8. #8
    I used Tidus as one of my main scores. I also had Bickson from Luca Goes, Eigar from Al Bhed Psyches, Keep as goal, and two defensemen whose name slips my mind, I haven't played since Feb. Anyway, I lost a few exhibitions when I was learning how to play, but never really lost after that. Then I reset my teams a few times so I could get the random prizes and such.

    Edit: Also, the most goals I've scored in one game is 10, with a 10-0 shut out.

  9. #9
    my blitz team is this:

    on wings i use Tidus and Blappa (from Al Bhed)
    both with high shot
    in mid i use Brother because he is the best in just about everything..

    I still have the original defense cuz im not sure if anybody else is necessary

    and to top it off i have Nimrook playing net....

    i don't lose anymore because the Al Bhed's best forward and elite goalie are playing for me!

  10. #10
    center= tidus

    i havent lost a single game wid this team

    and keepa is the worst goalie ever but will have a 99 shot when in lvl 99 lol

  11. #11
    Left Forward: Tidus
    Right Forward: Wakka
    Midfield: Brother
    Right Defence: Botta
    Left Defence: Irga Ronso
    Goalie: Nimrook (absolutely untouchable)

    Lost one game out of hell knows how many games and that was the first match with the goers.

    I never use the defence people, brother(MF) takes care of that, he could take on 3-5 people on average and he's always the fastest on the field.

    When I feel I scored too many goals and it gets boring, I just have Brother get the ball and swim around the stadium, nobody can catch up to him. I also use this trick if the enemy has a good defence and lure them away with the ball.

  12. #12
    I wish there was some way to use the FFXI online network on FFX so that we could all play blitzball in a big tournament and play against each other. That would be sooooooo cool! You guys would probably kill me, though. Lvl. 50 is the highest my characters are..........

  13. #13
    then you still played a lot of games....

    my highest is only like 24 but thats the unstobbale brother

  14. #14
    Change that! My highest player is Graav.............he is now lvl 58

  15. #15
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    My Aurochs really suck, I havn't won a single game, and I've only replaced Letty with Rin, since I can't find anyone else to recruit.... I suck at Blitzball, I can never score!!!!

  16. #16
    I dont understand how you people are so good at the game. Ive played like 4 games and lost all of them like 4 to nothing! it seems really difficult. I always end up reading the tutorial over and over again to understadn it more but its crazy hard. Props to the blitzers!

  17. #17
    When you first start out, you lose a lot. Then you recruit better players, and your team becomes much more powerful. Then you start to win, and learn what all those numbers mean.

  18. #18
    Ok im a complete Newbie to Blitzball, i still dont get some of the shit.

    Ok so can someone give me a list of Bitchin players and where to find them, and what position to put them in?

    Please it will be much apreciated.


  19. #19
    Your goalie should be Jumal found near the intersection between the stadium,the theatre and the main town.

    Biggs and Wedge can be found just up from the save point are u beam down to.They stand by the posts that lead up to the seats

  20. #20
    .... you just have to get a winningstreak to make your characters lvl up... THEN replace those whom doesnt lvl (since if they dont they dont participate in the game much and therefor are useless)...

  21. #21
    People play a few game of Blitzball and give up.Its not going to be easy straight away.You've got to stick at it for a while,play as many games as u can.Yes you will lose but every time your characters will level up.A key point is that the more a player handles the ball the more exp they get so just try swimming away from their attackers and waste the will level faster

    And Elaron i know what u mean about characters not leveling.My Datto who is a RF just won't level.He's still level 9 while Tidus and Jumal are level 29

  22. #22
    Originally posted by Lone Wolf
    Your goalie should be Jumal found near the intersection between the stadium,the theatre and the main town.

    Biggs and Wedge can be found just up from the save point are u beam down to.They stand by the posts that lead up to the seats

    And what positions do i play wedge and biggs in?

    And what about my other 3 players to play?

  23. #23
    get jumal for now but after the psyches let go of nimrook then get him he is the best!

    and when you get airship, get brother (the pilot) because he is the best player in the game.

    And i have only lost like 3 games total not including the first against the Goers. I beat them 3-2 in overtime

  24. #24
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas
    Tidus is by far my best character, but I talked with ya for a bit Nix, and It seems you are on the right track now...

    But for you people who cannot blitz, don't waste your time trying to win games with the current Auroch team, they just suck. Recruit a team, THEN play... releasing the ones on the team currently, they are a waste of time.

    Jumal is a must have goalie until you can hopefully get your hands on Nimrook, who is arguably the best goalie in the game of blitz. Brother is EASILY the best defender there is... make sure you get him, hes easy to get

    FOr you wakka fans, Wakka DOES offer some ok shot, a good suppor to Tidus, but his speed is a letdown, and other players outshine him

  25. #25
    I haven't lost a blitzball game for ages! And since I got Jecht Shot it's been always a difference of 4-5 goals with the other team.Today I beat the Ronsos 10-0.I never had such highscore.My team has very good attack but not very good defense. I have Tidus and Blappa from Al-Bhed Psyches with Brother assisting and sometimes scoring.In defense I have the two remaining Besaid members: Botta and Jassu.I like them quite a bit though their levels aren't high at all.I would just feel bad to have a whole team from Besaid without any Besaidians .And last of all I have Jumal as my goalie.I liked Keepa but his levels weren't going up and he wasn't learning anything at all... Jumal is way better.Nobody beats me now.

  26. #26
    my team is exactly like strider's but i use Nimrook because the Al Bhed were too dumb to resign him.

    but anywayz besides brother who are the best defence?

  27. #27
    Akira Mishima
    My team is the best! I keep all the oringinal players except Keepa, that fat bastard can't do shit! And I hired most of the Al Bhed Pshyces, some fangs, Some goers. Blitzball is too easy I need a challenge.

  28. #28
    Ive lost only once, I have the following people on my team

    giera guado

    Giera is good at everything
    brother is good at shooting and catching the opponents ball, 25 i think
    tidus is the best shot around like 50
    jassu because hes an awesome defencive and attack stats
    botta because the same as jassu
    and durren because when i first got him he was at level 10 and had a catch of around 20! now he has like 35! hes unstoppable! no one ever gets a goal! MUHAHAHAHAHA

  29. #29
    ey ppl.~!!!

  30. #30
    thanks. i never knew what the hell i was doing when playing blitzball. i just swam around and waited till i got blocked and got the ball stolen away from me. thanks for the tips everybody.

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