View Poll Results: Do you think voice-overs would have improved or detracted from the game?

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  • Voice-overs would have improved the game.

    2 18.18%
  • Voice-overs would have detracted from the game.

    4 36.36%
  • Voice-overs wouldn't have really changed anything one way or the other.

    3 27.27%
  • Unsure.

    2 18.18%
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Thread: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

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  1. #1
    Traitors Can't Hide. What would you think if there were voice-overs? Phoenix Rising's Avatar
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    What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    When I was introducing FFVIII to my uncle Jonathan last year, one of the things he immediately noticed was the lack of voice-overs, in other words, you can't hear the characters talking and instead can only read what they say. I really didn't let this bother me, though I believe it would be an interesting concept if they tried it. Do you think having voice-overs for Final Fantasy VIII would have improved upon the experience?
    Last edited by Phoenix Rising; 03-31-2012 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Elementalist What would you think if there were voice-overs? IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    I feel that adding voice-overs to the game would have been different. They were focusing on the graphics of the games and slowly changing the way RPGs were played. CD-roms could only hold so much information anyways. Imagine buying FFVIII or FFIX that would have 8-9 disks. I look at the PS1 FFs as still the classics, so I feel that having only the text is a way to pay homage to the classic RPGs.
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  3. #3
    Traitors Can't Hide. What would you think if there were voice-overs? Phoenix Rising's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    Quote Originally Posted by IcyJJ View Post
    I feel that adding voice-overs to the game would have been different. They were focusing on the graphics of the games and slowly changing the way RPGs were played. CD-roms could only hold so much information anyways. Imagine buying FFVIII or FFIX that would have 8-9 disks. I look at the PS1 FFs as still the classics, so I feel that having only the text is a way to pay homage to the classic RPGs.
    I don't know about you, but personally I wouldn't mind having to swap between 8 or 9 disks, if it meant an even more incredible experience. Sort of like Starfleet Academy, if anyone remembers that classic 90s PC game with it's 7 or so disks. You're right though, it really would be different and it would be really new for Final Fantasy.

  4. #4
    Registered User What would you think if there were voice-overs? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    Voice-overs would definitely change the game in a big way. I personally prefer it without them because it almost makes it feel like you're with the characters instead of it being more cinema with voice acting.

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  5. #5
    is not a douche What would you think if there were voice-overs? Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    Actually prefer text rather than voice acting. I felt like the voice acting ruined FFX for me.

  6. #6
    Everyone needs a savior What would you think if there were voice-overs? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    I would be able to enjoy the game either way unless the voices were like way off from what i would expect
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  7. #7
    What would you think if there were voice-overs? cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    I don't think it would have really bothered me one way or the other unless the voices were off what I'd pictured them as. If it was horible oice acting, then it would make the game worse, but if it was good it could have the potential to make it better I think. Personally, I kinda wish they'd remake VII & VIII with voices and better graphics and voices because I feel like they would both be so amazing with them. When I was younger I actually used to try and read them outloud using different tones to make each characters "voice" when they'd talk. A bit like reading a book and some one making a movie though, it has to be done right to be enjoyable or alot of people are gonna be unhappy. X3

  8. #8
    Chief Inspiring Officer What would you think if there were voice-overs? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    Didn't they use David Boreanaz to voice squall in Kingdom Hearts? I guess that was okay...
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  9. #9

    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    Me and a lot of my friends always used to say "The only way to make these games better would to have the characters talk" need I say more?

  10. #10
    Bananarama What would you think if there were voice-overs? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    I'd actually prefer just reading text. I can read a lot faster than listening to sometimes God awful voice acting, and I think it sometimes takes away from what could have been a great scene. If a character has a voice that I wouldn't pair with them, I think it'd be kind of annoying.

    The one instance where I would have loved voice acting was the opera scene in FFVI, but wanted to punch someone was that stupid learn to laugh scene in FFX.
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  11. #11
    Registered User What would you think if there were voice-overs? Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: What would you think if there were voice-overs?

    I think it would have been good to have voice overs for the game, it would have given more dimension to the characters and made them more real I think.


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