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Thread: What if Steiner had voice acting?

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  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! What if Steiner had voice acting? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    What if Steiner had voice acting?

    Imagine if FFIX had a voice cast (besides zidane having a VO in Dissidia). How would you think the voice acting quality of steiner would be if he had a voice over in FFIX? would he be more annoying? would it give him more life as a character?

    Lets hear your thoughts.
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What if Steiner had voice acting? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Being one of the few older main characters in the series I imagine Steiner would have more mature, deeper voice, perhaps even bit on the German side if we're to look at his name. I can see Hugh Laurie doing his voice, his House voice with just little bit of tweaking. After seeing what quality voice acting has done for characters in Final Fantasy XII I'm certain it would give him more depth. I never found Steiner to be annoying at all, more of a overprotective, witty uncle type of guy.

    Speaking of Dissidia, I was most pleasantly surprised with the voice acting, villains in particular were all around well done.

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  3. #3
    Registered User What if Steiner had voice acting?
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    What if Steiner had voice acting?

    Yeah I think he would have a awesome deap voice with a posh British accent.... Not sure why British! Lol

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_farley View Post
    Yeah I think he would have a awesome deap voice with a posh British accent.... Not sure why British! Lol
    Haha, that's a pretty good idea and it would suit Steiner perfectly! British because it sounds like a knight. Just remember all the great Monty Python knights - their voices would fit perfectly. No offense to any British speaker here, but British just sounds... noble. Yeah, noble. ^^

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  5. #5
    Registered User What if Steiner had voice acting?
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    What if Steiner had voice acting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Haha, that's a pretty good idea and it would suit Steiner perfectly! British because it sounds like a knight. Just remember all the great Monty Python knights - their voices would fit perfectly. No offense to any British speaker here, but British just sounds... noble. Yeah, noble. ^^
    Haha I am British! Lol but you are right..... Posh British is.... Erm.... Nobel haha

  6. #6
    #LOCKE4GOD What if Steiner had voice acting? Alpha's Avatar
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    Making him sound posh would make all his comic relief lines (most of his lines, really) fall flat. Imagine him yelling at Zidane about being careless, waving his arms above his head... In a posh British accent? I think a stereotypical German one would work better, provided it wasn't too strong.

  7. #7
    Alpha, I thought about a German accent as well, but wouldn't it sound too harsh and hard? Steiner isn't harsh at all, he's rather funny. That's why I think a British accent would fit him way more.
    Sadly I don't know many accents (at least not how they sound), so it's pretty hard to find a fitting one. Still, British = knight.

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  8. #8
    Registered User What if Steiner had voice acting?
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    What if Steiner had voice acting?

    Yeah I was thinking that!!! Immagine when he got angry and annoyed that the posh part would half drop and a rough sweaty voice would come.... Don't know if that would work or not but would be awesome

  9. #9
    Boxer of the Galaxy What if Steiner had voice acting? Rowan's Avatar
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    I'll start by saying that I don't think any final fantasy character should have an Australian accent... Ever again. Steiner could get away with a soft Irish accent like Roy from the I.T crowd. The great thing about ff9 is that the world is so diverse, many people could all have different accents and it would make sense and stay true to the game. In my experience though, giving a character a voice actor puts a restriction on their personalities. Sometimes it's nice just to imagine what they could sound like. I don't like tifas voice in dissidia. It's definitely brought her down a metaphorical cup size for me.

  10. #10
    Registered User What if Steiner had voice acting? EmperorLeo's Avatar
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    If Steiner was aimed more to be comedic relief, I would vote for him to be John Cleese. That'd just be fantastic!

  11. #11
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy What if Steiner had voice acting? Leon's Avatar
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    I heard somewhere else that they'd like to hear Patrick Warburton as Steiner. Can you imagine him yelling at Zidane at the airship station at Lindblum Castle? "WHAAAAT?!"

    I got no ideas at this point, except maybe that I think Major Armstrong's voice (from FMA, the VA escapes me) would be nice.
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  12. #12
    It all depends on who Square-Enix get to do his voice.

  13. #13
    Registered User What if Steiner had voice acting? Cry For Garnet's Avatar
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    Brian Blessed should do the Voice Acting for Steiner, it would be utterly hilarious and also somewhat appropriate, and it would make Steiner ten times the character he already is.

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