Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
I also found Steiner's loyalty to the Queen and how she can do no wrong - the unquestioning loyalty (a.k.a., unquestioning servitude) to be annoying as I'm more for having an independent thinking mind. But good Ol' Rusty got better as the game progressed.
Okay then, I lied, there was something else that annoyed the hell out of me. That person was Steiner and for the very same reasons. That and his constant distrust of Zidane. Okay, you don't like the guy, we get it.
Yeah, he did get better sometime in Disk 3, but he just plain pissed me off before that.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Quinas tongue
lol but that thing bugged me
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
The card tournament on disc 3, I never played cards and had such rubbish cards I lost them all, ah well I won in the end but it still got on my nerves after ff8s card game which was easier to play.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
The card tournament on disc 3, I never played cards and had such rubbish cards I lost them all, ah well I won in the end but it still got on my nerves after ff8s card game which was easier to play.
You get a Rebirth Ring for winning it, it's not that hard to play.
Just need a little practice :P
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
I can't remember many things right at this instant, but I do remember that I hated that place where you couldn't use magic. Was it Oeilvert or something? Anyway, White Magic was my main source of healing throughout the entire game, and I couldn't heal there unless it was with items, et cetera. Yeah, I kept dying the first time I went through it. <<
(Though, I forget, you pick who to take along at that part, right? Guessing that's why no one picks the mages.)
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
The Evil Forest and Ice cavern - I despise that part of the game :|
Don't know why I just hate doing it, every time but other than that, FFIX was the 1st Final Fantasy I played so I think it will always be my ultimate favourite :)
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
There was nothing annoying about the game. It was perfect. =)
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
what did you think was the most annoying thing about this game and why???
for me it would have to be the dessert castle....i got so lost and i couldnt figure out where to go for like a whole 3 hours untill my friend actually told me where to go
I forget where and when it happens, but it might be disc three, I never leveled up the fat cook, I forget her name that's how worthless he/she/it is, IMO. But, anyway, your team gets split and somehow i ended up with just her, low level, and stuck. I couldn't get anywhere... I was stuck. That was years ago, if I were to play it out I would evenly level everyone out and spend more time on it. I'll do that soon. =] That's the only "annoying thing" about that game, but really it was my fault, not the games, so it's all good.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
^ lol it's Quina.
Something else that bothered me was when you have to leave Freya ans Steiner behind at Alexandria Castle, It wouldn't have been a problem if members not in your party leveled up regardless as you did, like in FFVII. You get them back later after the queen dies, and by that time you've leveled up so much that it takes a good amount of training to get then to catch up -_- I think Freya was like level 12 when I got her back.... it's like common really?
That's about the only thing I can think of that really bothered me.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
Gypsy Elder
^ lol it's Quina.
Something else that bothered me was when you have to leave Freya ans Steiner behind at Alexandria Castle, It wouldn't have been a problem if members not in your party leveled up regardless as you did, like in FFVII. You get them back later after the queen dies, and by that time you've leveled up so much that it takes a good amount of training to get then to catch up -_- I think Freya was like level 12 when I got her back.... it's like common really?
That's about the only thing I can think of that really bothered me.
Agreed. Steiner gets the bit in Alexandria (which I think is there purely so he can play catch up), while Freya just gets stranded on level 19. It's a bit disappointing that you couldn't play as Freya/Steiner/Beatrix while the rest of the Party was eating stew in Madain Sari, like when you get to play as Steiner/Garnet/Marcus near the start of Disc 2 - keeps them relevant and so they don't fall behind (Actually, did we ever find out what happens in Alexandria after you leave them behind?)
Other then that: Trance sucks, it always seemed to go off right at the end of a battle against some random encounter, the abilities were pretty lame - Garnet's Trance was useless until halfway through Disc 2 (and even then it didn't do much, and when she gets depressed she can't trance it all); Quina's is useless when fighting a boss/an enemy you've already eaten once before - sometimes it worked well, like when Eiko, Zidane and Vivi all tranced at the the same time against Trance Kuja, but there was no real strategy to it, it just sort of happened sometimes. Also, it took to long to build up the meter.
Another thing is that, in Disc 3 and 4, the characters lose a lot of their personality. It turns from characters each with their own agendas (e.g, Zidane looking for Garnet, Vivi looking for more information on Black Mages, Freya trying to save her Kingdom, Quina eating stuff, Steiner protecting the princess and Garnet trying to help her mother) into "Let's follow Zidane as he defeats Kuja!" "YEAH!". It just got a bit dry after getting the Blue Narciss. It least the characters had personalities to begin with, unlike FFVII. Also, I liked the linearity of the first 2 discs, the game was a lot more character based, and it made just exploring a city and talking to people a joy, even NPC's had their own personalities.
Other things that tick me off - Quina just leaves once you meet Eiko, obviously so they don't break the party limit, but it isn't explained very well (or at all). There weren't enough cool bosses (compared to, say, FFVII), the only character bosses were Beatrix, Lani, Kuja, Garland (sort of) and Zorn/Thorn, I'm sick of fighting dragons. Plus the bosses didn't have enough HP/awesome attacks, I think 65k was the max HP a boss had. And there weren't enough items, I figure there weren't any items that do specific elemental damage to keep with the class system, but an X-Potion wouldn't hurt.
Other then that the game is amazing, my favourite in the series.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
The only thing I found incredibly annoying was the card game, it seemed so damn random! I didn't win very much, even when I had good cards! Plus, the # limit sucked! I think FFVIII did the card game better! In FFVIII you could refine your cards. Changing them into items or other stuff. I wish they could have done some of that stuff in IX! Other than that, I loved the game, one of the best, if not the best!
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Yeah, I found the card game to be really annoying too. I don't know if I just never fully understood it or what. I didn't really make much sense to me. I also found the chocobo hot and cold game annoying sometimes when I was trying to get a chocograph, and it sometimes took forever to find one. It was fun, but it got annoying if I was looking for something in particular, and it would take forever. I guess it was annoying that you couldn't use Beatrix more often, but I eventually got over it.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
I actually really enjoyed the card game haha didn't understand the letters too much but I was able to have fun with it and collect the majority of the cards.
The thing that bothered me was in fact the guide, not very helpful at all in helping to do all the little things like finding all the cards, getting the chocographs and all the little side quests that you could do. No great places to level or things like that. I ended up having to go online to find side quest help when I got stuck.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Yep, the original guide and the card game that seemed so random.
Quina's blue magic system was a pain, and I generally never used him/her.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
Yep, the original guide and the card game that seemed so random.
Quina's blue magic system was a pain, and I generally never used him/her.
Yeah me either and that destroyed me later in the game, the fact that I was stuck with IT. Ahaha. I hate that character so much!
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
Yeah me either and that destroyed me later in the game, the fact that I was stuck with IT. Ahaha. I hate that character so much!
Best Character in FFIX it is.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
Yeah me either and that destroyed me later in the game, the fact that I was stuck with IT. Ahaha. I hate that character so much!
if you mean when you have to fight that skeleton man thing, as long as you get Quina's white wind and have an accessory that constantly has float on both Zidane and Quina you shouldn't have too much of a problem. I never really use him/her but I managed it with this :|
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
Best Character in FFIX it is.
You lie. Bahaha.
Originally Posted by
if you mean when you have to fight that skeleton man thing, as long as you get Quina's white wind and have an accessory that constantly has float on both Zidane and Quina you shouldn't have too much of a problem. I never really use him/her but I managed it with this :|
I was young when I played it last, I'll pick it up after I beat the others I'm working on, and beat it. But all I remember is the party splitting and Zidane is stuck with Quina. Back then I wasn't sure what spells did and I really don't even know how I managed to get that far but, I'll beat it. Promise. =]
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
I was young when I played it last, I'll pick it up after I beat the others I'm working on, and beat it. But all I remember is the party splitting and Zidane is stuck with Quina. Back then I wasn't sure what spells did and I really don't even know how I managed to get that far but, I'll beat it. Promise. =]
Yea it is the bit I thought lol I remember when I first played it and I got to that part its so frustrating lol!!
I miss IX so much I need to find it again :|
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
People who are talking to much, or to loud close to my ear...MY EAR IS FRAGILE YOU KNOW!!!!..... -_-
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Eiko to me was a useless character except for her Phoenix summon and the way her pants were. Seriously look at a picture of her. It's pretty sick. Quina was worthless....who cares about an it looking for frogs. Bah.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
Quina was worthless....who cares about an it looking for frogs. Bah.
Her/His story was of no importance with that I'll agree but Quina is by far the most useful and yet again most underrated character in the entire game. If you cared to teach Quina every magic available you'll realize that she/he has the best set of magic, as blue mages always do. She/He was my key character in victory against both Ozma and Necron, though I must add that Necron was a joke with Quina in my party.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
Her/His story was of no importance with that I'll agree but Quina is by far the most useful and yet again most underrated character in the entire game. If you cared to teach Quina every magic available you'll realize that she/he has the best set of magic, as blue mages always do. She/He was my key character in victory against both Ozma and Necron, though I must add that Necron was a joke with Quina in my party.
Me too, his/her 'twister' and 'auto-life' blue-magic was a life saver for me in the last 3fights! 'twister' especially because it was the only wind based magic my characters had! and one of Necron's weaknesses, I must admit, I couldn't be bothered catching 99frogs to get Quina's ultimate weapon it was just too much hassle getting his bistro fork at 45 or however many it was lol :lol: but you don't particularly have to go out of your way to get all his blue-magic's if you know which monsters to eat! But his 'attack' is abit random - what determines how much damage he inflicts? because sometimes he could match Zidane's damage and others he would take very low numbers off :S
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Originally Posted by
Me too, his/her 'twister' and 'auto-life' blue-magic was a life saver for me in the last 3fights! 'twister' especially because it was the only wind based magic my characters had! and one of Necron's weaknesses, I must admit, I couldn't be bothered catching 99frogs to get Quina's ultimate weapon it was just too much hassle getting his bistro fork at 45 or however many it was lol :lol: but you don't particularly have to go out of your way to get all his blue-magic's if you know which monsters to eat! But his 'attack' is abit random - what determines how much damage he inflicts? because sometimes he could match Zidane's damage and others he would take very low numbers off :S
Same here, never had the patience to collect 99 frogs but then again I never used Quina for offensive purposes so I didn't even try. Quina was my support character alongside Garnet, using spells such as Angels Snack, Mighty Guard, Magic Hammer, Auto life and such.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Lol! No contest on this one. The most annoying thing was when Dagger lost her voice. I mean seriously! Every time she 'couldn't concentrate' I wanted to pass the controller through the tv screen. ha ha! also it was annoying when Freya and Steiner were out of the party for a long time after the attack on Alexandria. I like using Freya but levelling her up after that moment is just a pain in the rear. ya know? But hands down i hated the whole silent Dagger thing.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Ispen's Castle, I was wondering why my best weapons were doing so little damage. Made the boss fight in there a lot longer than it should've been. Later I looked at a guide on Gamefaqs and found that I had to use my weakest weapons. Which explained why I was finding my character's starter weapons.:o
Than there was the Final boss: Necron. I fought this guy for the first time two days ago, and god damn was he hard. His ridiculously fast attack rate and his really annoying attacks like Blue Shockwave and Grand Cross tore into my party. It took me four tries before I've finally beaten him. Steiner was in Trance mode and tore into the son of a bitch. When he was finally defeated, I was shouting and yelling obscenities at him. :blowtop:
Another thing I found annoying (not nearly as annoying as the last two) was the Trance system. For me Trance activates during random battles a lot. So I can't use them during boss battles where I need them the most unless I spend some time bringing the bars up again. Still, it's not as bad as the previous two I mentioned.
Other than that, the game is near perfect. :)
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Well this game used to be my favorite of all times and still is one of my favorite games but there are few things i would like improvement on for a possible remake or prequel/sequel (things that were annoying):
-Slow battle mode
-The Excalibur II side-quest
-Complicated card game (at least i've never gotten it fully, VIII was so much simpler)
-Amarant in party (when they're could have been Beatrix or Lani for example).
-Should've been more of a story, including the backround of many characters and also more of the Tantalus gang.
-More scenes of Dagger & Zidane.
-A teleport spell (as it's incredibly annoying to go through the whole Memoria over and over again.
-Extremely easy enemies/bosses - the only hard ones are Osma and the Yans (which are just counter nutballs).
Those things are something i thought could've been a lot better and hopefully they will be :P
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
desert palace and fossil roo it took me forever to find out that i had to go to the bottom right to get to the final gargant
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
Yeah Fossil roo.
And Stieners stupid Face...these is absolutely nothing redeeming about this character, and that he gets Beatrix only ferthers the frustration.
Re: What did u find the most annoying???
-The Excalibur II side-quest, or whatever the one is when you have to get to memoria in 9 hours or something lol
Ispens castle pissed me off o.o
And the lack of expression in the card game, and the "young" graphics.